Elements of Drama and Fiction Flashcards
What is Drama
Drama is a from of literature written for performance. it includes many of the literary devices and elements that we see in fictional texts, but it is usually structures differently. A MSND is work of drama.
a comedy is a story that ends happily. Modern audiences world classify a “comedy” as a funny story, but traditionally, these stories do not have to include humor to be considered comedic. Usually, comedies center around ordinary people, rather than royalties.
A tragedy is a drama or literary work in which the main character is brought to ruin or suffers extreme sorrow, especially as a consequence of a tragic flaw, moral weakness, or inability to cope with unfavorable circumstances. tragedies end unhappily for the main character, and usually Center around royalty or nobility
A character is a person who appears on stage and takes part in the drama
A protagonist is a character around whom the story revolves. The protagonist is the main or most important character in the story. Some dramas include several protagonists, as you will see in A Midsummer’s Night Dream. The protagonist is often confused with “the good guy” or “ the hero”, but that is not always the case. The protagonist can be a villain, a hero, or an anti-hero.
The antagonist is a major character in the play whose ideas and/or values conflict with those of the protagonist. The antagonist is often confused with the villain or the bad guy, but that is not always the case. the protagonist in A midsummer’s night dream, for example, is mischievous, but is not an evil character
Dramatic Irony
Dramatic irony exists when there is a situation on stage that the audience knows about, but the characters in the drama are unaware of. this often adds humor or suspense for the audience.
Conflict is the major source of tension within the drama. there are many ways in which authors bring a sense of conflict, and the most common types are Man versus man, Man versus environment, and man versus self
The theme is the main idea or message of the text that the writer is trying to convey to the audience. a drama can have several themes
The plot is the actual story that moves the drama along. it is the sequence of events that brings the characters and story to life
An act as a major division within a play, much like a chapter is a division of a novel. A Midsummer’s Night Dream is written in five Acts
A further division within an act
Words spoken by a character directly to the audience, which the other characters on stage do not hear. it is usually used to give the audience more information about a situation in the play or the thought process of another character
An introduction or Preface to a literary work. in a play, the term often describes a speech, often in the form of a poem, that is addressed to the Audience by one orMore of the actors at the opening of a play.
A monologue is a speech given by one character to another or multiple characters or by one character to the audience
Dialogue is a conversation between two or more characters on stage
Upon it is a play on words, often on those that sounded like. an example of a pun in A Midsummer’s Night Dream includes lysanders line and act 2 scene 2 when hermia tells Lysander to” lie further off yet, do not lie so near” to which Lysander responds, “ for lying so her mia, I do not lie.” this is a pun on the word lie in that hermia meant one definition of lie ( to physically lay down somewhere), whereas Lysander is using the word to testify his own truthfulness
A type of monologue performed by a single character. the character speaks his thoughts aloud to him/herself. a soliloquy allows the audience to know what the character is thinking though the other characters on stage could not hear the soliloquy and the character is not speaking to anyone directly, including the audience