anatomical apex
- end of the root as determined from a macro perspective
radiographic apex
determined by radiographu
- inaccurate, as foramen is often associated to one side of the radiographic apex
- cementum at the apex can cause discrepancies
- pathology, such as external resorption can changed the position foramen
- estimate
major apical contstruciton
- widest point of the foramen where is exists in the root
minro apical foramen
- narrowest point of the foramen, known as apical constriction
- usually 0.5-1mm short of the radiographic apex
- point where the cementum fuses with the radicular dentine
- considerate to be the point where the RC system finishes and periodontium begins
- considered to be the ideal limit of a root canal treatment
only histologicallly deteced!!!
methods to dertermine working lenght
- tactile feedback from instruments
- paper point technique
- radiographic determination of WL
- electronic apex locators
tactile feedback
- made complicated by sclerosis, resorption and anatomical differences
- not recommended for determining WL
paper point technique
Based on the premise that the root canal system of an uninfected tooth is dry whilst the periodontium is wet (hydrated tissue)
- the wet/dry interface is therefore used as a reference point
complicated withapical exudate in infected cases
radiohgraphic determination of WL
paralleling technique-
flawed as the apical constriction can be sig further away resulting in over instrumentation of the apex
electronic apex locators
modern reliable
can be used in conjunction
uses resistnace of root canal and PDL
how do electronic apex locators work
Electrical circuit formed
- stating at AL, running through clip on the file, through root canal, through apical constriction , out PDL and through the mucosa and to the clip on pts lip back to AL
problems with apex locators
metaliic restorations will short cicuit locator
perforations will trigger responce
large canals can cause a misreading
endo aim
to eliminate bacteria from the tooth
steps to successful endo
diagnose and remove cause
aspetic technique
mechanically instrument RC to enlarge them
irrigate canals with one or more antibacterial sol
medicate canals with AB agent
temp restore the tooth to avoid bacterial ingress
fill RC system
restore tooth to normal funciton
interim restoration
- restoration that has been placed in a tooth after the previous restoration, caries cracks tc have been removed before the commencement of endodontic treatment
- can end up being a core if indirect restoration being placed