Embryology Flashcards
Recall the 4 cellular processes at work in embryological development
Recall the 3 stages of renal development in utero
Pronephros Mesonephros (meso = middle) Metanephros (meta= after)
Describe the location of kidneys as they develop
Ascend into the abdomen as they develop
What is significant about the mesonephros pre-kidney structure?
This is where the mesonephric and paramesonephric ducts develop, that will eventually differentiate into the genital ducts
Describe the arterial supply to the kidneys during embryonic development
Has to form and degenerate and reform as kidneys develop as they move up abdomen
Where do the gonads originate from embryologically?
Intermediate mesdoerm
What are the mesonephric and paramesonephric ducts?
Mesonephric = future wolffian ducts Paramesonephric = future uterine tubes, uterus and cervix
At which week of development do the reproductive systems of male and female embryos begin to differ?
Recall the 2 hormones that are produced in the presence of the SRY gene
Anti-mullerian hormone
What is the developmental function of DHT?
Supports development of Wolffian ducts
What is the Wolffian duct?
Duct that gives rise to male reproductive tract
Where is anti-Mullerian hormone produced?
Sertoli cells
What is the developmental function of anti-mullerian hormone?
Causes regression of paramesonephric ducts
Where does heart development begin?
Outside the embryo proper
Describe the first 21 days of heart development
First 2 tubes are formed, these fuse at day 21 to produce a single tube which can pump blood unidirectionally