Elements of music Flashcards
Music is an _________ sound
What’s the definition of music
Music is an art form, it uses organized sound, as it means of expression, through the manipulation of the elements of music
What is rhythm
Rhythm is the controlled movements of music in time
What does Rhythm effect
“How long a tone is played The speed of which the tones are heard The regularity or irregularity with which tones are heard”
What is pitch
Pitch is the physical frequency of sound. It is the highness or lowness of sound
What is melody
“Melody is the ordering of single tones Rhythm + pitch= melody”
What is melody sometimes called
Soul of music
What’s an example of timbre
“A flute sounds different from a trumpet How you can hear the difference from your mothers voice then your fathers”
What are the six dynamics in letters
What are the six dynamics in Italian
“Pianissimo Piano Mezzo piano Mezzo forte Forte Fortissimo”
What are the six dynamics in English
“Very soft Soft Medium soft Medium loud Loud Very loud”
What does crescendo and decrescendo mean
Gradually get loud and gradually get softer
What is texture
Texture is the complexity of a musical composition
What are the three types of textures
Monophonic, polyphonic, and homophonic
What’s the definition of monophonic and an example
One unaccompanied melody (it doesn’t have an harmony) an example is an choir singing in octaves
What’s the definition of homophonic and an example
A homophonic is a single line of melody or multiple lines of melody with chords or accompaniment. An example is a flute solo with an piano accompaniment.mother instruments playing a chord (not a melody) at the same time