Embryology/Developmental Flashcards
Discuss the body wall abnormality seen in Triad/Prune Belly Syndrome. Explain the histology of the musculature.
Deficiency of abdominal wall musculature = musculature variably affected.
- Medial and inferior abdominal wall most severely affected (peripheral musculature often normal).
- Histology - increased collagen, smaller muscle fibres, myofilamentous disarray and loss.
Also associated with - bilateral hydroureteronephrosis, bilateral undescended testes, megacystis.
What are the two parts of the umbilical cord
- Pars vasculosa (left sided) - umbilical vessels
- Pars flaccida (right sided) - space into which the intestinal loops will herniate.
What are some common associated abnormalities of CDH?
Cardiac (25%) - VSD, tetralogy of Fallot, transposition of great vessels, coarctation of the aorta.
Tracheobronchial (18%) - Tracheal stenosis, trifurcated trachea.
Skeletal (33%)
Neural tube defects - strongly associated with foetal/perinatal demise.
Common syndromes: Trisomy 21, Trisomy 13, Trisomy 18, Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome, Goldenhar Syndrome.
What are the long term functional implications of OA?
- Mobilisation of the distal pouch (affecting the anatomy at the GOJ) plus abnormal motility in patients with OA.
- Stricture
- Anastomotic
- One of the most common implications - Incidence 20-60%
- Exacerbated by anastomotic leak (20%)/mediastinitis, transanastomotic tube.
- Peptic
- Anastomotic
- Recurrent TOF (3-15%)
- Tracheomalacia
- Vocal cord dysfunction (5%)
- Respiratory morbidity
- Scoliosis, rib fusion, chronic pain.
What are the associated anomalies that can occur with gastroschisis?
Normally not associated with significant syndromes.
- Jejunoileal atresia (25%)
- Short gut syndrome from insult/necrosis of the herniated bowel - “vanishing gastroschisis
- Always associated with a form of non-rotation of the gut.
- Associated with foetal demise (thought likely due to volvulus)
Describe the risk factors associated with developing gastroschisis
- young maternal age,
- tobacco smoking.
- Oestrogen ‘disruptors’ - i.e.pesticides
- Possible genetic predisposition, unknown at this stage (siblings with gastroschisis).
Describe 2nd branchial apparatus anomalies
Second branchial apparatus anomalies (95%) :
- Tract follows carotid sheath to the level of the hyoid bone.
- Four types:
- Type 1 = Superficial to the SCM
- Type 2 (Most common)= Lies deep to the SCM, abuts the carotid sheath.
- Type 3 = Deep to SCM, travels between internal and external carotid arteries, ends lateral to pharynx.
- Type 4 = Medial to the carotid sheath, adjacent to tonsillar fossa.
- Four types:
- Tract follows carotid sheath to the level of the hyoid bone.
What are the features of Triad/Prune Belly Syndrome
Deficiency of abdominal wall musculature
Undescended testis (usually bilateral intra-abdominal)
Explain the different types of chest wall deformity, including Poland’s syndrome
Pectus Excavatum (80%)
Present at birth, but worsens with growth (esp puberty)
Physiological implications for cardiac function due to compression (decreased cardiac output, mitral valve prolapse, arrthymias) and respiratory function (decreased chest wall compliance, loss of pump handle movement of sternum).
Pectus carinarum (12%)
Usually affects lower segment or body of sternum (chondrogladiolar)
Often noticed in adolescence following rapid pubertal growth.
Physiological implications - dyspnoea, reduced exercise tolerance, exertional dyspnoea, occasional MV prolapse.
Poland Syndrome - 1 per 30000
Dysplasia of breast, pectoralis muscles, (AND/OR serratus anterior, rectus abdominis, latissimus dorsi) and ribs plus limb deformities.
Describe the classification system for jejunoileal atresia
By the 10th week gestation, what structures are travelling through the umbilicus
Umbilical vein
Umbilical arteries (left and right)
Physiological midgut hernia (returns to abdomen weeks 10-12)
Describe the embryological basis and natural history of dermoid cysts
Dermoid cysts are ectodermal inclusions - the elements become trapped beneath the skin along median or paramedic embryonic lines of fusion.
Dermoid cysts typically increase in size due to the ongoing accumulation of sebum. Infection uncommon, rupture possible. Malignant degeneration has been described.
May contain persistent connections to the neural tube/CNS
What are the types of CDH and how frequently do they occur?
Bochdalek type (posterolateral - 90%)
Usually left sided (80% due to right side of diaphragm closing before left.
Morgagni (anteromedially - 10%)
What are the pathological findings in CDH?
- Lung hypoplasia
Typically occurs during the pseudoglandular stage (and affects all subsequent stages) of lung development when bronchiolar divisions occur. In CDH, there are fewer bronchiolar divisions and increased airways muscle thickness.Affects the development of the acinus - at birth thought to be few ‘normal’ alveoli.
- Thick walled pulmonary vasculature (high resistance)
Pulmonary vasculature develop occurs simultaneously with lung development, with arterial branching corresponding to bronchiolar divisions etc. Therefore there are fewer arterial vessels in the hypoplastic lungs of CDH. Arterioles are also thick walled (adventitia, media) and _non-complian_t. This corresponds to persistently high pulmonary vascular resistance even after birth –> pulmonary hypertension.
Describe the development of the respiratory system.
- Respiratory system first appears as a ventral diverticulum off the foregut (oesophagus) at week 4/40.
- Separation of respiratory and GI tract thought to occur due to the tracheo-oesophageal septum that separates the two.
- Tracheal bud/diverticulum then divides into tracheobronchial buds and lung development begins to occur as per the 5 stages:
- Embryonal
- Pseudoglandular
- Cannalicular
- Saccular
- Alveolar
- (microvascular)
Describe the types of oesophageal atresia
5 types:
- Type A (6%) = Proximal atresia, nil fistula - aka long gap OA .
- Type B (5%) = Proximal fistula, distal atresia
- Type C (85%) = Proximal atresia, distal fistula
- Type D (1%) = Proximal and distal fistula
- Type E (4%) = H type TOF/OA
List common associations with duodenal atresia
45-65% of patients with duodenal atresia will have associated anomalies.
- 50% will have Trisomy 21
- 30% will have malrotation.
- 25-65% will have cardiac malformations
Describe the embryological basis of thyroglossal duct remnants.
