Elements and Minerals Flashcards
What reactions are possible at 101-103 K, 107-1010 K and around 1012 K and what forms of matter are stable at these temperatures?
101-103 K - chemical reactions, molecules and solids 107-1010 K - nuclear reactions, nuclei and electrons 1012 K - elementary particle reactions, elementary particles
What do chemical synthesis and nuclear synthesis reactions require?
Chemical Synthesis requires manipulation/changes in valence electrons Nuclear synthesis requires temperatures > 102
State Coulomb’s law of electrostatics and compare the size amnd potential energy of atoms and nuclei
Coulomb’s law:
V = q1q2/4πε0r
V = potantial energy q = charge ε0 = vacuum permitivity
r = distance
Atom: r = 200 pm = 2x10-10 m
V = 1.2x10-19 J (7eV) or 700 kJmol-1
Nuclei: r = 10 fm = 10x10-14 m
V = 1 MeV or 100 GJmol-1
Explain the differences between the strong interaction and electrostatic interaction
The string interaction operates equally between protons and neutrons
The strong interaction has very short range (2 fm or less)
Which force dominates when particles are at different distances?
The stability of the nucleus is based on the balance between the strong interation *(between all nucleons) and the electrostatic interation between protons (replusive).
For a pair of nuclei, coulombioc interatiuons dominate.
Approaching a distance of 2 fm the strong interaction dominates
WHat is binding energy and what is the most stable nucleus?
The energy required to break up the nucleus into constituent nucleons
56Fe is the most stable nucleus
How can the binding energy be calculated?
Using Einstein’s theory of relativity: E = mc2
m is calculated as the difference between the mass of an element b y definition (carbon 12 has a mass of 12) and the sum of all the protons, neutrons and electrons (12C = 12.09893876)
m = 0.09893976
c = 9x1016 Jkg-1 = 931.5 MeV
E = 92.1 MeV
What affects nucleus stability?
While electrons can be seen as quantised so can nucleons in the nucleus.
Nuclei with even number of protons and neutrons are more stable than odd numbers
Certain numbers are particularly stable: 2,8,20,28,50,82,126
Sometimes referred to as magic numbers similar to closed shell configurations of nobel gases: 2,8,18,32…
What are radioactive elements?
PArticles that decay by a number of pathways with the release of energy (gamma) and particles
Describe alpha radiation
The emission of an alpha partic;le (loss of He nucleus)
All nuclei with Z > 82 are alpha emitters
Occurrs via tunnelling through the string interation/coulombic barrier
e.g 23892 U ——> 23490Th + 42α(He)
What are the three types of beta decay?
Beta (β-) emission - loss of an electron
electron capture (EC) - gain of an electron
positron (β+) emission - loss of an anti-electron
Describe beta (β-) emission
e.g 13755Cs —–> 13756Ba + e- + ~ve
~ve = an anti neutrino
This occurrs when a neutron —–> a proton and an electron
Describe electron capture (EC)
e.g 2211Na —-> 2210Ne- + ve
This releases a neutrino
This occurrs when an electron and a proton combine to form a neutron
Describe positron (β+) emission
e.g 2211Na —> 2210Ne- + e+ + ve
e+ is a positron
This occurrs when a proton breaks into a neutron and an electron
The different types opf decay can be competative with each other as a particular nucleus may decay by more than one method
What does the line of stability show in terms of β decay
The line of stability shows neutron number vs atomic number
More neutrons are required at higher atomic number to reduce the coulombic repulsion between protons .
The binding energy per nucleon reduces leading to instability.
Above the line there are too few neutrons whereas under the loine there are too many neutrons.
What are some important long lived radioactive nuclides
40K, 87Ru, 147Sm, 187Re, 232Th, 235U, 238U
All have significant earth abundances
Fuel geological processes (heat the mantle) and cause genetic mutations driving evolution
Describe what happoened in the big bang timeline at t = 10-35 s
The universe began 13.7 billion years ago
At this time it was a hit dense plasma
T = 1032 K
No matter - radiation, sea of photons and neutrinos
Radiation described as a black body (UAVE = 2.7 KT)
Describe what happened in the big bang theory time lone at
t = <0.5 s
T = 1032 K —> 1013
Photons materialise pairs of particles
2γ <—-> p+ + ~p- (antiphoton)
2γ <—-> n + ~n
2γ <—–> e- +~e- Positron/antielectron
Photons must have enough energy to form matter particles
E = 2.7kT > 2mC2
Describe what happened in the big bang theory time line at
t = >0.5-1 s
T = 1013 - 109
Photons will lack the energy to form new protons below a threshold energy
2.7kTp = 2mc2 = 1013 K
No new proton-antiproton pairs materialise and protons and antiprotons then annihilate each other:
p+ + ~p- —–> 2γ
However, a slight excess of matter over antimatter remains at equlibrium [p~+]/[γ] 10-9
Describe what happened in the big bang theory timeline at
t = 1-100 s
Protons and electrons interact to form neutrons and neutrinos:
p+ + e- —-> n + ve
Half life deoends on temperature and density of the universe
t = 1s T = 1010 K
Therefore neutrons and other matter no longer materialise
[n]/[p] =~ 1/5
neutrons then decay - half life = 11 mins
As the temperature falls neutrons react faster with protons to form stable deuterium
n + p+ —–> 2H+ + γ
All neutrons end up as deuterium which is reactive
Which reactions are involved in the cascade of reactions after protons and neutrons have reacted?
2H + 1H —–> 3He + γ
2H + n —-> 3H + γ
2H + 2H —–> 4He + γ
3He + n —–> 4He + γ
3H + 1H —–> 4He + γ
Net reaction: 21H (p+) + 2n —-> 4He + γ
4He + 3He —–> 7Be —-> 7Li + γ - minor reaction
Process blocked - no stable 5 or 8
2H is slow to be formed due to low binding energy
What are the three pieces of evidence in support of the big bang theory?
The big bang theory correctly predicts the relative concentration of the lighter elements particularly the H:He ratio of 8:1
The big bang theory predicts that between 100s and 4x105 years ago radiation and matter were at equilibrium and homogenously distributed (black body distribution) - Cosmic Background Radiation
The universe is expanding in accordance with Hubbles law:
v = Hod
v = velocity Ho = hubble’s constant d = distance
Between 100s and 4x105 years what happened with radiation and matter?
Radiation interacts with free electrons leading to an opaque universe. Radiation and matter in equilibrium and homogenously distributed. Wait 4x105 years and the universe expands and cools to the point where radiation and matter are no longer equilibrated
At T<3000 all electrons are bound in atoms - these scatter radiation weakly. MAtter and radiation become decoupled (leads of CMS) and the universe is transport.
At t>4x105 what happens to matter and radiation?
H and He atoms spread evenly over universe - too colf for nuclear reactions - gravity begins to be felt- shapes the universe - releases energy
Space continues to expand - not uniformly
Matter (mainly H and He atoms) clump together underngravity to form galaxies and eventually stars