em - external factors - Flashcards
berieter and engleman
low income blacl families lack intelectula stimulation and enritching expieriences
langauge is
- disjointed
- ungramatical
- cant express abstract ideas
link to
english first land students scroe 3.2 pointed more than studetns whos first langasge isnt english
55.2% - 52% decrease - how many studetns achieve 5A* - c at gcse
explain attitudes and values as a cause for the ethnicity based gap in gender attaintment
cultural deprivatoin theorists beleieve these familes lack motivation and it is a majoir cause for faliour
argiably blaclk stuidentsa re socialised into a fatalistci live for today mindset and not into mainstream culture wich instills
- ambition
- competetivines
- determniaton
to achieve long term goals
black families headed by a lone mother
fathers absecne reslulted in boys from these familys lacking an adequite role model of male achievement
children are deprived of adequurie care and struge financially
underachievement of some minorities stems from a high rate of lone parenthood and lack positive male role models
supports moynihand argument!!
low achieveement of ethnic minorities is becuase of a faliour to embrase mainstream british culture
aisan famileas are higher achievers becuase they have a high resilience to resit racism and have an icnreased self worth
black carrabean studetns have a differeint impact of colonsalism
e.g slave trande dractially effecting some communites developmetn and not others
tony sewell
reason for black boys underachievement is a lack of fatherly nurturing
they turn to gangs for a selce of loyalty and bleonging
however tony sewell is accused of downplaying racism
possible evaluation for tony sewells point
beleoves institutional racism is the main cause for balck pupils underachieve,emnt in school
chirs arnot
beleives subcultures among black pupils put peer pressure on black boys within gangs
link to orly kats !!
mc culloch
survey of 16000 pupils, em pupils are more likely to aspire to go to university than white pupils
studdies 4 mainly working class schools
found teachers resported poorer bevahiour and dicipline within wokring class white schools - showing the effect of parents invovelenmt in em families
however - gender not tsaken into account?
street culture in white areas can be brutal and white people must withstand intimidaton and intimiadfe others
school can become a place where power games and dynmaics that young people engage in
sewell - on asian families
indian and chinese pupils benefit from supportive families
asian work wthic places a hgih vlue on educatoin
upton - on asian families
adult authority in asian familes functiona s according to similar principles of the education system
they model operating in school
therefore - respoectul behaviour towards adults were expected from children
schools were likely to be suppotwed by asian families
howeveer - generalsies asian sucess
and mental health?