Emergence & Extubation Flashcards
Definition of emergence
Awakening from the effects of an anesthetic drug. CNS is waking up, much less predictable than induction, now will see stage 2 of excitation. Neurotransmitter “Orexin” involved in arousal.
Goals of E&E
Stable vitals / spontaneous respiration / ability to protect airway / alertness/purposeful/responsive / normal NM function.
Complications of Emergence
Delirium / unstable vitals (tachycardia, HTN) / delayed emergence / poor/dysfxnl resp effort / residual paralysis / diffusion hypoxia
How to promote emergence:
Halting admin of anesthetic in appropriate time, don’t wake up while paralyzed. May need reversal agent or more time (no reversal for volatile, allow time to blow off). Maintain some level of analgesia.
Definition of Delayed Emergence:
failure of pt to regain expected LOC w/i 20-30 min of end of anesthetic. Must think through diff Dx. Pt usually wake up w/i 5-10 minutes. Checking pt hx and timing of last dosing.
What Populations are at greatest risk for delayed emergence?
Pts rec sedative meds / cognitive/psych disease / intoxication @ anesthetic / physical exhaustion @ anesthetic / ? narcoleptics ? / elderly
R/O ALOC/delayed emergence diagnoses
1 - hypoxia! #2 - airway obstruction #3 - hypercarbia #4 - hypothermia
What is proper evaluation of delayed emergence?
Evaluate: Patient history –> Review meds administered –> Consider Sx/Anesth complications –> assessment of vitals (hypothermia)
Categorical causes of delayed emergence
Anesthetic drugs / medications / electrolyte disorder / metabolic disorder / systemic effects
Delayed Emergence Causes: Anesthetic Rx
CNS sensitivity / drug clearance altered by hepatic/renal disease / elevated free frxn of rx d/t low albumin –> Tx’s = improve ventilation, reversal agents, allow time
Reversal agents/doses
Naloxone: 40cmg q2 min up to 200mcg / Flumazenil 0.2mg up to 1mg / physiostigmine 1.25mg (raise orexin levels?)
Delayed Emergence Causes: Electrolyte Disorder
Hyponatremia = lethargy, Sz, cerebral edema / Hypercalcemia/Hypermagnesemia = mild to severe CNS depression
Delayed Emergence Causes: Metabolic Disorder
Hyperglycemia = hyperosmolar coma / hypoglycemia = sz, etc / hypothyroid/adrenal deficit = poss coma
Delayed Emergence Causes: Systemic Effects
Hypercarbia / Cerebral Vasc event/stroke / Seizure / hypothermia (threshold around 36*C)
Delayed Emergence Causes: Dysfunctional Respiration/Apnea
Residual NM blockage = nerve stim / narcotic effect = last dose? reversal / Blunted hypoxic drive = chronic retention, lower FiO2 / hypocarbia = too low to stim resp drive, hypovent pt / CNS injury = brain swelling alter resp centers