- Thyroglossal duct begins as a diverticulum from the tuberculum impar (later foramen caecum) at the base of the tongue.
- Thyroid descends along the thyroglossal duct, anterior to the hyoid bone, settling on the thyroid cartilage. Maintains a connection to the foramen caecum throughout descent.
- Thyroglossal duct should obliterate once thyroid is settled.
- If failure to obliterate or abnormal migration of the thyroid, can develop pathology.
Thyroglossal duct should never have an external opening on the skin (as duct never perforates the skin).
Thyroglossal duct cysts occur anywhere along the course of the thyroid descent.
Failure of thyroid migration = lingual thyroid.
Ectopic tissue is found in or near the duct in up to 45%.
Describe 3rd and 4th branchial apparatus anomalies
Third and Fourth branchial apparatus anomalies are rare.
- Opening supraclavicular
- 3rd above the superior laryngeal nerve, 4th below superior laryngeal nerve.
- Both enter the pharynx through the pyriform sinus below the hyoid bone.
- 4th are usually left sided, coursing from apex of pyriform sinus to the left lobe of the thyroid.
What is exomphalos and what is it associated with?
Exomphalos is a congenital condition characterised by an abdominal wall defect (around the umbilicus) with herniation of abdominal contents, covered in a sac.
Congenital heart disease
Trisomy 13, Trisomy 18 (most common 80-90% will have exomphalos), Trisomy 21
Beckwith-Wiedemann (30-80% will have exomphalos)
What are the three main physiological abnormalities of CDH?
- Pulmonary Hypoplasia
- High pulmonary vascular resistance
- Right to left shunt (ductus arteriosus remains open, foramen ovale remains open)
- Persistent high pulmonary vascular resistance → right ventricular hypertrophy
What are the 5 stages of lung development and when do they occur?
- Embryonal (weeks 3-8) - lung bud off the foregut, then trachea and bronchial buds by 4th week.
- Pseudoglandular (weeks 7-16) - Airway differentiation, bronchial airways develop.
- Cannalicular (16-24) - development of airspace, crude alveolar sacs take shape, type 1 pneumocytes differentiate (functional gas exchange possible)
- Saccular (weeks 24-40) - maturation of crude alveolar airspaces, surfactant synthesis.
- Alveolar (birth until 8yrs) - alveolar maturation and multiplication
What are the common pathogens in infected thyroglossal duct cysts?
Infection of thyroglossal duct cysts or sinuses is usually from an oral source.
- Haemophilus influenzae B
- Staphylococcus aureus
- Staphylococcus epidermis
Describe 1st branchial apparatus anomalies
- 1st branchial apparatus anomalies (1%): cleft lip and palate, abnormalities of external ear, malformed internal ossicle.
- Type 1 (cystic masses) = only ectoderm, travels lateral to facial nerve, presents as swelling near the ear (adjacent to the external auditory canal - they are in fact duplications of the membranous auditory canal) - contain squamous epithelium but NO cartilage.
- Type 2 (cysts, sinuses or fistulae) = mesoderm and ectoderm, may contain cartilage, travels medial to facial nerve, presents as swelling inferior to the angle of the mandible or anterior to SCM.
Describe the 5 types of oesophageal atresia.
Describe the embryologic theories for the development of the diaphragm
4 components:
- Pleuroperitoneal folds (radial ingrowth from lateral mesenchyme - week 4)
- Septum transversum (from inferior aspect of pericardial cavity - week 4)
- Oesophageal mesentery (fuses with pleuroperitoneal folds - week 6)
- Body wall somites 3,4,5 - form the muscular component of the diaphragm (believed to be from the innermost thoracic muscles)
Complete closure of the pleuroperitoneal canals takes place by end of week 8.
What are the embryological functions of the umbilicus?
- Apex of lateral and craniocaudal body folding.
- Site of vascular connection to placenta/mother (left umbilical vein, two umbilical arteries).
- Site of physiological midgut herniation between weeks 6 and 10 gestation.
What are the causes of umbilical discharge?
- Umbilical granuloma - small mass of granulation tissue from side of the cord.
- Patent urachus remnant - clear fluid/urine,
- Remnant of allantois (failed to obliterate lumen) - connects dome of bladder to umbilical cord.
- Patent vitello-intestinal duct remnant - may be clear liquid or brown liquid.
- Persistent embryological question between midgut and yolk sac.
- Omphalitis, infected urachal cysts → pus.
What is omphalitis and what are the risks and why?
Omphalitis - infection of the umbilical stalk.
Associated with necrotising fasciitis.
Umbilicus exposed to bacteria of birth canal, and then becomes colonised after birth.
Necrotising fasciitis occur due to devitalised umbilical tissue with no blood supply and direct access to systemic blood supply via the thrombosed umbilical arteries or vein.
What are the theories of CDH development?
- Primary lung problem - Impaired post-hepatic mesenchymal plate → failed muscularisation of diaphragm
- Failure to close the pleuroperitoneal canals → CDH → mass effect on lung and impaired lung development → Hypoplasia.
- The lumbocostal triangle remains as a remnant of the pleuroperitoneal membrane, closure requires fusion of the lumbar and costal muscle groups.
Describe the histopathological features of the thyroglossal duct.
- Epithelial lining - stratified squamous epithelium or ciliated pseudo stratified columnar epithelium.
- May contain mucus secreting glands.
- May contain ectopic thyroid in 10-45%
Name 5 conditions associated with umbilical hernia
Trisomy 13
Trisomy 18
Trisomy 21
Congenital hypothyroidism
Describe the anatomy of an epigastric hernia and explain how they produce symptoms
Epigastric hernia refers to a midline defect in the linea alba (between umbilicus and xiphoid process allowing the protrusion of abdominal contents (pre-peritoneal fat).
- Incarcerated pre-peritoneal fat can cause pain, swelling, erythema (necrosis)
What are the types of duodenal atresia and what are the presumed aetiologies?
Type 1 (windsock/obstructing septum or web) - 92% - presumed secondary to failure of recanalisation of duodenum.
Type 2 - 1% - short fibrous cord connects the two blind ends of duodenum. Nil mesenteric defect - failure of recanalisation.
Type 3 - 7% - nil connection between the two ends, V shaped defect in the mesentery (presumed secondary to vascular insult)
What are the characteristics of bronchopulmonary sequestration?
Non functioning lung tissue, supplied by an anomalous systemic artery.
