Element 1 Flashcards
What is a requirement of all marine transmitting apparatus used aboard United States vessels?
Only equipment that has been certified by the FCC for Part 80 operations is authorized
What transmitting equipment is authorized for use by a station in the maritime services?
Unless specifically excepted, only transmitters certified by the Federal Communications Commission for Part 80 operations
Small passenger vessels that sail 20 to 150 nautical miles from the nearest land must have what additional equipment?
MF-HF SSB Transceiver
What equipment is programmed to initiate transmission of distress alerts and calls to individual stations?
DSC controller
What is the minimum transmitter power level required by the FCC for a medium-frequency transmitter aboard a compulsorily fitted vessel?
at least 60 watts PEP
shipboard transmitters using F3E emission (FM voice) may not exceed what carrier power?
25 watts
What commercial radio operator license is required to operate a fixed-tuned ship RADAR station with external controls?
No radio operator authorization is required
When is a Marine Radio Operator Permit or higher license required for aircraft communications?
When operating on frequencies below 30 MHz not allocated exclusively to aeronautical mobile services
Which of the following persons are ineligible to be issued a commercial radio operator license?
Individuals who are unable to send and receive correctly by telephone spoken messages in English
What are the radio operator requirements of a passenger ship equipped with a GMDSS installation?
Two operators on board must hold a GMDSS Radio Operator License or a Restricted GMDSS Radio operator License, depending on the ship’s operating areas
What is a requirement of every commercial operator on duty and in charge of a transmitting system?
The original license or a photocopy must be posted or in the operator’s personal possession and available for inspection
What is the minimum radio operator requirement for ships subject to the Great Lakes Radio Agreement?
Marine Radio Operator Permit
Radio watches for compulsory radiotelephone stations will include the following:
VHF channel 16 continuous watch
All compulsory equipped cargo ships (except those operating under GMDSS regulations or in a VTS) while being navigated outside of a harbor or port, shall keep a continuous radiotelephone watch on:
2182 kHz and Ch-16
What channel must all compulsory, non-GMDSS vessels monitor at all times in the open sea?
Channel 16
When a watch is required on 2182 kHz, at how many minutes past the hour must a 3 minute silent period be observed
00, 30
Which is true concerning a required watch on VHF Ch-16?
A. It is compulsory at all times while at sea until further notice, unless the vessel is in a VTS system.
B. When a vessel is in an A1 sea area and subject to the Bridge-to-Bridge act and in a VTS system, a watch is not required on Ch-16, provided the vessel monitors both Ch-13 and VTS channel.
C. It is always compulsory in sea areas A2, A3 and A4.
What are the mandatory DSC watchkeeping bands/channels?
8 MHz HF DSC, 1 other HF DSC, 2 MHz MF DSC and VHF Ch-70.
Who is required to make entries in a required service or maintenance log?
The operator responsible for the station operation or maintenance.
Who is responsible for the proper maintenance of station logs?
The station licensee and the radio operator in charge of the station.
Where must ship station logs be kept during a voyage?
At the principal radiotelephone operating position.
What is the proper procedure for making a correction in the station log?
The original person making the entry must strike out the error, initial the correction and indicate the date of the correction.
How long should station logs be retained when there are entries relating to distress or disaster situations?
For a period of three years from the last date of entry, unless notified by the FCC
How long should station logs be retained when there are no entries relating to distress or disaster situations?
For a period of two years from the last date of entry.
Radiotelephone stations required to keep logs of their transmissions must include:
A. Station, date and time.
B. Name of operator on duty.
C. Station call signs with which communication took place.
Which of the following is true?
A. Battery test must be logged daily.
B. EPIRB tests are normally logged monthly.
C. Radiotelephone tests are normally logged weekly.
D. None of the above.
EPIRB tests are normally logged monthly.
Where should the GMDSS radio log be kept on board ship?
At the GMDSS operating position
Which of the following statements is true?
A. Key letters or abbreviations may be used in GMDSS Radio Logbooks if their meaning is noted in the log.
B. Key letters or abbreviations may not be used in GMDSS Radio Logbooks under any circumstances. C. All Urgency communications must be entered in the logbook.
D. None of the above.
Key letters or abbreviations may be used in GMDSS Radio Logbooks if their meaning is noted in the log
Which of the following logkeeping statements is true?
A. Entries relating to pre-voyage, pre-departure and daily tests are required.
B. Both a) and c)
C. A summary of all required Distress communications heard and Urgency communications affecting the station’s own ship. Also, all Safety communications (other than VHF) affecting the station’s own ship must be logged.
D. Routine daily MF-HF and Inmarsat-C transmissions do not have to be logged.
A. Entries relating to pre-voyage, pre-departure and daily tests are required.
C. A summary of all required Distress communications heard and Urgency communications affecting the station’s own ship. Also, all Safety communications (other than VHF) affecting the station’s own ship must be logged.
Which of the following statements concerning log entries is false?
A. All Safety communications received on VHF must be logged.
B. All required equipment tests must be logged.
C. The radio operator must log on and off watch.
D. The vessels daily position must be entered in the log.
All Safety communications received on VHF must be logged.