Element Definitions Flashcards
Enters definition?
Any part of body or instrument used is within the building or ship.
Any building OR ship
Building or structure whether permanent or temporary.
Vessel used in navigation however propelled.
Without authority definition?
Absence of authority from person defendant believes is legally able to give consent
Dishonestly definition?
Without belief there’s consent or authority from owner
Without claim of right definition?
No belief in right to own or possess
Uses or deals definition?
Exceeds authority or conditions given by using or dealing
Any property definition?
Anything tangible or intangible that’s property of any person with value
Assaults definition?
Act of intentionally applying or attempting to apply force directly or indirectly
Another person definition?
Another person that’s not offended
Intentionally definition?
Deliberate act without lawful justification excuse or claim of right
Damages definition?
Temporary or permanent reduction in value or usefulness
Property definition?
Something that belongs to another person capable of being damaged