- Nil brachial connection to native tracheobronchial tree.
- Develops from a supernumerary lobe from abnormal budding early in foregut embryogenesis.
- If this occurs before the development of the pleura → sequestration becomes invested within adjacent lung = intralobar sequestration (pulmonary venous drainage, lower lobes only).
- If this occurs after the development of the pleura, the bud grows separately and develops its own pleural covering = extralobar sequestration (either systemic or pulmonary venous drainage).
- Extralobar can be within the thorax, within the diaphragm or in a subdiaphragmatic location.
- Develops from a supernumerary lobe from abnormal budding early in foregut embryogenesis.
What is the underlying aetiology of gastroschisis and when does it occur?
Gastroschisis is thought to occur from a prenatal rupture of the physiological hernia (an acquired condition of intrauterine life rather than a developmental condition).
Believed to occur around the 8th week gestation (midgut returns to abdomen by 10th week)
How does the umbilical ring close after birth?
Requires the following:
- Lateral body wall folding medially.
- Fusion of the rectus abdominis muscles with the linea alba
- Umbilical orifice contraction (aided by elastic fibres of the obliterated umbilical arteries, and assisted by fibrous proliferation of lateral connective tissue plates and mechanical stress from the rectus muscle tension).
Failure of any of the above processes results in an umbilical hernia.
Describe the natural history of umbilical hernias?
- Umbilical ring continues to close post birth (weeks, months and years after), and the fascia of the umbilical defect strengthens.
- 90% will close spontaneously by 1 year of age.
- 50% present by 5 years, will close by 11 years.
- Defect diameter > 1.5cm, less likely to close.
- Defect < 1cm, likely to close, and close more quickly.
Describe the most widely accepted theory of the development of exomphalos
Combination of the embryonic dysplasia theory along with malfunction of the ectodermal placodes.
Embryonic dysplasia - early germinal disc defects lead to a number of malformations seen with ‘amniotic band sequence’ (also affects craniofacial region, body wall, limbs).
- Extremely early defect, but manifestations of germ disc defects appear later.
Embryonal dysgenesis (due to malformation of embryonic placodes in early development).
- Thought to lead to malfunction of the embryonic folding process → body wall defects.
- Placodes at the umbilical ring serve as a transition zone depositing mesoectodermal cells that will later contribute to the ventral abdominal wall.
- Malformation of the embryonic placodes → abnormal deposition of mesoectodermal cells → underdeveloped ventral body wall and enlarged umbilical ring.
What are the sequelae associated with congenital lung lesions?
- Large lesions can cause mediastinal shift → hydrops.
- Infection:
- Recurrent infection and trapping of bacteria (CPAM).
- Airtrapping, pneumothorax (CPAM).
- High output cardiac failure (sequestration)
- Malignancy
- Pleuropulmonary blastoma (Type I CPAM)
- Bronchioalveolar carcinoma (Type II CPAM)
- Infection:
What are the pathological characteristics of CPAM?
- Adenomatoid increase in terminal respiratory bronchioles (extensive overgrowth of immature primary bronchioles localised to a segment of the bronchial tree).
- Cysts are non-functional from gas exchange perspective, but remain connected to tracheobronchial tree.
- Macrocystic (cysts >5mm) vs microcytic lesions appear solid on USS.
- Polypoid projections of mucosa
- Increase in smooth muscle and elastic tissue in cyst walls.
- Absence of cartilage
- Mucus secreting cells.
- Absence of inflammation
What is the pathogenesis of jejunoileal atresias?
Jejunoileal atresias are thought to occur secondary to a prenatal mesenteric vascular insult.
May represent outcome of a volvulus, foetal intussusception
Describe a IIIb jejunoileal atresia
- “Apple peel” type of atresia. Aka Christmas Tree or Maypole.
- Blind ending proximal limb with grossly dilated bulb with blood supply from proximal branch of SMA.
- SMA is absent beyond the middle colic branch.
- Distal small bowel coiled around a single vessel (usually ileocolic or right colic arcades - perfusion is in a retrograde fashion)
- 75% associated with short gut syndrome.
- Thought to be secondary to proximal SMA arterial occlusion → extensive infarction of midgut.
What conditions are associated with colonic atresia?
Colonic atresia accounts for 15% of all GI atresias.
- ⅓ colonic atresias have associated anomalies.
- Gastroschisis (2.5% of gastroschisis have associated colonic atresia)
- Hirschsprung disease (though rare)
- Complex urological malformations
- Associated small bowel atresias.
- Skeletal anomalies
What are the 3 main pathological components of intestinal duplications?
- Well developed smooth muscle coat
- Epithelial lining representative of the GIT (usually the same as adjacent GIT structures) - may contain heterotopic mucosa (25%)
- Intimate anatomic association with the GIT.
What are two common theories for the formation of intestinal duplications?
- Partial twinning
- Split notochord theory (allows herniation of endoderm → duplication). Explains neuroenteric cysts.
- Failure of recanalisation/vacuolisation → diverticuli that remain as duplications.
How may a Meckel diverticulum present?
- Bleeding (50% of all lower GI bleeds in children) - acid secretion from ectopic gastric mucosa causes ulceration and bleeding from mesenteric vessel.
- Perforation - similar pathology to appendicitis - obstruction, stasis, bacterial overgrowth, oedema, lymphatic obstruction etc.
- Volvulus - diverticulum with abdominal wall attachment may form axis around which the midgut can volve.
- Intussusception - can act as pathological lead point in intussusception.
- Bowel obstruction - mesodiierticular bands can cause band obstruction.
Describe the histopathology of a Meckel diverticulum
- True diverticulum - contains all layers of the normal bowel wall.
- Diverticulum almost always occurs on the anti mesenteric border.
- 75% of the time there is no persistent mesodiverticular bands attaching Meckel to abdominal wall.
- Heterotopic mucosa occurs in 15-50% - gastric most common, then pancreatic.
- Neoplastic process present in up to 4% of Meckel diverticulum - malignant tumours predominate (95% occur >20years of age, mean age 56yrs).
Discuss the process of normal intestinal rotation.
- The midgut is attached to the body stalk via the vitelline duct (midpoint of the midgut).
- During the 4th week gestation, rapid growth of the gut tube results in herniation into the body stalk with the SMA as its axis.
