Elevator Ops Flashcards
An elevator Emergency is a situation where one or more of the following exist:
A) Fire endangering passengers in a stuck elevator
B) Passenger of stuck elevator injured
C) Passenger of stuck elevator in panick
What is an elevator Incident?
A stuck elevator with trapped passengers not in immediate danger and no evidence of injury.
What are he 3 Methods of passenger removal!
A) Primary Removal
B) Secondary Removal
C) Emergency Removal
What are examples of primary removal procedures?
- Simple approaches performed w/out turning off the elevator power
- i.e. Fireman service, check electrical contacts by having passenger press door open button, lobby call button
What are examples of secondary removal procedures?
- Power removal is essential
- members operating in shaft must be secured by life saving rope
- when removing passengers from cars between floors they should be take up and out
What is the only circumstance in which the elevator power may be restored by a fdny member?
If the elevator has a two speed system (usually 10+ story bldngs). If emergency stop was pressed then deactivate and shut power down then turn it on again
When can “poling” be used to remove passengers?
When the car is in a multi car hoist way.
What are example of Emergency Removal procedures?
- Top hatch removal (max 2 ff on roof of car, ALL passengers and ff secured with LSR
- side exit removal
-Forcible entry = last resort
*maxi force airbags is preferred method of
F.E. Bag as high as possible w center of
bag at doors edge
What are the 2 types of elevator pits?
1) Jump Pit: 4’ to 6’ and descends to w/in a
a couple of feet to bottom. Need portable
2) Walk-in Pit: 6’ to 10’ with access via door at
Bottom of shaft. Car stays above shaft.
What is the most frequent cause of elevator malfunction?
Electrical problems
The telephone number of an elevator mechanic __ be posted in the vicinity of the elevator lobby. The elevator mechanics phone number is __ posted in the elevator machinery room near the elevator power switch.
MAY be posted in vicinity of elevator lobby. REQUIRED posted in the elevator machinery room.
When using the poling method, the member in the adjacent car inserts a pole or hook between the _____ and the _____ and trips the lock.
Between the striking post and the hoistway door
When using the poling method, if a hinge type door is found members should ___ on the locking arm. If sliding type elevator doors are found members should ___ the roller.
DEPRESS on the locking arm. PUSH-UP on the roller
When the side exit door is going to be removed stuck elevator passengers, members should know that the stuck elevator must be within __ feet of the adjoining cars side door and that planks of __ feet or longer should be used as a bridge between cars.
Within 3 feet and planks of 6 feet or longer
When forcible entry procedures are going to be employed on a hinged type elevator door, knock out the glass panel if present or breach the hoist way shaft above the hoist way door and then push down the roller. The roller will be located?
On the opposite side of the hinges on the shaft wall
Order of preference for forcible entry on sliding type elevator doors.
1) Air bags
2) Rabbit tool
3) forcible entry tools
4) Breach
If you arrive on scene and EMS is using Fire service feature then you should?
Contact EMS on channel 10
During phase ll (operational phase) once the 1620 key is placed in the car to Firemen Service, “door closed” is pressed and a floor is selected, what is you’re next step?
As soon as car begins to move, press “call cancel” button to verify it works
Do not use an elevator in a bank which services the fire floor if a lower bank of elevators reaches within __ floors of the fire floor.
Within 5 floors
No more than __ members are to be permitted in any elevator car
No more than 6 members
During fire operations the elevator should be stopped every __ floors to confirm the elevator will respond to the selected floors.
Every 5 floors
Officers in command of an elevator accident are to notify the?
Buildings Department
In a single car blind hoistway, emergency access openings shall be provided at every ___ floor but no more than __ feet apart.
Every 3rd floor but no more than 36 feet apart
The key switch is required to be how many feet within the lobby call button?
4 feet
If phase 1 (elevator recall) has been initiated before a units arrival and all elevator doors are closed, units should determine if Phase 1 was initiated manually or automatically and then be guided by?
If Phase 1 was initiated manually the firemen service lobby keyed switch will be found in the foremen service position. Place the firemen service lobby keyed switch momentarily in the “normal” (off) position. Then turn it to firemen service position, this will cause all elevator car doors in this bank to open
During phase 1 elevator recall an elevator traveling away from the street floor will reverse direction at the next landing without opening it’s doors, and return non-stop to the street or terminal floor. When the elevator car reaches it’s terminal one of the following will occur.
1) all car and hoistway doors open. The doors remain open for at least 8 seconds and no more than 1 minute
2) all car and hoistway doors. The firemen service elevator car and hoistway doors remain open with the car lights remaining on. Non firemen service elevator car and hoistway doors close between 8 seconds and 1 minute
3) all elevator car doors and hoistway doors open and remain open in the firemen service cars. The car lights in the firemen service elevator cars remain open and the lights to the non firemen service cars go off
The relationship of the elevator to the stairway should be noted when?
At the first and last stops
Name the 4 “Swing type” elevator keys
1) staley swing door key (insert & push up on rear of key
2) Gal swing door key (insert & turn 1/4)
3) Gal elevator pick tool (power off, depress latch)
4) Otis swing door key (insert & exert downward pressure on rear of tool)
Name the 3 sliding type elevator tools
1) “Z” tool (45 degree angle to plane of locking arm, push up too raising locking arm
2) Gal drop key (insert till drops, turn tool away from leading edge of hoistway door )
3) Gal vandal resistance key (insert & turn 1/4 turn away from hoistway door leading edge)
How do you disengage zone lock device?
1) sliding type doors
2) hinged type doors
1) sliding type doors: list rod straight up to release the zone lock device
2) hinged type doors: Depress lever to release the zone lock device