Embryo Diseases Flashcards
Not enough amniotic fluid which will cause the lungs to not be developed fully and become hypoplastic
Increased risk prior to 26 weeks
Hyaline Membrane Distress
Lack of Type 2 Pneumocytes at the terminal sac stage — causing lack of surfactant
Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia
Occurs during Week 6 — lack of fusion of Septum Transversum and Pleuroperitoneum Folds to form the diaphragm
More common on right side than left
Congenital Lung Cysts
Thought to be a disturbance in bronchial development during late fetal life
Honeycomb appearance on X-ray
Ostium Secondum
Caused by excessive cell death and resorption of Septum Primum or by inadequate development of Septum Secondum
Probe Patent Foramen Ovale
Incomplete adhesion between the Foramen Ovale and the Septum Primum after birth
Ostium Primum
Failure of fusion between Septum Primum and endocardial cushion
Complete AV Septal Defect
Failure of endocardial cushions to fuse — will see ASD, VSD, and abnormal valve leaflets
Partial AV Septal Defect
Failure of endocardial cushions to fuse — will see ASD and abnormal valve leaflets (NO VSD)
Transposition of the Great Vessels
Lack of 180 degree spiraling of Neural Crest cells
Double Outlet RV
Cyanotic — abnormal migration of the bulbar ridges during septation
Muscular portion of Interventricular Septum is misaligned
Truncus Arteriosus Communis
Absence of the bulbar and truncal ridges to form and/or migrate to the midline
Tetralogy of Fallot
Cyanotic — abnormal septation of the outflow tract due to Neural Crest cell defects
Critical Pulmonary Stenosis
Cyanotic — decreased pulmonary blood flow
Critical Aortic Stenosis
Cyanotic — decreased systemic blood flow