- The first 90 degree counterclockwise rotation occurs outside the abdomen and results in the duodenojejunal limb on the right, and the caecocolic limb on the left (the caecal bud forms, and the DJ limb becomes elongated and convoluted).
- At around the 10th week gestation, the midgut begins to return to the abdomen. The DJ limb returns first and rotates further to lie on the left side of the abdomen (the DJ flexure in the LUQ, and the SMA medial to DJ).
- The caecocolic limb then returns to the abdomen, initially the caecum is in the RUQ before a further 90 degree rotation moves it to the RLQ. The transverse colon comes to lie in front of the duodenum.
What is non-rotation of the midgut?
Non-rotation (most common form of malrotation) occurs when the gut fails to rotate at all.
- The DJ limb is on the right of the abdomen, and the caecocolic limb on the left.
- The base of the mesentery is very narrow, predisposing to volvulus.
What is incomplete rotation of the midgut?
Incomplete rotation occurs when the midgut doesn’t achieve full 270 anticlockwise rotation (usually 180 degrees only).
- DJ on the right of the midline, caecum remains in RUQ. Associated with Ladd’s bands across the duodenum.
- Narrow base of mesentery predisposes to volvulus.
- Most common form of surgically treated malrotation.
What is reverse rotation of the midgut?
Reverse rotation occurs when the midgut loop rotates in the clockwise direction 90 degrees.
- The DJ is anterior to the SMA and transverse colon posterior to SMA.
- SMA can cause obstruction of the transverse colon.
Describe the three types of malrotation
Describe a classification system of anorectal abnormalities for both males and females
Anorectal malformations were historically classified as high or low malformations. Now classified according to the location of the fistula.
- Rectoperineal fistula (lowest type - rectum located within the sphincter mechanism).
- Rectourethral fistula (most common type in males) - may be rectobulbar (low) or rectoprostatic (high)
- Rectobladderneck fistula (10%) - high fistula opens into bladder neck.
- Anorectal atresia without fistula - closely associated with Trisomy 21
- Rectal stenosis
- Rectoperineal
- Rectovestibular (most common type) - 5% associated with two hemivaginas and a vaginal septum.
- Anorectal atresia without fistula - closely associated without fistula.
- Cloacal malformation (rectum, vagina and urinary tract fuse to create a single channel).
How does ARM affect the surrounding tissues?
- Pelvic floor musculature development is variable - may be severe and almost completely absent, or normal.
Sensation and proprioception:
- Sensation is affected as most children with ARM don’t have anal canal (usually very sensitive and can discriminate solids, liquids and gases).
Proprioception is present to varying degrees - can often sense rectal distension.
- Children with ARM have no control over loose stools or diarrhoea, but can often be toilet trained when they form solid stools and learn how to perceive it.
Colonic and rectosigmoid motility - impaired in ARM.
- Likely hypomotility of the sigmoid → constipation → chronic rectal distension → further impaired mobility → further distension → loss of proprioception → worsening constipation → megasigmoid → incontinence.
- Constipation worse in lower ARMs.
Sacral development affected in ARMs.
- Normal sacral development correlates closely to normal development of pelvic muscles and nerves.
- Tethered spinal cord
What are the associations with anorectal malformation
Genitourinary - 33-50% of ARMs (most commonly with higher lesions)
- Most common pathology is vesicoureteric reflux, next most common renal agenesis.
- Undescended testis occurs in 20% of males with ARM.
- Hypospadias occurs in 5% of males with ARM.
Cardiovascular - 33%
- Most commonly ASD, PDA, TOF, VSD
Gastrointestinal - 12%
- Oesophageal atresia (10%)
- Duodenal atresia (2%)
- Spinal - tethered cord.
- Hydrocolpos
- Vaginal duplication
- Uterine malformations
What is a ureterocoele? What are the implications of ureterocoele?
Ureterocoele is a cystic dilatation of the intravesical portion of the ureter.
- 80% occur in females.
- Often associated with duplex collecting system, normally upper pole moiety - 80% of complete duplications will have upper pole moiety ureterocoele.
- Utererocoeles are associated with obstructive uropathy.
- When single system ureterocoeles occur, they are more likely to occur in males and are often associated with other abnormalities of the kidney (fusion, ectopic, MCDK).
What is megaureter and what are the causes?
Megaureter refers to a ureteric diameter >7mm.
- Primary obstructing megaureter
- Typically caused by a distal dynamic ureteric segment (VUJ obstruction), but can be caused by ureteric valves or ectopic UO.
- Secondary obstructing megaureter
- Obstruction outside of ureter - Urethral obstruction, extrinsic mass/tumour
- Primary refluxing megaureter
- Inadequate valvular mechanism associated with the diameter of the ureter and the length of submucosal ureter within the bladder wall.
- Vesicoureteric reflux.
- Inadequate valvular mechanism associated with the diameter of the ureter and the length of submucosal ureter within the bladder wall.
- Secondary refluxing megaureter.
- Urethral valves, or neurogenic bladder.
- Refluxing AND obstructing megaureter
- Non-refluxing, non-obstructing megaureter
List four causes of pelvicoureteric junction obstruction
- Intrinsic stenosis secondary to failure of recanalisation.
- Extrinsic compression from crossing lower pole vessels or mass/tumour.
- Ureteric valve (mucosal fold)
- Ureteric polyp
Describe autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease and its associations.
Inherited disorder occurring in 1 in 500 births, characterised by cysts throughout the cortex and medulla (neonatal form = glomeruli).
- Biliary cysts
- Splenic cysts
- Pancreatic cysts
- Colonic diverticuli
- Berry aneurysms
- Hypertension
How do multicystic dysplastic kidneys occur?
MCDK thought to occur secondary to severe, early ureteric obstruction.
- Failure of recanalisation of the proximal ureter.
- Failure in ureteric bud/metanephric cap penetration.
Associated with:
- Contralateral VUR (40%) and PUJ obstruction (10%)
- Increased risk of Wilm’s tumour (4 times the risk of the general public).
Describe the radiological findings on MCDK.
Ultrasound: non-reniform shape, multiple cysts without communication “bunch of grapes”, nil central cyst (pelvis), nil cortex. Hyperechoic parenchyma, seen between cysts.
- May also show evidence of hydronephrosis or hydrometer on contralateral kidney (VUR in 40%, PUJ obstruction 10%).
Renogram (DMSA, Mag 3): nil function in affected kidney.
