Elevate Instrument Quizes Flashcards
How much Cross country PIC time is required for the instrument check ride?
Descending below DA/MDA is discussed under which reg number?
Where can you find currency requirements and guidance for an instrument proficiency check?
Instrument ACS
Advisory Circular 61-98E
If you lose comms in VFR conditions you should continue VFR flight and land as soon as practicable.
If you are using an alternate static source, what does the ASI show?
Reads higher than actua
If your pitot tube is blocked, what happens to your VSI?
It continues working
Which approach uses Marker Beacons?
Which approach always has a glideslope?
Which acronym is specifically for IFR required equipment?
True or False: A pilot should always trust their ‘gut feeling’ over the instruments in the aircraft.
Which is NOT a type of spatial disorientation?
When an aircraft makes a level and coordinated turn, the pilot’s nerves tell the brain that their body is…
Sinking down into their seat
The fluid inside your ears is called
What is the average time it takes a private pilot to get lost in IMC?
178 Seconds
Which is NOT a sensory system?
True or False: At night, there is a blind spot that appears in the center of your vision, not your peripherals.
Occurs when a turn is entered too slowly for the inner ear to detect the rolling motion.
The leans
On the airspeed indicator, what does the upper limit of the green arc represent?
When you fly from an area of high pressure to an area of low pressure without adjusting the Kollsman window, what will the altimeter indicate?
It indicates higher than true altitude
The ASI reading corrected for position (or installation) and instrument errors is called the:
Calibrated airspeed
Horizontal Situation Indicators (HSI) use a reference to magnetic north and do not generally need to be adjusted during flight due to Earth’s rotation (like directional gyros do).
Which of the following is not a type of cross check?
What is the four step process?
Establish, Trim, Cross-Check, Adjust
In a turn, which instrument is Primary for Bank?
Turn Coordinator
For Straight and Level flight, what instrument is primary for power?
Airspeed Indicator
In a turn, which instrument is Supporting for Bank?
Heading Indicator
How many degrees per second is a standard rate turn?
Instruments in your airplane cause interference that affects your compass.
How long will a standard rate turn of 180º take?
1 minute
The recovery procedure for a nose-high unusual attitude is - increase power as necessary, apply forward elevator pressure, and correct the bank.
Blue power through, pitch down, wings level
Which one of these is not a VOR service volume?
What color is an outer marker beacon?
Slant range error is largest at lower altitudes and at longer distances.
RAIM stands for Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring.
Which is not a type of VOR check?
How many satellites are needed for RAIM coverage?
Which type of VOR has the largest service area?
You should use caution when navigating around a VOR because the airspace can become congested with GA traffic.
What acronym do we use for Special Use Airspaces?
Can ATC assign you a visual approach?
Which acronym is used for reporting information?
Contact approaches can only be requested by the pilot and not assigned by ATC.
Established primarily to provide air traffic service to aircraft operating on IFR flight plans within controlled airspace, and principally during the en route phase of flight.
Responsible for control of aircraft on IFR flight plans. The ‘go-between’ from tower to center, or center to tower.
The controller that is contacted for IFR flights to receive their flight plan clearance for the route of flight.
Clearance delivery
VFR services given by ATC are on a workload permitting basis.
No person may operate an aircraft in controlled airspace under IFR unless that person has
Received an appropriate ATC clearance
Filed an IFR flight plan
What does the ‘R’ in the CRAFT clearance stand for?
Route of flight
What is the purpose of clearance void time?
To keep the block of airspace clear until ATC can locate your position.
A climb to VFR-on-Top does not cancel an active IFR flight plan.
Standard holding pattern involves turns to the _______.
Maximum holding speed: 6,001’ - 14,000’ MSL.
What distance should you begin the turn to intercept the first radial of the DME arc?
0.5 mile
The three types of hold entries are direct, teardrop, and parallel.
On a non precision approach, when do you go missed?
at MAP
Which approach is considered a precision approach?
ILS approach
Approach speed categories are determined using what type of airspeed?
Indicated airspeed
Takeoff and alternate minimums are shown on Jeppesen approach charts.
A letter included in the title of the approach means the final approach course is >__° off of runway centerline.
30 degrees
Will there be a reliable glideslope on a localizer back course approach?
