Embryology + Endo Flashcards
Describe the embryologic development of male’s external genitalia
influenced by dihydrotestosterone (a product of testosterone)
3 structures:
1) genital tubercule -> glans
2) genital fold fuses and become penile shaft
3) genital swelling fuses and becomes scrotum
extra points: fusion of genital fold results in migration of the urethral meatus to tip of glans
What structure of male reproductive organ is directly influenced by testosterone
vas deferens
seminal vesicle
They are all derived from the Wolffian ducts
In male, mullerian ducts regress
From what gonadal cells is the anti-mullerian hormone produced? what is its function?
Produced from the Sertoli cells (Leydig produces testosterone)
Its function is to induce regression of Mullerian ducts (which would have otherwise developed into uterus, cervix, fallopian tubes, and upper 2/3 of vagina)
Describe the embryologic development of female’s external genitalia
3 structures of undifferentiated genitalia :
genital tubercule develops into the clitoris
genital fold do not fuse and develops into labia minora
genital swelling do not fuse and develops into labia majora
Bonus: the absence of testosterone and dihydrotestosterone (leydig cells) results in regression of the Wolffian ducts and development of female external genitalia
The absence of anti-mullerian hormone leads to retention of mullerian duct structure: uterus, cervix, fallopian tube, upper 2/3 vagina
How is testosterone converted into dihydrotestosterone?
via 5 alpha reductase.
the development of male external genitalia is mediated via dihydrotestosterone…this is why in 5 alpha reductase deficiency there is presence of internal male organs but feminized external genitalia.
Is the effect of testosterone and AMH local or systemic on genital differentiation?
Local via paracrine effect. this is why a unilateral gonadal dysgenesis will result in ipsilateral sexual differentiation pathology.
What hormones are responsible for development of male internal/external genitalia?
testosterone + AMH
Testosterone needs to be transformed into dihydrotestosterone via 5 a reductase to have an appropriate local effect on external male genital development.
What is the most common DSD?
virilized 46 XX
For diagnostic, needs to ensure abscence of palpable gonads. Cause: excess of androgen
95 % of cases are due to congenital adrenal hyperplasia.
5% due to exogenous androgen intake.
Physiopathology CAH: deficience in conversion enzymes during steroid biosynthesis, precluding formation of cortisol +/- mineralocorticoids. Androgen are produced successfully. There is no negative feedback
deficiency in 21-dyhydroxylase is responsible for the vast majority of CAH.
What is a mnemonic for layers of adrenal cortex ?
salt - sugar - sex: the deeper you go, the sweeter it gets.
then, use GFR (as in kidney) for: Glomerulosa, fasciculata, Reticularis.
What are the 2 types of CAH?
Non Salt-wasting: only lacking cortisol
Salt wasting: lacking cortisol and mineralocorticoids.
How do you dx CAH?
measure 17 dyhydroxyprogesterone, a proxy for 21-dihydroxylase.
Also, should measure if hyperkalemia and dehydration (salt wasting)
Confirm with US presence of mullerian organs. on DRE, you may feel the cervix.
What is the treatment for CAH?
cortisol supplementation
Most identify as female (and are fertile). Surgical approach is then a feminizing genitoplasty (clitoroplasty, monsplasty, vaginoplasty)
What are the main disorder of sexual differentiation categories?
46 XX with virilizing phenotype (CAH): too much androgen
46 XY with feminizing phenotype : deficit in androgen (production or reception) Classic: complete androgen insensitivity syndrome.
Ovotesticular DSD (formely true hermaphrodite) patient has both gonad and testis, usually in the gonad + ovotestis configuration
What is Complete androgen insensitivity syndrome?
Complete external genitalia feminization in a 46XY patient. dubbed testicular feminization. 1:40000
Patient has testicles, but may be non palpable. vagina is blind ending. no mullerian organs as AMH is secreted.
What is a classical presentation of CAIS?
inguinal hernia repair (bilateral…beware in female!) and suspicion of a testicle in lieux of the ovary.
send biopsy, fresh.
If diagnostic, keep testicle in situ. consult endo for testing. meet family: no testosterone imprint, gender assignment is always female.
Testicle may stay in abdo during puberty as it secretes estradiol. Management afterwards is currently debated: remove (5% cancer) vs keep (bone health, identity)