What is Potter’s Syndrome? When does it occur - name 3
Potter’s Syndrome occurs from compression of the foetus secondary to oligohydramnios.
- Facies; Low set ears, beaked nose, downward slant to eyes.
- Limb deformities
Associated with:
- Bilateral renal agenesis (incompatible with life)
- Posterior urethral valves
- Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease
- Prune Belly/Triad Syndrome
Which factors contribute to long term outcome in patients with posterior urethral valves?
3 factors:
- Degree of renal dysplasia/CKD (as per creatinine nadir in first year of life).
- Degree of bladder dysfunction
- Incidence of UTI with or without VUR
What are the childhood sequelae of posterior urethral valves?
Renal dysplasia (secondary to high bladder pressures during development) → CKD → ESRF
- Associated impaired concentrating capacity → polyuria (further exacerbates bladder dysfunction and incontinence)
Bladder dysfunction
- Thick walled, low capacity, low compliance bladder (abnormal fibrosis and collagen deposition in bladder wall).
Urinary incontinence (up to 50%)
- Overactive bladder from uninhibited detrusor contractions plus polyuria (impaired ability to concentrate urine)
Valve bladder
- Persistence of upper tract dilatation, bladder wall hypertrophy, VUR following valve ablation.
- Bladder often transitions from low capacity, low compliance, over-active to dilated, high pressure, then eventually high volume, low contractility and impaired emptying (myogenic failure).
- Thought to represent irreversible changes to the smooth muscle cells with deposition of type III collagen.
What is the embryological theory for formation of Prune Belly Syndrome/Triad Syndrome?
- Theory 1 - Transient Urethral Obstruction
- Prune belly thought to be secondary to transient urethral obstruction during development → megacystis, hydroureteronephrosis → physically obstructs the descent of the testis and causes abdominal wall atrophy.
- Urethral obstruction may be secondary to delayed canalisation of the urethra (weeks 11-16)
- OR
- Urethral obstruction secondary to hypoplastic prostate which may cause the urethra to twist and obstruct (prostatic Hypoplasia seen in PBS patients)
- Theory 2 - Abdominal mesodermal maldevelopment
- Unknown event affects the mesoderm between weeks 6 and 10/40.
- Abdominal wall musculature abnormality - Failure of lateral plate mesoderm migration/folding.
- Genitourinary abnormality - impaired intermediate mesodermal development.
- Unknown event affects the mesoderm between weeks 6 and 10/40.
- Theory 3 - Intrinsic defect in the urinary tract.
How does the bladder pathology in Prune Belly Syndrome affect function?
Prune Belly Syndrome bladder = reduced muscle fibres, laterally displaced ureteric orifices, bladder neck poorly defined.
Bladder function:
- Normal bladder compliance
- Massive bladder capacity (megacystis)
- Loss of first sensation to void
- Poor detrusor contraction → incomplete emptying.
- Laterally displaced ureteric orifices → increased rate of vesicoureteric reflux.
How does Prune Belly Syndrome affect ureteric and renal function?
Ureteric pathology = laterally displaced UO’s predispose to reflux. Ureters severely dilated and tortuous. Decreased muscle fibres (particularly in the distal ureter).
- Ureteric Function = impaired peristalsis → upper tract stasis and dilatation.
Renal pathology = low pressure dilated urinary system from renal pelvis to urethra. May be associated with dysplasia (50%) → progressive uropathy occurs and 20-30% end up with ESRF.
- Progression of uropathy caused by recurrent infection and obstruction.
- Renal Function = dysplasia → CKD, VUR → infection → exacerbates CKD → ESRF
What are the non-urologic associations of Prune Belly Syndrome?
- Deficiency of abdominal wall musculature (midline, inferior worst affected)
Pulmonary (60%)
- Lung Hypoplasia (secondary to oligohydramnios)
- 50% will require neonatal ventilation (combination of lung Hypoplasia and deficiency of abdominal musculature → accessory muscles of respiration)
- Recurrent infections secondary to inadequate cough (muscle deficiency)
- Lung Hypoplasia (secondary to oligohydramnios)
Cardiac (25%)
- PDA, ASD, VSD, Tetralogy of Fallot
Gastrointestinal tract
- Incomplete rotation of the midgut.
- Atresias previously documented.
- Anorectal malformation
- Incomplete rotation of the midgut.
- Talipes
- Scoliosis
- Pectus
How would you differentiated Prune Belly from posterior urethral valves on imaging?
- Prune Belly Syndrome -
- Bladder: dilated, smooth walled (may have patent urachus).
- Bladder neck: wide, nil hypertrophy
- Urethra: Often dilated anterior urethra.
- Posterior urethral valves -
- Bladder: thick-walled, trabeculated.
- Bladder neck: hypertrophy
- Urethra: Normal anterior urethra, obstruction in posterior urethra.
- Prune Belly Syndrome -
Describe the embryology of the urethra.
- Urethra forms in 2 parts: the penile urethra (endoderm) and the glanular urethra (ectoderm)
- Penile urethra begins to form from the genital tubercle at 6/40
- Two genital folds form caudal to the genital tubercle.
- The urethral plate forms between the two genital folds.
- Paracrine testosterone from the testes cause the inner genital folds to fuse medially and create a tube from the urogenital sinus to the coronal groove.
- Whole of the penile urethra is complete by the end of the 1st trimester.
- Two genital folds form caudal to the genital tubercle.
- Glanular urethra
- Forms from ectodermal ingrowth on the glans.
- Penile urethra begins to form from the genital tubercle at 6/40
- Following formation of the urethra, the penile structures (dorsal then ventral) and then the prepuce develop.
Describe the aetiology of hypospadias
- Following formation of the urethra, the penile structures (dorsal then ventral) and then the prepuce develop.
- When there is an issue with the development of the urethra, the penile and preputial structures developing later are also impaired.
- Hence deficiency of ventral tissue and hooded prepuce.
- When there is an issue with the development of the urethra, the penile and preputial structures developing later are also impaired.
- Abnormalities in development → hypospadias.
Caused by:
- Inadequate hormone stimulation, maternal/placental factors and environmental factors
- Deficient androgen production or failure of conversion to the more potent dihydrotestosterone (5-alpha reductase dependent), insufficient HCG production or faulty androgen receptors.
- In utero exposure to medications → valproate, loperamide, paroxetine, oestrogen meds.