VOR for the approach may be located miles away from your landing airport.
A non-precision localizer approach will provide vertical guidance.
Which RNAV approach type will get you to the lowest minimum?
LPV gives a replica performance of what nav aid?
Without WAAS will your glide slope work for LPV?
What type of GPS approach has vertical guidance as well as horizontal guidance?
Can you circle to land from an ILS approach?
Describes the horizontal distance you can expect to see down a runway, based on seeing High Intensity Runway Lights (HIRL) or other things on the runway that have visual contrast.
If the localizer is inoperative, can you still shoot an ILS approach?
Will the approach minimums change if the glide slope becomes inoperative during an ILS instrument approach procedure?
When circling you have to maintain a distance from what portion of the airport based on your approach category?
Runway threshold
The circling minimums published on the instrument approach chart provide a minimum of how many feet of obstacle clearance?
300 feet
Can be initiated by either ATC or Pilot and used to expedite traffic flow
Visual Approach
Contact approaches cannot be assigned by ATC and must be requested by the pilot.
What is the term for an ATC-requested and developed departure route, typically used in busy terminal areas?
ODPs may be flown without explicit ATC clearance.
When departing on a IFR flight plan, when should you turn on course (unless otherwise specified)?
400 ft AGL
Obstacle departure procedures will be printed with the word OBSTACLE in the procedures.
What does STAR stand for?
Standard Terminal Arrival Route
Where does a STAR end?
At the beginning of an instrument approach
When can you descend below MEA on a STAR?
Only if ATC assigns lower altitude
Cleared via grants approval to fly both the lateral and vertical path of the arrival.
When can you cancel your IFR flight plan?
Anytime you are in VFR conditions and outside of Class Alpha airspace
When should you file your IFR flight plan?
30 minutes prior to departure
Do you need an alternate if, between 1 hr before and 1 hr after your ETA weather is forecasted to be less than 3,000’ ceilings?
No, if ceilings are above 2,000’ 1 hr before to 1 hr after ETA you DO NOT need an alternate.
Your IFR flight plan will close automatically upon landing at a non-towered airport.
What system was recently replaced by FIS-B?
Unscheduled weather advisory.
Center weather advisory
How is FIS information sent?
Ground based broadcast through ADS-B network.
Convective SIGMETs are valid for a maximum of 2 hours.
What is NOT a level of severity to describe turbulence?
Which type of Structural Icing is the most dangerous?
Batteries are less powerful in the cold.
Rime ice forms if the droplets are small and freeze immediately when contacting the aircraft surface.
Airmet Zulu gives reporting on what weather condition?
Who can you file a PIREP with?
Flight Service Station
A PIREP should also be filed when the weather is better-than-forecast. A PIREP filed to report good weather is just as important as a PIREP filed to report bad weather.
Provides a display of clouds that would be visible to the naked eye when flying above it. Allows identification of fog/low level clouds that radar imagery may not detect.
Satellite Imagery
What type of front is depicted by a line with semicircles?
What type of front is depicted by a line with semicircles on one side and triangles on the other?
What type of front is depicted by a line with semicircles on one side and triangles on the other?
Surface analysis charts are issued every _____ hours.
Uses tiny sensors to measure acceleration, and a fast computer chip analyzes those forces and calculates airplane attitude.
In a IFR lost comms situation in IMC the altitude we fly is the highest of–
MEA, Expected, Assigned
What should you do if you lose comms on an IFR flight plan in VMC conditions?
Remain VFR and continue to nearby VFR airport
The one instrument that utilizes the pitot tube is the ASI.
What squawk code is used for a lost comms situation?
Which instruments use gyroscopes in the six pack steam gauge set up?
Attitude Indicator, Heading Indicator, and Turn indicator
The pilot in command of each aircraft operated in controlled airspace under IFR shall report _____________________ to ATC any malfunctions of navigational, approach, or communication equipment occurring in flight.
As soon as practical
How much fuel is required in IFR conditions?
Complete the flight to first airport of intended landing, plus alternate, plus 45 minutes normal cruising speed
A systematic approach to risk assessment and stress management.
What is the antidote to the Macho hazardous attitude?
Taking chances is foolish
IMSAFE checklist stands for what?
Illness, Medication, Stress, Alcohol, Fuel, Emotion.