Eliminitating risks Flashcards
Learn about how can I eliminate risks at work
¿How can I eliminate the hazard?
An example of this would be that petrol station attendants in Ireland are no longer exposed to the risk of chronic lead poisoning following the removal of lead from petrol products sold at forecourts.
¿How can I replace danger with less risk?
Using things witl less risks. In laboratory research, toluene is now often used as a substitute for benzene. The solvent-properties of the two are similar but toluene is less toxic and is not categorised as a carcinogen although toluene can cause severe neurological harm.
¿How can I isolate the hazard in a plant?
Isolating the hazard is achieved by restricting access to plant and equipment or in the case of substances locking them away under strict controls.
¿How can I perform engineering controls?
Engineering Controls involve redesigning a process to place a barrier between the person and the hazard or remove the hazard from the person, such as machinery guarding, proximity guarding, extraction systems or removing the operator to a remote location away from the hazard.
¿What can be examples of administrative controls?
Administrative controls include adopting standard operating procedures or safe work practices or providing appropriate training,