Embryology Flashcards
second set of kidneys that form at end of week 4 from the intermediate mesoderm
- will become functional nephrons that work until month 3
- in lower thoracic, upper lumbar
drain into mesonephric duct—>cloaca
functional at end of 3rd mo. from intermediate mesoderm
the definitive kidney
a) metanephric blastema: directly from intermediate mesoderm–>nephron
b) Ureteric bud: diverticula from the mesonephric duct
metanephric blastema
forms all parts of the nephron
from intermediate mesoderm
ureteric (metanephric) bud
forms everything from collecting tubules—>ureter
just a bud from the mesonephric bud
Kidney ascent
move from pelvis up to abdomen by week 9
receive new vessels and innervation as they go up,
lower vessels regress
rotate 90deg so that hilum faces medially
accessory renal artery/vein
when lower vessels do not regress during ascension
- generally asymptomatic
can cause compression of ureter —>hydronephrosis (backup of urine)
renal hypoplasia
from inadequate branching of ureteric bud and lack of differentiation of nephrons
very small kidney with few (functional) nephrons
- asymptomatic if unilateral
- can be persistent fetal lobulation
Cystic diseases
functional kidney replaced by large cysts
present at birth—>decreased renal function
multicystic dysplastic kidney and polycystic kidney
Autosomal recessive=cysts from collecting ducts (+renal insufficiency)
Autosomal dominant: cysts from collecting ducts and nephron
real agenesis
complete lack of renal formation
ureteric bud fails to form, or it does not have signaling to induce formation of metanephric blastema
regression of bud etc
**adrenal gland is fine
Potter’s sequence
bilateral renal agenesis
non-compatible with life due to fetus not producing urine
(can also be caused by amniotic membrane)
**due to oligohydramnios: hypoplastic lungs, Potter’s face, club foot
ectopic kidney
that does not ascend
pelvic kidney most common
horseshoe kidney
inferior parts of L and R fuse in the pelvis
ascent is blocked by inferior mesenteric a
usually asymptomatic .
Wilm’s tumor
very malignant tumor that originates in the kidney and moves towards the lungs
presents in childhood
- from WT1 gene mutation
—>un-differentiated and rapidly dividing intermediate mesoderm
associated with Denys-Drash syndrome
gonadal dysgenesis
WAGR syndrome
WT1 and PAX6 gene mutation
- wilms+ gonadal dysgeneis+ eye problems+mental retardation
Duplication of ureter
splitting of the ureter
caused by splitting of ureteric bud
can sometimes lead to duplication of kidney as well