Elements of art Flashcards
What is space
Space refers to the distance or area between around ,above,below or within an artwork and design
True or false ?
Space can be 2D and not 3D
False space can be both 2D and 3D
What can the 3 things space be divided in
Foreground, Middleground,Background
what is tonal value ?
The relative darkness and lightness of an area in an artwork
Name the 5 types of space
Still life
True of False ?
Space can be negative and positive
What can tonal be used to describe
Form ,emotional and dramatic effect
the treatment of light and shade in drawing and painting.
What is the defention of line?
A path of moving of a moving direction.It has a beginning and a direction
Charcterics of a line
Line has a direction
Shows emotion
Name the different types of lines
curved ,jaggered,thin,thick
What is the defintion of texture?
Texture is the visual apperance and tactile feel of a surface
Name an example of visual texture
Frottage meaning rubbing in french.The technique is created by placing your work on the object with the desired texture and literally rubbing texture.
Name an example of actual texture
Impasto is a method used by an artistwhere they apply thick paint directly on the canvas using a pallet knife
What is the defintion of shape
Shape is 2D or flat .Its the outline of an object.
True or False ?
Shape cant be negative or positive
Shape can be positive and negative
Examples of basic shape
Square , rectangle and circle
Types of shapes
- Geometric/Organic
2.complete /incomplete
What is the definition of form
Form is a 3 dimensional shape
How is form created ?
We use tonal value ,overlapping of shape and perspective to create 3 dimesion in artwork
Examples of form
List the title if empirical data
Artist, Title,Date ,Size,Material ,Location
True or False ?
Form can be repesentional or abstract
What is the defention of colour
colour is produced when light sticking an object is refelected back to the eye
Name the primary colours
Name the secondary colours
What is a tertiary colour
mixture of both secondary and primary colours
Name the priciples of design
Directional forces
What is balance
A disribution of visual weight on either side of the vertical axis. Symmetrical uses the same weight but asymmetrical uses different but equally weighted features
What does directional force mean
How the eyes move through the comoposition, leading the viewer through the artwork
What is unity
visually pleasing agreement among the elements in a design
Name the types of balance
what is contrast
Arangement of opposite elements in an artwork to crate intrest
Exmples of contrast
light vs dark
smooth vs rough
What is emphasis?
Used to make certain parts in an artwork stand out. It creates a focal point
What is rhythm?
Regular repetition of,or alternation in the elements to create intrest
Name the 3 types of rhythm
What is pattern
Repetition of specific visual elements such as shape or form.
What is variety
Variety adds intrest using contasting elements within the artwork
Name the types of pattern
Ogee layout
Tossed layout
One- way Layout
Two -way layout
brick layout
Packed layout
Showing 3D on an 2D sufurce
One object or shape repeated
What is scale ?
refers to the size of an object in relation with another object
What is proportion
Refers to the size of parts of a whole.
What is the difference between visual art and design ?
Design involves forming a concept or an idea to create functional use that adds value to people’s lives .
Visual art is art which is appreciated by sight, such as painting, sculpture, and film (as contrasted with literature and music).
Examples of personal
Characterics of social
Art has the power to communicate
It can play a part in celebrations and festivals e.g christmas tree or birthday cards
Art can make strong statements about literature and non-literature
What is the differnece between typography and font?
Font is only lettering ,whereas typography is like an umbrella it includes everything the selection of paper ,the ink,selection of printing and the design of binding the book
What are the 3 catergories that art fuctions can be divided as
1 Personal
2. Social
3. Ultilitrian
Examples of social
Commercial art
Like advertisments and posters to encourage people to buy certain products
Charatericts of personal
Art decisions that relate to our everyday lives
Makes statements about our identiy and beliefs
Art has the power to heal
Charteristics of utilitarian
Functions in a practical way to enhance our everday lives
Examples of utilitarian
Music such as white noise so people working closely toegther cant hear each others conversations or music on telephone consultantions while you wait