Elements of Reform Compared: EA v AU Flashcards
Compare political institutional
EU: member states v EU divide responsibility. Member States master of Treaty
Au: intergovernmental agreements between states and commonwealth. Constitutionally the states legislate in energy
Policy agenda
EU: sustainability, competitiveness, security of supply
AU: competitiveness, security/reliability, productivity
Eu sustainability a function of the treaty
Au use market mechanism extensively
Dependence on imports
Eu: heavily dependant (>50%) imported from sources outside of the state
Au: net exporter
Establishing market
Eu: internal market in line with treaty (4 freedoms services, commodities, people and goods)
Au: establish economies of scale. Low population density requires large redundant generators to ensure supply UNLESS combines network without barriers (transmission loss and physical barriers)
Unbundling or removal of vertical integration
Eu: 3 models - ownership, Independent Service operator, independent transmission service operator
Au: disaggregation quite similar across network but some states not fully privatised
3rd Part Access
Eu: TPA regulated and RES-A priority access
Au: Connection under National Electricity Regulations and gas under AER
Independent regulator
Eu: third package established ACER
Au: separate rule maker and rule enforcer - AER, AEMC
Eu: heavily regulated
Au: strongly regulated but utilises market forces extensively
What lessons can be learnt from IMPLEMENTATION
Eu: discrimination exists without regulation
Au: common elements but each state applied liberalisation differently and therefore cost differences (100% uniformity not possible in AU political environment)
What lessons can be learnt from ACCESS
Equal competition requires equal access
Access fundamental, connection required for competition - you can’t participate without access
What lessons can be learnt from POSITIVE DISCRIMINATION
May positively discriminate - small producers and renewables
Technology neutral
What lessons can be learnt from REGULATION
Market failures
Time taken to develop