Elixir Flashcards
Elixir build tool
Elixir package manager
VM for running Elixir and Erlang
Web framework built in Elixir
A process that supervises other processes and restarts them whenever they crash.
A constant whose value is its own name. Some other languages call these symbols. Atoms are written with a colon in front of the name such as :atom.
Atoms are equal if their names are equal.
True and false are atoms in Elixir. True, false and nil are atoms that don’t require colon in the name.
Elixir script file extension.
Elixir’s built in testing framework. ExUnit tests are written in .exs files.
Tests are commonly ran with the command mix test.
Elixir interactive REPL.
When running with iex -S mix you can load an elixir file with the following
import ModuleName
and reload with
r ModuleName
’’ vs “”
Single quotes in Elixir contain charlists. Double quotes contain normal strings. A charlist is an array of the character codes. A character code can be transferred to a character by using a question mark such as ?variable