Genetic syndromes:
- WAGR (Wilms’ Tumour, Aniridia, Genitourinary abnormalities, mental retardation) - associated with WT1 gene.
- Denys-trash syndrome (GU malformations and Wilms’ tumour) - WT1
Caused by:
What are the two phases of bladder function?
Storage Phase:
- Relaxation - sympathetic control (noradrenaline)
Internal Sphincter
- Contraction - sympathetic control (noradrenaline)
Voiding Phase:
- Contraction - parasympathetic control (Acetylcholine)
Internal Sphincter
- Relaxation - parasympathetic control (Acetylcholine)
Describe various classifications of neurogenic bladder
Failure to store:
- Detrusor hyperactivity → poor bladder compliance → elevated bladder pressures and incontinence.
- Incompetent bladder neck or urethral sphincter mechanism → failure to store urine (even with low pressures) → incontinence.
Failure to empty:
- Hypotonic bladder, overstretched, myogenic failure → unable to generate pressure to empty.
- Increased output resistance
- Detrusor/Sphincter Dyssynergy - loss of coordinated detrusor contraction with sphincter relaxation.
- Combination of both
How do you calculate the bladder capacity of (a) a 6 month old, (b) a 4 year old?
Infants = 38 + (2.5 x age in months) = 38 + (2.5 x 6) = 53ml
Older children = (Age in years +2) x 30 = 180mL
At what bladder storage pressure does renal injury occur?
40cm H20
(Normal filling pressure is 5-10 cm H20)
Discuss the factors that determine the potential resolution of vesicoureteric reflux
- Grade of reflux (1-5) - lower grades more likely to resolve.
- Age of child (younger children more likely to resolve)
- Appearance of the UO
- Length of submucosal tunnel
- Intravesical detrusor filling pressures
Discuss the reasons for resolution of vesicoureteric reflux
- VUR can resolve, particularly in younger children.
- Increased trigonal growth → improved submucosal tunnel length + trigonal function.
- Fewer uninhibited detrusor contractions with increasing age → stabilisation of bladder dynamics.
What are the bladder/ureter factors that contribute to vesicoureteric reflux?
- Bladder:
- High bladder pressure (PUV, neurogenic bladder)
- Weak floor of submucosal tunnel (neurogenic bladder, diverticulum)
- Ureter
- Short submucosal tunnel
When are the important testosterone surges in development of the male genitalia? Which cells produce testosterone?
Testosterone is produced by the Leydig cells in the testis.
Week 7 to 14 - Testosterone and conversion to dihydrotestosterone in genital skin → male external genitalia
Neonatal - 2nd and 3rd month - brain related male type behaviours.
Give an example of 46XX DSD and the mechanism
46XX DSD - overandrogenisation (excess androgen) - most common form of DSD.
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia -
- Enzyme deficiency results in inability to form cortisol, instead precursors are shunted towards mineralocorticoid or sex-steroid pathways.
- Most commonly 21-hydroxylase deficiency (90% of CAH) - essential for conversion of progesterone into doxycorticosterone → corticosteroid or aldosterone.
- No negative feedback from cortisol to pituitary → ongoing excess ACTH production → excess androgens → overvirulisation.
- As adrenal differentiation occurs at 11 weeks gestation (after formation of gonads and reproductive tract) ONLY external genitalia are affected.
- Enzyme deficiency results in inability to form cortisol, instead precursors are shunted towards mineralocorticoid or sex-steroid pathways.
Describe the types of 46XX DSD
Type 1 and 2 (21-hydroxylase deficiency - 90%)
- Type 1 - NON SALT WASTING = only affects 21-hydroxylase in zona fasciculata (production of aldosterone preserved).
- Type 2 - SALT WASTING = affects zona glomerularis (aldosterone production) and zona fasciculata (cortisol production)
- Results in dehydration and or vascular collapse, hyperkalaemia (due to no aldosterone)
Type 3 (11-beta hydroxylase deficiency)
- Produces virulisation and HTN (excess deoxycorticosterone → Na reabsorption, fluid overload, HTN, hypokalaemic acidosis.
Type 4 (3-beta-hydroxylase deficiency)
- SEVERE salt wasting, survival uncommon.
- Occurs in BOTH 46XX and 46XY
Describe the mechanism of salt wasting in congenital adrenal hyperplasia
Salt wasting occurs most commonly in Type 2 congenital adrenal hyperplasia.
21 hydroxylase deficiency affecting both the zona glomerularis (aldosterone) and zona fasciculata (cortisol).
- Lack of aldosterone → excretion of Na and H20 by the kidney as well as hyperkalaemia.
- Aldosterone normally acts on the distal convoluted tubule to increase ENAC and Na/K ATPase → Na/K exchange (reabsorption of salt, water follows passively).
- Lack of aldosterone → excretion of Na and H20 by the kidney as well as hyperkalaemia.
Also occurs in type 4 CAH - salt wasting severe, survival uncommon.
Describe mixed gonadal dysgenesis and potential sequelae
- Mixed gonadal dysgenesis is the second most common form of neonatal ambiguous genitalia.
- Usually have testis on one side and streak gonad on the other (normal ovarian stromal tissue, nil oocytes).
- Internal ductal structure consistent with ipsilateral gonad (streak gonad will have Fallopian tube and uterus).
- Karyotype = 45 XO/46XY
- Phenotype is ambiguous but usually masculinised.
- Associated with:
- High rates of gonadal tumours (20% in either testis or streak gonad).
- Associated with increased risk of Wilms tumour.
- Denys-Drash syndrome in 5% (ambiguous genitalia, Wilms tumour, glomerulopathy, HTN)
Describe 3 causes of primary amenorrhoea
- Complete androgen insensitivity syndrome (CAIS) - 46XY undervirilisation - phenotypically female (nil paramesonephric duct structures - uterus, fallopian tubes).
- Leydig cell abnormalities - impaired testosterone production in 46XY → phenotypically female (nil paramesonephric duct structures)
- Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser Syndrome
- 46XX with normal female phenotype AND normal ovaries and Fallopian tubes, but rudimentary uterus.
Discuss the theories of extrophy-epispadias complex
Overdeveloped cloacal membrane - prevents medial migration of the mesenchymal tissue (lateral plate mesoderm) and impairs the normal development of the lower abdominal wall.
- Presentation depends on timing of rupture of the cloacal membrane.
- Premature rupture of cloacal membrane → more severe forms of extrophy-epispadias complex (prevents mesodermal migration in the midline → defects in bladder, urethra and hindgut.
