EMBRYO Flashcards
What is the difference between extra embryonic and intraembryonic mesoderm? Where do they originate from?
Extraembryonic mesoderm: derives from the trophoblast and form a fine, loose connective tissue, which is located outside the embryo.
Intraembryonic mesoderm: the third germ layer between the epiblast and hypoblast layers. Origin: epiblast.
List the components of the extraembryonic mesoderm.
Somatopleuric mesoderm Splanchnopleuric mesoderm Connecting stalk
Chorionic mesoderm
From which germ disk does the blood, lens of eye, epithelium of kidney tubules, and thymus develop?
Blood mesoderm
Lens of eye ectoderm Kidney tubules mesoderm Thymus endoderm
From which germ disk does the bone, hypophysis, chief cells of the parathyroid glands and the
bone mesoderm
hypophysis ectoderm
chief cells of the parathyroid gland – placod plate thyroid gland endoderm
What is the “placode” and what are its derivatives?
Placode: thickenings of the surface ectoderm at the head region of the embryo.
Hypophyseal placode (I): Rathke’s pouch. (adenohypophysis) Nasal placode (2): olfactory epithelium.
Lens placode (2): lens of eye
Trigeminal placode (2): semilunar ggl.
Acoustic placode (2): sensory epithelium of vestibular and cochlear receptors, ganglions.
Epibranchial placode (2): sensory epithelium of taste buds.
Branchial: placode (2): sensory ganglia of VIIth, IXth, Xth cranial nerves.
What are the derivatives of the paraxial, intermediate and the lateral plate of mesoderm?
· Paraxial mesoderm: breaks up into blocks of somites, and somitomers at the cephalic region. The somites differentiate into sclerotom, dermatome, myotome.
· Intermediate: in the cervical and upper thoracic region it gives rise to the nephrotomes. Caudally the nephrogenic cord develops from it.
· Lateral plate: somatic or parietal mesoderm layer, splanchnic or visceral mesoderm layer, intraembryonic celomic cavity.
What is meant by the a) cephalocaudal and b) lateral foldings of the embryo?
What is meant by the a) cephalocaudal and b) lateral foldings of the embryo? Folding of a flat trilaminar embryonic disc into a somewhat cylindrical embryo.
membrane and overhangs the developing heart. Caudally the tail region projects over the cloacal membrane.
Cephalocaudal fold: Cranially, the developing forebrain grows beyond the buccopharyngeal
b) Lateral/transverse folds: Each lateral body wall folds towards the median plane in a ventral direction.
Which bones develop from the viscerocranium?
· Maxilla, mandible, zygomatic bone, squamous and tympanic parts of temporal bone, styloid process of temporal bone, nasal bone, lacrimal bone, vomer, hyoid bone, inf. concha, medial plate of the pterygoid process of the sphenoid bone, palatine bone.
From which structures does the diaphragm develop?
· Septum transversum, pleuroperitoneal membranes, dorsal mesentery of esophagus, muscular component of the lateral and dorsal body wall.
Name and characterize the most common malformation of the thoracic diaphragm! Describe also mechanism of malformations!
· Diaphragmatic hernia: caused by failure of the pleuroperitoneal membrane(s) to close the pleuroperitoneal canal(s). The peritoneal and pleural cavities are continuous with each other along the posterior body wall.
· Parasternal hernia: a small muscular part of the anterior portion of the diaphragm fails to develop. · Esophpageal hernia: is due to a congenital shortness of the esophagus.
What are the derivatives of the ventral mesentery?
Lesser omentum, falciform ligament.
Define the term “dorsal mesentery” and describe its extension!
· A double layer of peritoneum that encloses the gastrointestinal tract. It extends from the lower end of the esophagus to the cloacal region of the hindgut and connects the gastrointestinal tract to the posterior abdominal wall.
List the major parts of the dorsal mesentery!
Dorsal mesogastrium, dorsal mesoduodenum, mesentery proper, dorsal mesocolon.
What are the derivatives of the dorsal mesogastrium?
· Gastrophrenic ligament, gastrolienal ligament, phrenicolienal ligament, lienorenal ligament, greater omentum.
When does the mesentery of the jejunoileal loops become separated from the mesocolon transversum?
· Around the 6th embryonic week, when the caudal limb of ansa umbilicalis moves to the right side of the abdominal cavity and the dorsal mesentery twists (90° counterclockwise) around the origin of the superior mesenteric artery.
What is the location of the cardiogenic area in the presomite embryo?
In the splanchnic mesoderm in front of the neural plate on both sides of the embryo.