Elliott - Chapter 32 - Sustainability - environment and social rep Flashcards
What does the Strategic Report explain?
This explains the business model, the objectives and strategies, the principal risks and how these are addressed and future prospects.
What is the Integrated Reporting Framework?
This describes the capitals that a business might employ in achieving outputs from its business model.
- financial capital e.g. resources that it controls -net assets
- manufactured capital i.e non-current assets and finished goods
- Intelectual capital ie intangibles
- human capital ie way work is carried out
- social and relationship capital ie customer based intangibles such as key relationships
- natural capital ie renewable and non renewable environmental resources
Environmental integrated financial reporting def
Reports started out as PR exercises are now gradually becoming valued by investors and analysts who are requiring a greater degree of detail. CSR and sustainability efforts important to stakeholders
How does board composition affect environmental policy?
Female board members linked to positive environ performance.
Negative relationship between board members who have shown past unethical behaviour and enviro performance.
If share capital is provided by a select few, expenditure becomes far more personal and may result in a lack of environmental policy.
Danger of information overload?
CSR can result in high data volume. Companies are overcoming this by issuing summary reports within annual reports etc. .
What is the Connected Reporting Framework? CRF
Adopted by many organisations. Proposes five key environmental indicators, which all organisations should consider reporting: polluting emissions, energy use, water use, waste and significant use of other finite resources and industry benchmarks.
What is the Global Reporting Initiative? GRI
Aimed to develop global sustainability guidelines for voluntary use. Covers: the economic dimension - financial and non-financial info - info on RnD investment in workforce etc.
The environmental dimension - adverse effects on air, water, land, biodiversity etc
The social dimension - health and safety, human rights etc.
What is the Eco-Management and Audit Scheme? EMAS
Voluntary participation to promote continuous environment performance improvements of activities by committing organisations to evaluating and improving their own environmental performances.
What is the international organisation for standardisation.?
Establish international standards to reduce barriers to trade. Companies may elect to join in order to obtain and ISO certification.
Benefits are:
Top level management become involved: define and overall policy
Environmental Management - framework for environ management.