Element 1 principle of environment risk management Flashcards
Describe the water cycle.
Water is transferred ti the atmosphere from water bodies, soil and vegetation. As a vapour it will rise, cool and condense to form clouds, which eventually release rain, sleet and snow. The water is then utilised within the biological systems or seeps into the ground, from where it is eventually recycled by evaporation.
Outline the three reasons why biodiversity should be conserved.
Ecological, if key pieces of the ecological framework are removed then the whole framework may be in danger of collapsing . The ecological arguments for conserving biodiversity are there for based on this premise that we need to preserve biodiversity in order to maintain our own life support systems.
Economic, maintaining and enjoying a high quality natural environment and the regenerative effects of an improved environment, can bring substantial financial benefits to an area. Recourses can also be taken from nature for consumption.
Cultural/Spiritual /Aesthetic, the beauty of nature is something many people are enthralled by. There is something within the natural environment which people connect with, and gives a sense of satisfaction when experienced. For some there are also cultural and spiritual meanings attached to the landscape.
Recreation/Tourism, Many people take day trips and holidays at areas because of the quality of the natural environment, as well as to visit the wildlife.
Education/Information, Unique natural spaces have an important function in enabling society to improve its knowledge of the natural world. Scientists can use these areas to gather data and conduct research which can materially benefit society.,
Define sustainable development and list the three component parts.
Sustainable development, Is development the meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. The three component parts of sustainability are Social, economic and environment.
Name four ways in which the construction industry can contribute to sustainable development.
Possible contribution to sustainable development by the construction industry include,
By delivering buildings and structures that improve the health and well being of the users, as well as enabling them to lead more sustainable lives.
By using materials that have low energy intensity and minimise environmental damage.
By producing high quality designs that are capable of long life and have minimum impact on the environment.
By providing employment and stimulating the economy.
By minimising use of natural resources and the energy during the construction and operational phases.
Define the precautionary principle.
The precautionary principle defines much of the way we are beginning to respond to the challenges of sustainable development, particularly within the environment context. It urges a willingness to take action in advance of scientific proof of evidence of the need for proposed action, on the grounds that further delay could prove ultimately most costly to society and nature and, in the long term, selfish and unfair to future generations. Central to the application of the precautionary principle is the concept of proportionality or cost-effectiveness. Will environmental benefits of precautionary action outweigh the economic. And social costs.
Identify three reasons for managing environmental risk.
The three reasons are,
What is the definition of environmental hazard. Give three examples of environmental hazard.
The environmental hazard is a property or situation, which in particular circumstances could lead to harm. Environmental hazards are numerous, but may include:
Release of environmental harmful gases, such as CFCs.
Fires and explosion.
Spills of chemicals.
Dry weather leading to lower river flows.
Planting a crop of genetically modified organisms.
Depositing a harmful substance on the land.
Past use of the site.
Lack of control systems or training.
Name four statuary nuisances.
Statuary nuisances include: Premises. Dust, steam, smell. Smoke. Animals. Accumulations or deposits. Noise. Fumes and gases. Lights. Insects.
In environmental terms, identify three direct and three indirect effects on the health and safety of people outside the workplace.
Direct effects might include: Release of hazardous substances. Fire. Explosion. Radiation. Indirect effects might include: Pollution of drinking water. Food chain contamination. Persistence of pesticides in the environment. Global effects (global warming). Regional effects (river pollution). Local effects (dust).
Describe the source pathway receptor (spr) method of assessing environmental risk, as it could be applied to a spill of fuel in a haulage yard.
The following is one example of possible SPR model for a fuel spill in a haulage yard:
Source, underground fuel tank, fuel dispenser, above ground fuel tank spill by user.
Pathway, product loss and dissolution in ground water, vapour transport through soil, air-inhalation, forecourt drains.
Receptor, ground aquifer, humans, humans, local watercourses.
What are bio indicators and how can they be used to evaluate environmental risk.
Bioindicatours, are plants and animals that show reaction to varying conditions in the environment that are difficult to identify. The observation of the types and numbers of animals can give clues to the environmental conditions. For example, some fish and invertebrates thrive in comparison to others in certain polluted conditions.
One source of environmental risk is the take-up of pesticide pollutants by plants and animals, where they can accumulate. What is the name of this process. Give an example of where this has actually happened.
Bioaccumulation is the accumulation of toxic materials within the tissues of living organisms which are not readily excreted by them, leading to their concentration in the food chains. Bio magnification is the process whereby a harmful agent may be passed up the food chain, becoming more concentrated at each successive level in the chain. Because the agent may be metabolised and extracted very slowly, it becomes concentrated in the tissues of animals which consume it.
When studying environmental risk, it is essential to study the location of the area under consideration. What factors should you look at when studying the location of a premises in order to satisfactorily identify environmental risk.
Factors to be considered are: Geology and hydrgeology. Topography. Ecological sensitivity. Local weather conditions. Site history.
Give three examples of physical controls and three examples of human controls.
Physical controls: bund walls, drip trays, safety devices.
Human controls: information, instruction, training.
Describe the three factors that effect the choice of an environmental control strategy.
Applicability: the relevance of control techniques is often described in law.
Practicality: control measures chosen must be usable and practical if they are to be effective. Employees are unlikely to use control measures that are complicated and difficult to understand and use.
Cost: techniques selected to protect the environment should achieve an appropriate balance between environmental benefits and costs incurred by operators.