Embryology Urinary tract Flashcards
what is the primary origin of the urinary system
intermediate mesoderm
what is the first set of kidneys that form
form in thorax (from nephrogenic ridge)
these form during beginning of week 4 and are gone at the end of week 4
not very important at all b/c no congenital abnormalities come from this
what is the second set of kidneys
form week 4 and become functional nephrons and function until about month 3
these tubules drain into the mesonephric duct
from in lower thoracic upper lumbar region
excrete products into mesenphric duct
what in males does the mesonehric duct contribute to form
genitalia of males
what is the third set of kidneys
when does it form
forms week 5, functional by end of third month
this is the definitive kidney (adult kidney)
forms in the pelvic region
has both the metanephric blastema (from intermediate mesoderm in the pelvis)
AND the ureteric bud (forms ureter which is a diverticulum that forms from the mesonephric duct)
at the 3rd month
what does the metanephric blastema form?
Nephron (excretory units of the kidney)
bowman’s capsule
proximal convoluted tubules
loops of henle
distal convoluted tubules
what does the ureteric bud form?
the ureteric bud is an evagination of mesonephric duct and penetrates the metanephric blastema
Forms: collecting tubules minor and major calyces renal pelvis ureter
wilm’s tumor protein 1
one of the most important proteins involved in the development of the kidney (reciprocal stimulation)
if the ureteric bud or the nephron don’t signally properly the kidney WONT form correctly
what movement do the kidneys undergo around 6 weeks - 9 weeks
what happens to their blood supply as they ascend
ascent and rotation from the pelvis into the abdomen (upper part)
in the pelvis the hilum is directed anterior then these rotate about 90 degrees medially as they ascend so that the hilum faces anteromedially
as they ascend they receive new blood vessels, lymphatics, and nerves*** (only organ that does this)
orginal blood supply is from the common iliac arteries
The permanent renal arteries are branches of the aorta
caudal arterial branches typically degenerate
renal artery
what is the shape of the fetal kidney
when the infant is born these will be smooth
what does the cloaca form
the urinary bladder and urethra
what does the urorectal septum divide
divides the cloaca into the anterior urogenital sinus and the posterior rectum/anal canal
the allantois forms what?
has attachment to the urogenital (Cranial portion) part of the cloaca (but is endoderm derived)
eventually it forms the urachus (more fibrous)
the urachus will form the median umbilical ligament which remains attached to the urinary bladder
where does the trigone come from
what is its function in the bladder
the mesonephric duct
this is because the mesenephric duct grows to become part of the bladder itself
trigone then acts as a sphincter mechanism for the ureter!!