Electrolytes Flashcards
What is the definition of osmolality? Osmolarity?
Osmolality = number of particles of solute per kg of solvent
Osmolarity = number of particles of solute per liter of solvent
What is the normal osmolality for dogs and cats
Dogs: 290-310 mOsm/kg
Cats: 290-330 mOsm/kg
How can serum osmolality be measured
Using a freezing point depression osmometer
What is the osmolal gap and what can cause an increased osmolal gap
Osmolal gap = difference between measured and calculate serum osmolality
Should be close to 0 -> any increase indicates presence of other osmole(s) in circulation:
- lactate
- ethanol
- ethylene glycol
- phosphates
- sulfates
- acetylsalicylic acid
- mannitol
- methanol
- radiographic contrast
- sorbitol (/!\ in patients having received activated charcoal with sorbitol - can falsely elevate osmolal gap)
- propylene glycol
What is the difference between osmolarity and tonicity
Osmolarity includes all the osmoles in solution whereas tonicity only refers to effective osmoses
What is the repartition of total body water between the different compartments
Water = 60% total body weight
1/3 intracellular, 2/3 extracellular (75% interstitial, 25% intravascular)
What are the receptors in charge of osmolality regulation? How sensitive are they?
Osmoreceptors in the hypothalamus.
Detect changes of 2-3 mOsm/L
What are the 2 triggers for ADH release and they respective receptors
- Decreased effective circulating volume -> baroreceptors (aortic arch and carotid bodies)
- always prioritized
- Increased plasma osmolality -> osmoreceptors (hypothalamus)
Secreted by the pituitary gland
What are the 2 mechanisms of regulation of plasma osmolality
- Antidiuretic hormone
- Thirst
What does total body sodium determine
Hydration status (independent from natremia)
What are the mechanisms of cerebral adaptation to hypernatremia / hyponatremia
- Hypernatremia
- Within minutes to hours: loss of neuronal water -> decreased interstitial hydrostatic pressure -> fluid drawn from CSF to interstitium, which brings more sodium -> water reabsorption
- Within 24 hours (2-7 days for full compensation): neuronal accumulation of idiogenic osmoses (inositol, glutamate) -> draw water into cells
- Hyponatremia: the opposite (increased interstitial pressure -> fluid loss into CSF + neurone expel sodium and organic osmolytes)
Free water deficit formula
Free water deficit (L) = [(current Na / normal Na)-1] * 0.6 * body weight (kg)
What is the rate of Na correction in a chronically hypernatremic patient without clinical signs? With clinical signs? In acute hypernatremia?
- Without signs: 0.5-1 mEq/L/h (as per Silverstein ; in other sources: 8-12 mEq/L per 24h)
- With signs: 2 mEq/L/h until signs resolved
- Acute: correct in <12h
(as per Silverstein - achieved by giving D5W following the total body water deficit)
In a hyponatremic patient, how is total body sodium likely to be:
- in a dog with CHF
- in a dog with GI losses
- CHF -> increased total body Na (from RAAS activation) but ADH secretion due to decreased effective circulating volume
- GI losses -> loss of Na and water causing hypovolemia and ADH secretion (decreased total body Na)
List 5 causes of hyponatremia and 5 causes of hypernatremia
- Hyponatremia
- Decreased effective circulating volume (CHF, GI / urinary losses)
- Hypoadrenocorticism (decreased Na reabsorption and ADH due to low effective circulating volume and low cortisol)
- Renal tubular dysfunction (inability to dilute urine + hyperkalemia causing entry of Na into cells)
- Increased water intake (psychogenic polydipsia) - Hypernatremia
- Salt poisoning (seawater, beef jerky, salt-flour dough)
- Restricted access to water
- Syndrome of hypodypsic hypernatremia (Min Schnauzers)
- Urinary, GI, 3rd space, cutaneous water losses with inadequate water intake (osmotic diuresis: DM, mannitol administration)
- Diabetes insipidus with inadequate water intake
Where are myelinolysis (= osmotic demyelination syndrome) lesions commonly seen
What is the treatment recommendation for clinical acute hyponatremia? Chronic?
