EMB-170/190 Limitations Flashcards
What type of operations is the EMB170/190 certified for?
- Visual flight (VFR)
- Instrument flight (IFR)
- Icing conditions
- Cat 2
What category is the EMB170/190 certified for?
Transport Category (14 CFR 25 and 36)
The maximum takeoff weight is the most restrictive of?
- Maximum takeoff weight (climb limited)
- Maximum field length limited takeoff weight
- Maximum certificated takeoff weight
- Obstacle clearance, enroute and landing limitations
- Brake energy limit weights
The maximum landing weight is limited by the most restrictive of
- Maximum approach and landing weight (runway length plus obstacle, altitude and temperature, and including limitations for inoperative equipment.
- Maximum landing weight (climb limited)
- Maximum certificated landing weight
What are the EMB 170 certified weights?
Maximum Ramp Weight
Maximum Takeoff Weight
Maximum Landing Weight
Maximum Zero Fuel Weight
MRW 82,364
MTOW 82,011
MLW 72,310
MZFW 66,446 or 65,256 depending on tail number
What is the EMB 175 maximum certificated weights?
Maximum Ramp weight
Maximum Takeoff weight
Maximum Landing weight
Maximum zero fuel weight
MRW 85,870
MTOW 85,517
MLW 74,957
MZFW 69,886
What are the EMB 190 LR maximum certificated weights?
Maximum ramp weight
Maximum takeoff weight
Maximum landing weight
Maximum zero fuel weight
MRW 111,245
MTOW 110,892
MLW 94,798
MZFW 89,948
What are the EMB 190 AR maximum certificated weights?
Maximum ramp weight
Maximum takeoff weight
Maximum landing weight
Maximum zero fuel weight
MRW 114,552
MTOW 114,199
MLW 97,003
MZFW 90,169
What are the maximum cargo compartment loads on the EMB170?
Forward 3020lbs
Aft 2271lbs
What are the max cargo compartment loads on the EMB 175?
Fwd 3307lbs
Aft 2535
What are the max cargo compartment loads on the EMB190?
Fwd 4078lbs
Aft 3638lbs
What are the max cargo compartment loads on the EMB 190/IFE?
Fwd 4078lbs
Aft 3174lbs
Minimum flight crew
Pilot and Copilot
Max takeoff and landing tailwind component?
10 KTS
Max runway slope?
+/- 2%
Approved runway surface
Flap maneuvering load limits
Flaps up -1.0G to +2.5G
Flaps greater than 0 is -0.0G to+2.0G
Max operating altitude
Max takeoff and landing altitude?
8,000 for the EMB 170/175
10,000 for the EMB 190
Max ambient air temperature for takeoff and landing?
52 degrees C
Max flap extension altitude
20,000 ft.
Max flight operating latitude
78N to 78S
Min ambient temp approved for takeoff
-40 deg C
Minimum ambient temp for operation
-54 deg C
What is the max demonstrated crosswind?
28 KTS
Max crosswind (R) for takeoff and landing?
Dry Runway 28Kts Wet Runway 28Kts Runway with compacted snow 20Kts Runway with standing water/slush 18Kts Runway with wet ice (no melting) 12Kts
What are the turbulent air penetration speeds for the EMB 170/175/190
Below 10,000 is 250Kts
At or above 10,000 is 270/.70 whichever is lower (EMB 170/175)
At or above 10,000 is 270/.76 whichever is lower (EMB 190)
What are the landing gear speeds?
Maximum gear extension speed
Maximum gear retraction speed
Maximum gear extended speed
EMB 170/175
Vlo extension 250
Vlo retraction 250
Vle extended 250
EMB 190
Vlo extension 265
Vlo retraction 235
Vle extended 265
Maximum tire ground speed
195 KTS
Maximum flap operating speeds Flaps 1 Flaps 2 Flaps 3 Flaps 4 Flaps 5 Flaps Full
Flaps 1 structural 230, 225 (R) Flaps 2 structural 215, 210 (R) Flaps 3 structural 200, 195 (R) Flaps 4 structural 180, 175 (R) Flaps 5 structural 180, 175 (R) Flaps Full structural 165, 160 (R)