Embedded Qs Flashcards
What time does your fligth leave?
I’d like ….
I’d like to know what time your fight leaves.
How often do trains to London leave?
Do you know…
Do you know how often trains to London leave?
Could you meet me at 3:00?
I was wondering….
I was wondering if you could meet me at 3:00?
When will Jhosep Estela be back from Los Cabos?
Do you know…
Do you know when Jhosep Estela will be back from Los Cabos?
What time is it?
Can you tell me…
Can you tell me what time it is (please)?
When will our items arrive?
I was wondering…
I was wondering when our items will arrive.
Could you use another line to call me?
I was wondering…
I was wondering if you could use another line to call me.
Who did you speak to last time?
Please tell …
Please tell me who you spoke to last time.
What else can I do for you?
Could you please tell…
Could you please tell me what (else) I can do for you?
How much does it cost to send a package to the USA?
I was wonderting…
I was wonderting how much it costs to send a package to the USA.