- Persistence of cloacal membrane → wedge effect that blocks the medial migration of mesoderm from fusing in the midline.
- Presentation depends on timing of rupture of the cloacal membrane.
- Maldevelopment of the bony pelvis → extrophy-epispadias complex.
Describe 5 anatomic abnormalities associated with bladder extrophy and epispadias
- Bony pelvis: increased pubic diastasis, shorter pubic rami, external rotation of AP pelvis.
- Pelvic floor: irregular pelvic floor musculature (affects ability to achieve continence)
- Spinal defects: Spina Bifida occulta, scoliosis, spinal dysraphism
- Abdominal wall defects: triangular abdominal wall defect becomes filled with extrophied bladder and posterior urethra. Umbilicus is at the upper end of the fascial defect.
- Indirect inguinal hernias - 80% of males, 10% of females.
- Anorectal defects: anteriorly displaced anus, short and broad perineum.
- Male genital defect: shortened penis deficiency of anterior corporeal tissue (epispadias), UDT
- Female genital defect: short vagina, bifid clitoris, cervix on anterior vaginal wall.
- Urinary tract: small, polyp filled bladder, abnormal UO (100% VUR), upper tract normal (97% of the time)
What is OEIS?
OEIS is a severe form of cloacal extrophy:
- O = omphalocoele.
- E = Extrophy
- I = Imperforate anus
- S = Spinal defect
What is Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser?
Normal ovaries and Fallopian tubes.
Rudimentary uterus, short vagina. Associated with primary amenorrhoea
Gastrointestinal association: Anorectal malformation
Genitourinary association: Renal agenesis or ectopia
Other: Polydactyly, cervicothoracic rib defects
Classify the types of testicular torsion
Torsion can be classified as perinatal vs adolescent, OR intravaginal vs extravaginal
- Extravaginal torsion (perinatal): torsion of the testis and tunica vaginalis as the tunica vaginalis is not firmly fixed to the dartos layer of the scrotum, allowing both testis and tunica vaginalis to rotate on the vascular pedicle.
Intravaginal torsion (childhood + adolescence): torsion of the testis within the tunica vaginalis. Associated with bellclapper testis and high investment of the tunica vaginalis on the spermatic cord.
- Puberty → rapid testicular growth, with horizontal lie, predisposes testis to torsion.
What is the embryological origin of testicular appendage versus epididymal appendage?
Epididymal appendage = remnant of the cranial end of the mesonephric duct.
Testicular appendage (Hydatid of Morgagni) = paramesonephric duct remnants (remnants of Fallopian tube)
Give 5 differential diagnoses for acute scrotum
Testicular torsion
Torsion of testicular appendage
Torsion of epididymal appendage
Epididymo-orchitis (Bacterial vs viral)
Idiopathic scrotal oedema
Henoch-Schonlein Purpura (vasculitis - ⅓ will develop pain, erythema and scrotal and spermatic cord oedema)
What is GLUT1?
GLUT 1 is an erythrocyte glucose transporter of placental origin. It is found in infantile haemangiomas, suggesting a placental origin.
Describe the clinical history of infantile haemangiomas
Infantile haemangiomas are the most common tumour of infancy (occurring in 4% of all infants).
3 phases: proliferative, involuting, involuted.
- Median age of onset 2 weeks (though 30-50% have a cutaneous sign at birth)
- Mostly cutaneous (80%)
- Head and neck most commonly (60%), trunk (25%), extremities (15%)
- Superficial dermal tumours - red, raised lesions. Can ulcerate.
- Deep dermal tumours/subcutaneous fat/muscle - appear bluish, raised overlying skin.
- Head and neck most commonly (60%), trunk (25%), extremities (15%)
- Mostly cutaneous (80%)
- Median age of onset 2 weeks (though 30-50% have a cutaneous sign at birth)
Proliferative phase
- Rapid growth for 6-8 months, plateau at 12 months.
Involuting phase
- Slow involution between ages 1 and 7 (50% by 5 years, 70% by 7 years). Entirely regressed by 10-12yrs.
Involuted phase
- 50% of children have nearly normal skin at the site of previous lesion.
- Larger tumours may leave lax, redundant skin with whitish or yellowish discolouration.
- Ulcerated lesions will leave scars.
- 50% of children have nearly normal skin at the site of previous lesion.
3 phases: proliferative, involuting, involuted.
Describe the 3 phases of infantile haemangiomas.
- 3 phases = proliferative, involuting and involuted phases.
- Proliferative = from onset of tumour (usually week 2), rapid growth for 6-8 months, then plateau at around 10-12 months.
- Associated with expression of multiple vascular growth factors → rapidly dividing endothelial cells.
- Involuting = slow involution between ages 1-7, with 50% involuted by 5yrs, 70% by 7yrs. All by 10-12 years.
- Associated with tissue factors associated with inhibition of vascular growth (i.e. TIMP1) → flattening of cells → apoptosis and replacement with fibrofatty stroma.
- Involuted = 50% leave no sign of previous vascular tumour. Larger lesions may have lax/reduntant overlying skin or yellowish/white discolouration. Ulcerated lesions may leave scar.
What are the complications of infantile haemangiomas?
- Complications depend upon size and location:
- Head and neck -
- Airway compromise for large cervicofacial lesions during proliferative phase
- Periorbital and eyelid infantile haemangiomas can cause visual axis obstruction.
- Large, ulcerated lesions will cause significant deformity and scarring.
- GI lesions -
- Rare, but can present with GI bleeding.
- Large lesions can cause high output cardiac failure (usually associated with liver haemangiomas).
- Head and neck -
What are the congenital anomalies associated with infantile haemangiomas?
- Infantile haemangiomas are rarely associated with other congenital anomalies.
Head and neck
- Posterior fossa malformations
- Haemangioma of the face
- Cardiac defects and coarctation
- Eye abnormalities
- Sternal non-union
- Supraumbilical raphe
- Cervicothoracic: sternal nonunion.
- Perineum: ARM
- Lumbrosacral: underlying spinal dysraphism
- Haemangiomatosis - disseminated haemangiomas (cutaneous lesions < 5mm, dome like) - often associated with liver and GI haemangiomas.
Head and neck
What are the differences between infantile haemangiomas and congenital haemangiomas?
