Elements Of Poetry + Grammar Rules Flashcards
What is meter?
The counted rhythm in each line.
What is a stanza?
The separation of each new idea.
What does free verse mean?
A poem with no set meter or rhyme scheme.
What is alliteration?
Using the same beginning sound at each word.
What is assonance?
Using the same vowel sound in each word.
What is consonance?
Using the same ending sound in each word.
What is denotation?
You literally mean what you say.
What is connotation?
You don’t literally mean what you say.
What does onomatopoeia mean?
Using words to imitate sounds?
What is personification?
To give an inanimate object human traits.
What is synecdoche?
To have a small part represent the whole.
What is a metaphor?
To compare two completely different things.
What is a simile?
To say something is like another thing.
What is apostrophe?
To address some who isn’t present at the time.
What is allusion?
Where you use ideas and phrases that need background information to understand.
When do you use who?
When you can replace it with he or she.
When do you use whom?
When it can be replaced by him or her.
When do you use than?
When you’re comparing two things.
When do you use then?
When it’s going along a time line?
When do you use less?
When you can’t count it or the bulk quantity.
When do you use fewer?
When it’s individual, a count noun.
When do you use lay?
When it has to be done by an outside object or person.
When do you use lie?
When it happens naturally.
What is rhyme scheme?
The way the end of each line relates to another line in the rhyme pattern.