Element 1 - Managing Fire Safety Flashcards
Duties of responsible person
Carry out a suitable and sufficient risk assessment.
Take general fire precautions - escape, firefighting, detecting fire and providing warning action.
Fire Safety arrangements - planning, organisation, control, monitoring.
Principles of prevention.
Provision of information.
Elimination or reduction of risks from dangerous substances.
Fire-fighting and fire detection.
Emergency routes and exits.
Procedures for serious and imminent danger.
Enforcing Authorities under RRFSO
Fire and rescue authority.
Health and safety executive - nuclear, ships under construction, construction sites.
Local Authority - sports grounds
Powers of inspectors under RRFSO
Enter and inspect any premises.
Take person’s or equipment that are necessary.
Carry out any inspection measurements or tests.
Request any records or plans.
Copy documents/ records and remove them from the premises.
Facilities and reasonable assistance.
Take samples.
Dismantle, process or test
Serve alteration, enforcement or prohibition notices
Powers of authorised officer in emergency
Extinguish or prevent a fire or protect life or property.
Rescue people or protect from harm.
Discharge any function conferred in relation to another type of emergency situation.
Preventing or limiting damage to property
Principle of prevention
Avoid risk.
Evaluate risk which cannot be avoided.
Combat risk at source.
Adapt to technical progress.
Replace dangerous with non or less dangerous.
Develop an overall prevention policy.
Give priority to collective, protective measures.
Provide appropriate instruction for employees.
Two means of enforcement for breaches of the law.
The issue of enforcement notices and/ or prosecution in the criminal courts.
Appeals against enforcement
Any person has the right to appeal
Should be made to a magistrates court within 21 days of the day on which the notice is served.
For alteration or enforcement notice an appeal suspends the operation of the notice until the appeal is heard or withdrawn.
Maximum penalties for prosecution
Magistrates Court: maximum £20,000
Crown Courts: unlimited fine, up to 2 year in prison or both.
What are the key features of a fire safety policy
Policy - statement of intent and commitment.
Organising - roles and responsibilities for fire safety.
Planning implementation and control -
Monitor and review - records of inspections and risk assessments.
Sources of external fire safety information
- Department for community and local government practical fire safety guides.
- British standards for fire safety
These guides:
Set out what needs to be done to comply with fire safety law
Advise on how to carry out a fire risk assessment.
Identify the general fire precautions that need to be in place.
Information that should be in the accident book
Name address and job title of the injured person
Date and time of the accident
Place where the accident happened
Cause and nature of the injury
Details of any first aid treatment given
Name address and job title of the person making the entry in the book
What are Primary fires
Any fire involving: Casualties Rescue or escape Property Attendance of at least five fire appliances
What are Secondary fires
Reportable fires that:
Did not involve property, casualties, or rescues
Were attended by 4 or fewer fire appliances
Fire safety checklist for responsible person under the RRFSO
Exit routes and gangways clear
Necessary signage in place and visible
Fire doors working correctly not damaged or blocked
Fire extinguishers fully charged in the correct places
Call points accessible
Assembly points clearly identified and unobstructed
Goods appropriately stored so as not to impede a firefighting
Hot work permit used when required
Electrical equipment used safely
Fire safety training provided for staff
Evidence of Regular testing and maintenance of fire safety provisions.
Authorised officer
An employee of a fire and rescue authority who is authorised in writing by the authority
Fire safety regulations
Regulatory Reform Act 2001
Regulatory Reform Fire Safety Order 2005
Fire Safety (Scotland) Regulations 2006
Dangerous substances and explosive atmospheres regulations 2002 (DSEAR)
Alteration notice can be served if:
The premises constitutes a serious risk.
Change to the premises increasing risk (building)
Change to use of premises increasing risk (Process).
An enforcement notice can be served if:
The responsible person has failed to comply with any provision of the RRSFO.
A prohibition notice can be served if:
The use of the premises involves, or will involve, risk to persons so serious that the use of the premises should be prohibited or restricted.
Rights of appeal against alteration, enforcement, or prohibition notice
Magistrates Court within 21 days of notice Being Served.
- alteration or enforcement notices are suspended
- prohibition notices remain in force.
Case may be referred to the Crown Court if he appellant is not content with the decision of the magistrate court.
Roles of the fire marshal/ warden
Helping those on the premises to leave.
Checking to ensure everyone has left.
Use fire fighting equipment if safe to do so.
Liaise with the Fire and Rescue Service.
Shutting down vital or dangerous equipment.
Supervisory/ managing role in fire situation.
Considerations before investigating fires
Ensure fire scene safety.
Preserve the fire scene.
Restricting access to authorised person’s only.
Making site safe - isolate gas/ electric - check conditions of walls, floors, ceilings - checking for chemicals.
Skills of the investigation team.
Equipment required - cameras, excavation.
Identifying and interviewing Witnesses.
Studying CCTV footage.
Communicating with public and media.
Liaising with police, HSE, EA, and local Auth.
Purpose of Fire investigation
Determine cause - faulty equipment, inadequate procedures.
Develop and introduce remedial measures.
Established if there has been a breach of statutory requirements.
Assess for insurance claims.
Any failure of individuals.
Assess effectiveness of existing fire safety policies.
Reassure stakeholders.
Identify trends.
Allay concerns about damaged environment.
External agencies that may be involved in fire investigation
Fire and rescue authority. Police. Enforcing authority (HSE). Environment Agency. Forensic services. Insurance investigators. Utilities companies.
Investigation procedures for possible arson attack
Preserving the fire scene.
Restricting access of unauthorised person’s.
Locating and investigating the seat of Fire.
Taking photos and diagrams of the scene.
Availability of evidence from CCTV.
Information from Witnesses and original caller.
Liaising with police or insurance companies.
Obtaining information to establish a motive.
Evaluating evidence, establishing cause, preparing report.
Incidents reportable under RIDDOR (2013)
Fatality. Specific injuries: - fracture, - amputation, - loss of sight, - serious Burns, - unconsciousness caused by asphyxia, - heat induced illness from enclosed space. Over seven-day injuries. A dangerous occurrence (Fire, explosion) suspending normal work for more than 24-hours.
Methods of notifying enforcement authority of reportable incidents
Fatalities and specified injuries notify HSE without delay by telephone.
All other Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous occurrences notify HSE online within 10 days using appropriate form.
Over seven-day injuries complete online F2508 form within 15 days.
Typical contents of fire log book
•The responsible person.
•Any employees with specific responsibility for fire safety.
•Fire safety advice including:
-Measures identified in the risk assessment,
-Details of premises (assembly points),
-Maintenance work conducted,
-Location of Fire equipment,
-Routine tests (alarm, lighting, equipment),
-Faults and defects (alarm, lighting, equipment),
-Workplace inspections findings,
-Fire drill findings,
-Staff undergoing fire awareness training.