Embryology Flashcards
Week 1
preimplantation phase
-fertilization to implantation
Week 2
implantation complete
- fertilized egg > zygote > cells continue to divide > becomes blastocysts > then embryo
Week 3-8
Embryotic Phase
- the blastocysts is a cluster of dividing cells and consists of 3 embryotic germ layers
3 Embryotic germ Layers
Ectoderm - outer layer
Mesoderm - middle layer
Endoderm - inner layer
Week 4
Primitive Oral Cavity
-aka stomodeum
-consists of primitive oral cavity and area of the foregut (pharynx)
-At 4 weeks the oral pit appears, aka stomodeum; positioned between the foregut and the developing heart
-oral pit will become the oral pocket and then the oral cavity
Developing Face Processes
4th week
primitive mouth forms
-frontal process
-maxillary process
-mandibular proocess
Developing Face processes
5th week
-Nasal placodes appear in the upper border of lip (become nostrils)
-frontal area becomes frontonasal process
-eyes appear
Developing Face Process
6th week
-median nasal process - philtrum
-lateral nasal process - ala
Developing Face Process
7th week
-face begins to look more human
-eyes and nose have moved
-upper lip has fused
medial and lateral palatal processes
-palate separates oral cavity from nasal cavity
-palate comes from primary palate (medial palatine process)
-palate comes from secondary palate (lateral palatine process)
-during 8th week, palatal shelves are pushed together
- Body and base oof tongue are separated by V shaped grove (terminal sulcus)
-posterior to the terminal sulcus -lingual sulcus (dorsal surface)
-lingual tonsil forms part of Waldeyer’s Ring
Thyroid Gland
-thyroid tissue moves to neck during development
-during movement, thyroid gland attaches to the tongue by epithelial cord - thyroglossol duct
-evidence> foramen ceacum
facial and palatal cleft
-cleft lip
-facial lip
-hairlip cleft
-mandibular cleft
-palatal cleft
rathke’s pouch
turning out of the roof of the mouth
-eventually becomes pituitary
Globular process
becomes philtrum
Pharyngeal arch 1
-mandibular arch
-maxilla, mandible, muscles of mastication, (masseter, medial and lateral pterygoid, temporalis) nerves, vessels
Pharyngeal Arch 2
Hyoid arch
-will form muscle/nerves, vessels, hyoid bone
Pharyngeal Arch 3
pharyngeal muscles, glossopharyngeal nerve
Pharyngeal arches 4+6
arches fuse to form laryngeal cartilages
-muscle/nerve of larynx and pharynx