Elizabeth's religious settlement Flashcards
1559 - Act of Supremacy
o Elizabeth was named ‘Supreme Governor’ of the Church and had the power of visitations. (She took this title instead of the title ‘Supreme Head’ as many members of the government believed that a woman had no spiritual authority over the Church.)
o Clergy and royal officials swore an oath of allegiance to the Supremacy.
What were the features of Elizabeth’s religious settlement?
Elizabeth I’s religious settlement was designed to be accepted by as many of her subjects as possible, Catholic or Protestant. The religious settlement was established in 1559 and came in three parts.
Elizabeth did not want a Puritan religion for What three main reasons?
- Act of Supremacy
- Act of Uniformity
- The Royal Injunctions
Explain the Act of Supremacy 1559-
The Act of Supremacy made Elizabeth the supreme governor ofthe Church of England. All clergy and royal officials had to swear an oath of allegiance to Elizabeth as head of the Church. An Ecclesiastical High Commission was set up to enforce the new rules.
Explain Act of Uniformity 1559-
The Act of Uniformity said that all churches and clergy had to follow what the queen wanted so that all churches were uniform (did the same thing).
• A new Book of Common Prayer, in English, was published for all clergy to follow. The text was carefully chosen to please Catholics and Protestants.
• The Act described what clothing priests had to wear. The clothing was simpler than Catholics’ robes, but was still different to everyday wear.
• Everyone had to go to church on Sunday and other holy days, or they would be fined oneshilling.
Explain The Royal Injunctions 1559-
The Royal Injunctions gave further, more detailed instructions on what churches should look like, the clothes priests should wear and what to do in church services. They also said:
• all clergy must teach Royal Supremacy.
• anyone refusing to go to church was to be reported to the Privy Council.
• no one was allowed to preach without a licence from the government.
• each parish was to have a copy of the Bible in English.
• images in churches were allowed.
Who helped enforce the settlement and how?
o The Church helped enforce the religious settlement. Visitations were inspections of churches and clergy by bishops to ensure that everyone was following the religious settlement. Clergy also had to show their preaching licences. Elizabeth made it clear that she did not want those carrying out visitations to be too harsh. Even so, the first visitations in 1559 led to 400 clergy losing their jobs.
o After 1559, visitations took place every three to four years.
Who helped enforce the settlement and how?
o The Church helped enforce the religious settlement. Visitations were inspections of churches and clergy by bishops to ensure that everyone was following the religious settlement. Clergy also had to show their preaching licences. Elizabeth made it clear that she did not want those carrying out visitations to be too harsh. Even so, the first visitations in 1559 led to 400 clergy losing their jobs.
o After 1559, visitations took place every three to four years.