Electrolyte and fluid balance- fluid compartments in the body Flashcards
what percentage of the body is solid matter, intracellular fluid, extracellular fluid?
solid matter ~40% (tissue/bone)
intracellular fluid ~40%
extracellular fluid ~ 20% (plasma, lymph, synovial fluid, GI tract fluid, cerebrospinal fluid)
intracellular fluid description
what vol?
- fluid within cells
- 67% of total body water
- 28l in a 70kg person
extracellular fluid description
what vol?
what does it consist of?
- fluids outside cells
- 14l in a 70kg person
what keeps the balance between intracellular fluid and extracellular fluid?
kidneys- keep balance for tissue function
what % and volume of the body weight is water?
what fraction of this is ICF and ECF? what vol?
- 60% O 42L in 70kg adult man
- 2/3 is ICF (28L)
- 1/3 is ECF (14L)
of ECF what vol is transcellular fluid, plasma and interstitial fluid?
transcellular fluid - 0.8L
plasma - 3L
interstitial- 10.2L
comparing ICF and ECF what is the difference in Na+ conc?
Na+ sig higher in ECF compared to ICF
comparing ICF and ECF what is the difference in K+conc?
K+ sig higher in ICF compared to ECF
comparing ICF and ECF what is the difference in Ca2+ conc?
Ca2+ higher in ECF compared to ICF
comparing ICF and ECF what is the difference in pH?
pH = 7.0 in ICF pH = 7.4 in ECF
comparing ICF and ECF what is the difference in osmolality?
290 mOsmoles/kg H2O in ICF
290mOsmoles/kg H2O in ECF
O no NET movement of water between these compartments- EQUIVALENT OSMOLALITY
define osmolalilty
concentration of osmotically active molecules in a given compartment
what are crystalloids?
when solutions contain small molecules- mainly salts that dissociate
what are colloids?
solutions that contain larger molecules like proteins and polysaccharides
what is osmotic pressure?
difference in conc of the impermeable solute exerts OSMOTIC PRESSURE
give an example of where Na+ is freely permeable and what is its consequence
where is the net movement?
in the capillary wall O Na+ is not osmotically active here
BUT the cap.wall is IMPERMEABLE to PLASMA PROTEINS O extravascular proteins accumulate and exert osmotic effect and O water leaves
water leaving the capillary and into interstitial fluid causes what?
causes SWELLING caused by protein accumulation in INFLAMMATION —- local oedema forms
what is the name for alteration of osmotic forces caused by changes in conc of a large molecule (eg protein)
COLLOID osmotic pressures
ONCOTIC pressures
what does HYPOTONIC solution cause?
causes cellular swelling
what does HYPERTONIC solution cause?
causes cellular shrinkage
give an example of an isotonic sol?
0.9% NaCl (saline sol)