Electro Statics Flashcards
Charges, gausses law,volt , resistor
Word electrostatics mean?
Charges in rest
Defination of electrostatics
the study of properties,behaviour and law related to charges at rest.
How many types of charges are there?
there are 2 kind of charges …
positive and negative.
Behaviour of similar charges to eachother?
they do repell eachother
Behaviour of different charges to one another?
they do attract eachother
like + and - attract eachother
the forces between charges are called?
Coloumb forces/electrostatic forces.
the law which tells about electrostatic force between charges is called?
Coloumb Law
Coloumb Law ?
given by coloumb in 1784
instrument used by coloumb for forces measurment btw charges
Torson Balance
Defination of coloumb Law:
Quantitative measure of electrostatic force
Equation of coloumb Law
F=K q1q2/r^2
value and def;
K in coloumb law is?
it is coloumb constant and its value is 9x10^9.
Value and defination
what is epsilon not E*?
it is the permitivity of free space. Air/vaccum.
it is the allowing of force between charges through vaccum medium.
E* =8.85x10^-12 Coloumb square/Newton meter square
Electrostatic force in permitivity of free space form
F=1/4pieE* q1q1/r^2
if there is medium except air between charges then ?
for another medium “Er” is used called relative permitivity or dielectric constant.
Er is unitless because it ration of forces.
Formula and Force when dielectric constant is::
formula of F for dielectric constant
F=1/4pieE*Er q1q2/r2
F is always less in dielectric than vaccum
the ratio one
another defination of Er
the ratio of Fin vaccum to F in medium……….Fvac/Fmed
Fvac >Fmed
What is electric field?
The region or space around any charge where electrostatic force can be felt. Or where charges repell or attract eachother.
What is Electric Intensity?
The amount/magnitude of electrosatic force felt by any test charge in electric field of point charge..
Defination of Electric intensity in mathematical form?
The force experienced per charge in field.
Formula for “E”?
Difference Btw pint charge and test charge.
Point charge is charge with big impact and is always positive.
Test Charge is less magnitude charge used for experiment