embryology exam 2 Flashcards
describe the development of the mesodermal germ layer and its division into paraxial, intermediate, and lateral plate mesoderm
epiblast –> bottle cells and spread laterally to form a layer between ectoderm and endoderm
paraxial: thick column closest and parallel to the notochord
intermediate : narrow column on other side of paraxial than notochord
lateral plate: thin plate lying next to the intermediate
what are the fates of each mesoderm layer
paraxial: segmented into somites
intermediate: urogenital system (kidney, gonads)
lateral plate: forms lining of body cavities and mesoderrm of most internal organs as well as limbs
describe the two mechanisms involved in somitogenesis
wavefront: increase in FGF-8 stimulates mitosis in mesenchymal cells in posterior primititve streak
increase in retinoic acid in the anterior opposes action of FGF-8, balance of retinoic acid and FGF-8 result in cellular determination towards somitogenesis. Mesp-2 present
segmentation clock: molecules in Notch expressed in oscillating expression on a time line. lunatic fringe: concentrated at future anterior border of somite, c-hairy: future posterior border, cells at anterior will express Eph A (receptor) and posterior cells will express Eph B (ligand) which will allow fissure between adjacent somites
difference between somitomere and somite
somitomeres become somites which are more dense blocks of mesoderm that form along the notochord
what is the relationship of ephrin B, Wnt-6, snail, and paraxis to somite formation?
dorsal somites release Wnt-6 which activates paraxis which inhibitis snail expression converting the mesenchymal cell to an epithelial cell = somitocoel formation
relate Shh, noggin, Pax1, and Pax9 to the formation of the sclerotome
notochorde releases Shh and noggin which activate Pax1 and Pax 9 genes in ventral part of somite which forms sclerotome
list the derivatives from the final subdivisions of the somites
dermomyotome: dorsal lateral somite, becomes axial dermis and skeletal muscle
syndetome: cells between myotome and scleretome become tendons
scleretome: ventral medial somite, becomes vertebral column
list the factors involved in the formation of the intermediate mesoderm and list the derivatives
BMP + activin (Hox-4 and Hox-11 contribute to cranial and caudal extent)
derivatives: pronephros and mesonephros aka. kidney
differentiate between the intraembryonic coelom and the extraembryonic coelom
intraembryonic coelem is made from the lateral plate mesoderm and becomes the pericardial cavity
extraembryonic coelom is the embryonic sac
distinguish between somatic and splanchnic mesoderm
divded by the intraembryonic coelem
somatic: below/ventral to the endoderm; bones, ligaments, connective tissue, blood vessels
splanchnic: above/dorsally the endoderm; forms heart, visceral pericardium, blood vessels, smooth muscle of GI and respiratory
describe the formation of the lateral plate mesoderm and distinguish between the somatopleaure and the spanchnopleure
somatopleaure: inside the tube mesoderm + endoderm
splanchnopleaure: outside the tube mesoderm + ectoderm
describe the early formation of the heart
cells migrate through primitive streak: anterior = outflow track, middle= ventricles, posterior= atria. which all form the cardiac crescent
cardiac tubes form from the crescent and fuse: outer layer= myocardium, inner layer= endocardium.
