Emergencies Flashcards
what is the procedure for an engine fire during start?
- Crank engine with Starter.
- Mixture to idle cut-off.
- Throttle open.
- Electric Fuel Pump OFF.
- Fuel Selector OFF.
- Abandon if fire continues.
what is the procedure for engine power loss during takeoff?
- If sufficient runway remains for a normal landing, land straight ahead.
- If insufficient runway remains, maintain safe airspeed, make only shallow turn to avoid obstructions, and use flaps as situation requires.
- If sufficient altitude has been gained to attempt a restart: Maintain safe airspeed, switch Fuel Selector to tank containing fuel, check Electric Fuel Pump ON, check Mixture RICH, turn Carburetor Heat ON.
- If power is not regained, proceed with power off landing.
what is the procedure for engine power loss in flight?
- Switch Fuel Selector to tank containing fuel.
- Turn Electric Fuel Pump ON.
- Set Mixture to RICH.
- Turn Carburetor Heat ON.
- Check Engine Gauges for indication of cause of power loss.
- If no fuel pressure is indicated, check tank selector position to be sure it is on a tank containing fuel.
- When power is restored, turn Carburetor heater OFF and Electric fuel pump OFF.
- If power is not restored, prepare for power off landing and trim for 73 KIAS.
what is the procedure for a power off landing?
- Locate suitable field.
- Establish spiral pattern.
- Be 1000 ft. above field at downwind position for normal landing approach.
- When field can easily be reached slow to 63 KIAS for shortest landing.
- Touchdowns should normally be made at lowest possible airspeed with full flaps.
- When committed to landing: turn Ignition OFF, turn Battery Master switch OFF, turn ALTR Switch OFF, turn Fuel selector OFF, and set Mixture to idle cut-off.
- Ensure Seat belts and harnesses are tight.
what is the procedure for a fire in flight?
- Check the source of fire. For an electrical fire (smoke in cabin), turn Battery Master switch OFF, ALTR Switch OFF, open Vents, and turn Cabin heat OFF, and land as soon as practical.
- For an engine fire, turn Fuel selector OFF, CLOSE Throttle, set Mixture to idle cut-off, check Electric fuel pump OFF, turn Heater OFF, turn Defroster OFF, and proceed with POWER OFF LANDING procedure.
what is the procedure for loss of oil pressure?
Land as soon as possible and investigate cause. Prepare for power off landing.
what is the procedure for loss of fuel pressure?
- Turn Electric fuel pump ON.
- Check Fuel selector on tank containing fuel.
what is the procedure for high oil temperature?
Land at nearest airport and investigate the problem. Prepare for power off landing.
what is the procedure for electrical failures?
- If ALT annunciator light is illuminated, check Ammeter to verify inop. alt.
- If ammeter shows zero, turn ALT switch OFF and reduce electrical loads to minimum.
- Check and reset ALT circuit breaker as required.
- Turn ALT switch ON.
- If power not restored, turn ALT switch OFF.
- If alternator output cannot be restored, reduce electrical loads and land as soon as practical. Anticipate complete electrical failure. Duration of battery power will be dependent on electrical load and battery condition prior to failure.
what is the procedure for electrical overload (alternator over 20 amps above known electrical load)?
- Turn ALT switch ON and Battery Master switch OFF.
- If alternator loads are reduced, reduce Electrical load to minimum and land as soon as practical.
- If alternator loads are not reduced, turn ALT switch OFF, use BATT switch as required, and land as soon as possible. Anticipate complete electrical failure.
what is the procedure for spin recovery?
- Apply full rudder opposite to direction of rotation.
- Push control wheel full forward while neutralizing ailerons.
- Set Throttle to idle.
- Neutralize Rudder when rotation stops.
- Adjust control wheel as required to smoothly regain level flight attitude.
what is the procedure for an open door?
- If both upper and lower latches are open, the door will trail slightly open and airspeeds will be reduced slightly.
- To close the door in flight, slow airplane to 89 KIAS, close Cabin vents, open Storm window, and latch upper latch if open.
- If side latch is open, pull on arm rest while moving latch handle to latched position.
- If both latches are open, latch side latch then top latch.
what is the procedure for engine roughness?
- Turn Carburetor Heat ON.
- If roughness continues after one min, turn Carburetor Heat OFF, adjust Mixture for max. smoothness, turn Electric Fuel Pump ON, switch Fuel Selector tanks, and check Engine Gauges.
- Check Magneto Switch L then R then BOTH.
- If operation is satisfactory on either magneto, continue on that magneto at reduced power and full RICH mixture to first airport. Prepare for power off landing.
what is the procedure for carburetor icing?
- Turn Carburetor Heat ON.
- Adjust Mixture for max. smoothness.