Infantile haemangiomas
- Not present at birth, median onset 2 weeks age, grows rapidly (proliferative phase) until 10-12 months. Involution occurs slowly from 1-7yrs.
- Most commonly on the head and neck.
- Associated with GLUT1 (erythrocyte glucose transporter)
Congenital haemangiomas
- Fully developed at birth, nil post natal proliferation, rapid involution within 6-14 months.
- More common on the limbs
- NOT associated with GLUT-1
What are the types of hepatic haemangiomas of infancy?
- Hepatic equivalent of (RICH - rapidly involuting congenital haemangioma).
- Fully developed at birth, rapid regression/involution.
- Negative GLUT-1
- May be associated with transient anaemia and moderate thrombocytopaenia (intralesional thrombosis).
- May have macrovascular shunts → high output cardiac failure.
- Hepatic equivalent of (RICH - rapidly involuting congenital haemangioma).
- True infantile haemangioma.
- Similar to cutaneous infantile haemangiomas and often associated with them.
- Positive GLUT-1 staining.
- Often associated with hypothyroidism, macrovascular shunts may be associated with high output cardiac failure.
- True infantile haemangioma.
- True infantile haemangioma, far more dangerous.
- Similar involution, positive GLUT-1.
- All patients have severe hypothyroidism secondary to high levels of 3-iodothyronine deiodinase (inactivates circulating thyroid hormones).
Describe the pathophysiology and risk factors for NEC
Risk factors: prematurity, very low birth weight, complex comorbidity/sepsis, formula fed.
Pathophysiology - exaggerated immune response to gut pathogens resulting in ischaemia, necrosis and apoptosis → sepsis.
Gut wall
- Immature gut has impaired motility, abnormal digestion/absorption and abnormal tight junctions between cells. All lead to epithelial cell damage → localised inflammation and bacterial translocation.
- Immature goblet cells in the epithelium result in production of ineffective mucin (barrier to bacteria and fungi, lubricates gut)
- Cytotoxic effects of bile acids (increased in formula fed babies)
- Premature babies and those with NEC have less diverse microbiome, with dominant gram negative bacteria. This is exacerbated by the iatrogenic use of ABx and acid suppression → increased risk of NEC.
- Gram negative bacteria have lipopolysaccharides in their cell wall which induce strong inflammatory response.
- Premature babies and those with NEC have less diverse microbiome, with dominant gram negative bacteria. This is exacerbated by the iatrogenic use of ABx and acid suppression → increased risk of NEC.
Gut defences
- Toll like receptors (type 4 - TLR4) - larger numbers in NEC. Recognised bacteria within the gut and trigger inflammatory response → impaired cell regeneration and increased apoptosis.
- IgA (first passive immune response in gut) - low levels present in immature neonates as majority cross placenta after 36/40. Also present in breast milk (along with heparin binding EGF) which is protective.
- Pro-inflammatory mediators (platelet aggregating factor, lipopolysaccharides, NO) trigger cell damage via cytokine release and oxygen free radicals.
Gut perfusion
- Neonatal splanchnic circulation dependent upon low vascular resistance. This is mediated by endothelin-1 (vasoconstriction) and nitric oxide (vasodilation)
- TLR4 inhibit vascular nitric oxide → vasoconstriction → worsening ischaemia and necrosis.
Outline the biomarkers of NEC. Discuss their relevance in terms of disease severity.
- Biomarkers for NEC can be categorised as follows -
- Leucocytosis vs neutropaenia (associated with severe NEC)
- Non-specific marker of inflammation.
- Useful for assessing response to therapy, progression and complications
- 50-95% of patients with NEC develop thrombocytopaenia within 24-72 hours of onset of disease.
- The nadir of platelet count associated with severity of illness
- Rapid drop in platelets associated with necrosis.
IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, platelet aggregating factor
- Non-specific markers of inflammation.
- IL-8 levels are higher in NEC babies who develop surgical vs medical NEC.
- IL-8 levels are higher in NEC babies with NEC totalis vs multifocal vs unifocal disease
- Non-specific markers of inflammation.
Enhanced non-specific:
Faecal calprotectin
- Higher levels in more severe NEC (systemic illness or perforation)
- S100A12
Faecal calprotectin
Gut specific
IFABP (intestinal fatty acid binding protein) - located on enterocytes in small bowel villi.
- Found in higher levels in NEC babies who develop surgical NEC.
Claudin 3
- Cellular tight junction protein detected in blood and urine of patients with bowel inflammation
IFABP (intestinal fatty acid binding protein) - located on enterocytes in small bowel villi.
- Able to assess thousands of chemicals instantaneously and is being used to uncover new biomarkers.
Outline routine antenatal screening
- Maternal/Family history
Blood tests
- Blood group + rhesus status (negative associated increased risk of haemolytic disease of the newborn due to rhesus incompatibility)
- Harmony test (chromosome, gender)
- Antenatal USS
- Dating USS 6-8 weeks.
- Morphology USS- 12 weeks.
- Growth USS - 20 weeks.
- Antenatal USS
- Blood pressure
- Urinalysis
- Infection
- Proteinuria
- Amniocentesis/Chorionic villous sampling
- High vaginal swab
Outline diagnostic antenatal testing in paediatric surgery
- Blood tests:
- Alpha fetoprotein - elevated in neural tube defects, exomphalos, gastroschisis, SCT.
- HCG + PAPPA (+nuchal translucency) - risk assessment for Trisomy 21.
- Harmony test - sex and chromosome.
- Imaging:
- Ultrasound - sensitive and specific investigation for many conditions, dynamic and can stratify severity of disease (i.e renal tract abnormality), hydrops
- Can be used to screen for others - Amniotic fluid index (oligohydramnios vs polyhydramnios)
- Echocardiogram
- Ultrasound - sensitive and specific investigation for many conditions, dynamic and can stratify severity of disease (i.e renal tract abnormality), hydrops
- Invasive tests:
- Amniocentesis, chorionic villous sampling.
What are three non-malignant histological changes in a cryptorchid testis (7)?
- Peritubular fibrosis
- Seminiferous tubule atrophy
- Decreased/absent spermatogenesis
- Sertoli cells may demonstrate granular cell change with eosinophilic granular cytoplasmic lysosomes.
- Sertoli cell nodules - nodules of immature, elongated Sertoli cells, may have microliths.
- Increased microliths within seminiferous tubules.
- Retained Leydig cells give appearance of hyperplasia.