What was the idea of Rene Descartes regarding the control of movement in animals
Proposed the idea animal spirits responsible for movement of the body (muscles) These spirits being produced in the Pineal Gland- the seat of the soul
Define the theory of Vitalism
The belief that organisms and particularly Man work by different principles from those governing the physical world
Outline the 1st key Experiment of Galvani
1) SPARK EXPTS: friction machine generated sparks causing the frog legs to twitch
Outline the 2nd key Experiment of Galvani
2) ATMOSPHERIC ELECTRICITY: placing short aerials that carried charge from lightning strikes caused the legs to twitch
Outline the 3rd key Experiment of Galvani
3) BRIDGES: he constructed conducting bridges between nerve and muscle- legs twitch without external stimulation
What was the principle behind Volta’s technical objection to Galvani’s idea of intrinsic electricity?
Galvani’s observations were artefacts triggered externally by the electrogenic properties of the metal /electrolyte interface.
Name one finding that proved Galvani’s theory to be correct
Galvani + Aldini (nephew) showed that contraction occurred in a muscle in contact with a cut nerve of another muscle.
Name a second finding that proved Galvan’s theory to be correct
Preparation of sectioned frog thighs in series by Matteucci - a biological pile- excluded idea that current is from metal electrodes
Outline the findings and theories put forward by Du Bois Reymond regarding Intrinsic electricity.
- discovered that the interior of muscles were electrically negative with respect to the outside
- deduced that the muscle fibre membranes are electrogenic
- said they contain embedded dipoles that drive current flow in normal and injured nerves
- proposed that the dipoles change polarity during activity
What is a Galvanometer and what significance did it have on electrophysiology?
It’s a type of sensitive ammeter. Was the first instrument to detect and measure current fluctuations in living tissue
What is the Multiplikator and how was it devised?
An extra sensitive galvanometer, devised by Du Bois Reymond by winding the coil with 5km of fine wire.
What is the Rheotome and how was it used by Bernstein?
Rheotome = current slicer. Bernstein used it to measure the time course of the nerve impulse in 1868
Bernstein Membrane Theory
- The membrane separates conc. KCl inside the cell from dilute KCl outside the cell
- During activity the membrane becomes permeable to all ions (Cl- and K+) causing current flow
What was the major flaw in Bernstein’s membrane theory?
Overton in 1902 showed that a high conc. of external Na+ is needed for muscle activity- Na+ not stated as important in the theory.
Outline the experimental techniques of Hodgkin and Huxley
- They used the preparation of the giant squid axon outlined by JZ Young
- Used glass micropipettes as electrodes to measure intracellular and extracellular potential at rest and action