EM8 Flashcards
acid base disturbance in ASA tox
metabolic acidosis w/ resp alkalosis
spider bite + abd pain
black widow
necrotic spider bite after lifting log
brown recluse (violin shape)
should you give antivenin in coral snake bite
administer antivenin even w/o sx “red on yellow kill a fellow”
machine oil urine
staccato cough
neonatal chlamydia (dev @ 4-12 weeks)
type 1 vs II error
type 1 = a (null hypothesis incorrectly rejected)
type 2= B (failure to reject null when its wrong)
class iv hemorrhage will present with
negligible urine output, confusion
NEXUS Criteria?
- N- Neuro deficit
- E- EtOH/intoxication
- X- distracting injury
- U- Unconsciousness/AMS
- S- servical tenderness
What injury is likely to be present in a child with a raised elbow fat pad?
Supracondylar fracture.
Posterior fat pad sign suggestive of ?
radial head fracture
Quincke’s pulse:
prominent nail pulsations ass w/ AR
major Duke’s criteria for endocarditis? 3
+blood cx, echo findings, new murmur
melena indicates where location of bleed
UGIB prox to ligament of treitz
1st line tx for Crohns
5-ASA agents (sulfasalazine or mesalamine)
causes of inc unconjugated bili (2)
hemolysis (or inc production) or hepatocellular injury (problem w/ hepatocyte)
causes of inc conjugated bili
bile obstruction
vaccines for splenectomy pts?
cover encapsulated organisms (s pneumo, h influenza, n meningitiditis)
morbilliform rash after ampicillin
dx SCD sequestration (3)
Hb drop by 2 points, thrombocytopenia, reticulocytosis
Displacement of the radiocapitellar line suggestive of?
subluxation or dislocation of the radial head
What chemotherapeutic agent is associated with dilated cardiomyopathy?
How long does it take for Gtube to mature?
4 weeks (before this g tube displacement should be admitted for IV Abx and monitor for peritonitis)
CI during thyroid storm?
Aspirin (because it displaces T4 from binding proteins leading to increased serum levels of T4 and T3 potentiating the thyrotoxicosis.)
Fusion beats ? Suggestive of?
occur when impulses from two different locations (one within the ventricle and one in a supraventricular location) activate the ventricle. The result is a QRS complex with morphology resembling a hybrid of a sinus beat and intraventricular beat. These are diagnostic of VT because they represent AV dissociation.
Capture beats?
Capture beats occur when a sinus beat is normally conducted and a single beat with the sinus QRS morphology occurs within a wide complex tachycardia.
Tx prinzmetal angina?
Nitrates and CACB
What three medications decrease mortality after a myocardial infarction?
ABC – Aspirin, beta-blockers, statins (anti-cholesterol)
Which kidney stone patients need admission?
Patients who have only one kidney and an obstructing stone need admission with urology consultation
Which kidney stones likely to pass? And not?
Treatment is:
< 5 mm: likely to pass spontaneously
> 8 mm: unlikely to pass, lithotripsy
Which finding on lung ultrasound is most specific for a diagnosis of spontaneous pneumothorax?
presence of a lung point sign, visualization of the junction of normal lung sliding adjacent to an area with absent lung sliding.
What viral foodborne disease presents with jaundice, dark urine, and diarrhea?
Hepatitis A.
Tx GuillianBarre Syndrome?
Treatment is supportive, plasmapheresis, or IVIG
MCC osteomyelitis?
S aureus
MC spread osteomyelitis?
Adults: contiguous spread
Children: hematogenous spread
Tx ketamine laryngospasm?
Best needle position for evacuation of PTX? PLeural effusion?
Air evacuation site: 2nd ICS, midclavicular line
Fluid evacuation site: ≥ 1 ICS below top of effusion in the midscapular or posterior axillary line
Standard sexual assault tx?
CDC recommends empiric treatment of gonorrhea, chlamydia, and trichomoniasis with ceftriaxone 250 mg IM, azithromycin 1 gm orally, and metronidazole 2 gm orally, respectively. Hep B vaccine only if not previously vaccinated
Best emergency contraception if >72 hours from encounter?
Ulipristal 30 mg orally is the preferred choice if it has been 72 hours or longer since the assault and in overweight or obese women. It is a selective progesterone receptor modulator which delays ovulation by as much as five days.
Best emergency contraception if <72 hours from encounter? (2)
Ethinyl estradiol 100 mcg and levonorgestrel 0.5 mg x two doses 12 hours apart is 80% effective if given within 72 hours of intercouse but is not well tolerated due to frequently associated nausea and vomiting. Levonorgestrel 1.5 gm is another treatment option for emergency contraception
Two types of local anesthetic classes?
Amides: lidocaine, bupivacaine (2 Is)
Esters: tetracaine, benzocaine (1 I)
(If allergic to one try the other class)
Tx local anesthetic OD?
Toxicity Rx: lipid emulsion
Sx Benzocaine OD?
Sx Lidocaine OD:
seizures, hypotension
Sx Bupivicaine OD:
Lidocaine Concentration 1% means what
1% = 1g/100mL = 10 mg/mL
What local anesthetics can be used subdermally in patients with allergic reactions to both amide and ester anesthetics? (2)
Diphenhydramine or benzyl alcohol with epinephrine.
- Dx: ELISA followed by HIV-1/HIV-2 differentiation immunoassay or Western blot
- Dx tests become positive during seroconversion (3-12 weeks after exposure)
HIV * Chronic watery diarrhea:
HIV * White cottage cheese lesions:
HIV * Irremovable white lesions on lateral tongue:
hairy leukoplakia (EBV)
PCP PNA in HIV when?
CD4 < 200
TB in HIV when?
- TB: CD4 < 200, may have negative CXR/PPD
HIV * Ring-enhancing intracranial lesions + focal neurologic deficits:
Toxoplasma gondii
HIV * Ring-enhancing intracranial lesions + AMS:
primary CNS lymphoma