- Stabilization (for acute and chronic): 2 mL/kg of 3%NaCl over 20 min, repeat as needed to increase Na by 5 mmol/L
- If acute (<48h): infuse 3% NaCl at 0.5-2 mL/kg/h until Na reaches low-normal
- If chronic or unknown, goal to increase Na by no more than 10 mEq/L over first 24h and 8mEq/L over each following 24h - use sodium deficit to know how much sodium to give
Sodium deficit formula
Sodium deficit (mmol) = (target Na+ - patient Na+) * 0.6 * body weight (kg)
What level of hyponatremia puts patients at risk of osmotic demyelination syndrome
Na < 110 mmol/L
How do blood pH and osmolality influence K concentration
- Alkalosis -> intracellular movement of K in exchange for H+ -> hypoK
- Hyperosmolarity -> extracellular movement of water -> extracellular movement of K by solvent drag -> hyperkalemia
What hormones are involved in changes in K concentration
Catecholamines, insulin, aldosterone
What is the kaliuretic feedforward control
Changes in K concentration are sensed in the stomach and hepatic portal region and send signals to the kidneys to adjust kaliuresis based on intake
List causes of hypokalemia
- Disorders of internal balance:
- Metabolic alkalosis
- Insulin therapy
- Beta2-agonist intoxication
- Catecholamines
- Refeeding syndrome - Disorders of external balance
- Prolonged inadequate intake
- Diuretic drugs, osmotic or post-obstructive diuresis
- Renal tubular acidosis
- Hyperladosteronism
- Severe diarrhea
What are the 4 categories of consequences of hypokalemia
- Metabolic -> glucose intolerance (altered insulin release)
- Neuromuscular -> muscle weakness (hyperpolarized myocytes)
- Cardiovascular -> prolongation of action potential, AV dissociation, tachyarrhythmias, Vfib (hyperpolarized cardiomyocytes)
- Renal -> impaired tubular function
List causes of hyperkalemia
- Increased intake
- IV supplementation
- Expired pRBC transfusion
- Drugs - Translocation from intracellular to extracellular
- Insulin deficiency
- Mineral acidosis
- Tumor lysis syndrome
- Tissue reperfusion
- CPA - Decreased urinary excretion
- Oligoanuric AKI
- Ureteral / urethral obstruction
- Uroabdomen
- Hypoadrenocorticism
- GI disease (trichuriasis)
- Drugs (ACE inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers, aldosterone inhibitor
ECG changes associated with hypokalemia / hyperkalemia
- Hypokalemia
- ST segment depression
- Increased P-wave amplitude
- Prolonged PR interval
- Widened QRS - Hyperkalemia
- Tented T-wave
- Wide QRS
- ST segment depression
- Depressed P-wave / atrial standstill
- Vfib
What is the physiologic response to hypocalcemia
- Secretion of PTH by chief cells of the parathyroid gland
- Increased bone resorption
- Increased Ca reabsorption and decreased P reabsorption by the kidneys
- Hydroxylation of calcidiol to calcitriol in the kidneys -> increased Ca and P intestinal absorption
What is the metabolism leading to calcitriol
- Vitamin D (cholecalciferol) intestinal absorption
- Hydroxylation to 25(OH)D3 (calcidiol) in liver
- Hydroxylation to 1,25(OH)2D3 (calcitriol = 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol) in the kidney (proximal tubular cells) by 1α-hydroxylase
Where is calcitonin produced? What are its effects?
- Parafollicular C cells in the thyroid gland
- Inhibits bone resorption and decreases renal tubular absorption of Ca
What is the effect of pH on iCa
Alkalosis increases binding of Ca to albumin -> decreased iCa