list the genes important in early heart formation
Nkx2-5, MEF2, GATA4
expressed by cells of cardiac crescent
what is the secondary heart field
splanchnic mesoderm
which signaling factor is necessary for the formation of endoderm
describe the relationship of the expression of nodal and FDF-4 to the establishment of the anterior-posterior gradient
high nodal= anterior
low nodal + FGF-4 = posterior
describe the role of Cdx-2 in the formation of the hindgut and foregut
Cdx-2 is expressed in the posterior gut- promotes hindgut development and supresses formation of anterior gut structures
describe the relationship of Shh and BMP-4 in the formation of the anterior and posterior intestinal portals
expression of Shh followed by BMP-4 in posterior intestinal portal
expression of Shh in anterior intestinal portal
list each of the three major circulatory arcs in the 4 week human embryo and the components and function of each
vitelline arc: carries blood from embryo to yolk sack and back
allantoic arc: umbilical, nurishment, waste disposal, and blood oxygenation
embryonic arc: aorta, veins, atrium, ventricle
list and describe the four extraembryonic tissues and the germ layers fromwhich they are derived
amnion: inner cell mass, ephiblast derivative
yolk sac: inner cell mass, hypoblast derivitave
chorion: fetal maternal interface
allantois: inner cell mass, interfaces with placenta via umilical chord
list the two trophoblastic derivatives that comprise the fetal-maternal interface
explain the function of the amnion
buffer against mechanical injury, accomodates growth, allows normal movements, protects fetus from adhesions
describe the following conditions and indicate what circumstances these are often associated: hydramnios, oligohydramnios
hydramnios: excessive amniotic fluid >2000mL (normal = 500-1000 mL)related to esophageal atresia or anencephaly- gross defects of the head, inability to swallow
oligohydramnios: too little amniotic fluid <500 mL, associated with bilateral renal agenesis (absent kidneys) could be consequence of preterm rupture of amniotiv membrane
describe the development of the allantoic vessels and the relation of the allantois to the urinary bladder and the median umbilical ligament
develop in mesoderm of allantois, used for respiratory organ and urinary waste, forms urinary bladder and umbilical ligament
what tissue in the mature placenta directly interfaces with the maternal uterine connective tissue
chorion/chorionic platw
list and describe the layers from the amnion outward to the outer layer of the endometrium
amnion-chorionic cavity- chorionic plate- trophoblastic covering (outer cytotrophoblastic shell)
what is the fate of the decidua capsularis
overlies the embryo and its chorionic vesicle
describe/trace the maternal fetal blood flow pattern and indicate where the exchange of material occurs
maternal blood enters intervillous space from spiral arteries where materials are exchanges in the lacunae, the fetal capillaries in villi pick up the material, the maternal blood then returns to maternal veins in decidua basalis
describe fetal alcohol syndrom
excessive alcohol ingestion by mother leading to birth defects
describe the following pathological conditions and relate to the structure of the placenta: hydatidiform mole, placenta previa. what is the genetic basis for the hydatidiform mole?
hydatidiform mole: chorionic villi have nodular swellings like bunches of grapes and will not have vascularization, embryo is either absent or non viable; paternally derived: 46, XX
placenta previa: abnormal implantation site in uterine cavity, hemorrhge is common
list functions of placent
diffuse oxygen and CO2
diffuse foodstufss
excrete waste
compare the early placenta with the late placenta
early placenta: thick, low permeabiity, small surface are, miniscule total diffusion conductance
late placenta: thin, high permeability, large surface area, lare increase in placental diffusion
describe the oxygen pressure gradient (near end of pregnancy) and explain why adequate oxygenation can occur with such a low pressure gradient
p02 mother: 50 mmHg
pO2 fetus: 30 mmHg
diffusion pressure= 20 mmHg, which is low but adequate oxygenation can still occur because: fetal hemoglobin has a higher affinity for oxygen, fetal blood has 50% greater hemoglobin concentration than maternal, and Bohr affect
describe the Bohr effect and explain what is meant by the double Bohr effect
bohr affect: low PCO2 blood has higher affinity for oxygen. both mothers is high in CO2 and baby’s is low in PC02 so this is a double Bohr affect
describe the timing, method of secretion, targets, and effects of human chorionic gonaotropin
timing: measurable 8-9 days aftr ovulation, max at 10th-12th week of pregnancy
method of secretion: secreted by syncytial trophoblasts into maternal fluids
effects: prevents involution of corpus leteum, causes CL to increase secretion of progesterone and estrogens, increase CL growth, exerts interstitial cell-stimulating effects on tests of male fetus (causes testosterone production until birth)
describe each of the four theories of why mother’s immune system does not recognize the fetus as foreign tissue
- lack of expression of major histocompatibility antigens by placenta components
- paralysis of mother’s immune system during pregnancy
3 . decidual immune barrier - inactivation of mother’s immune system components by molecules formed on fetal placenta surface