Electricity and Electromagnetism Formulas Flashcards
Q = nq
total charge = number of charged particles x charge on the particle
Charge on electron
- 1.6 x 10^-19 C
Charge on proton
+ 1.6 x 10^-19 C
E = V / d
electric field strength (N C^-1 or V m^-1) = voltage (V) / distance between plates (m)
F = Eq
force on charged object (N) = electric field strength (N C^-1 or V m^-1) x size of charge (C)
ΔEp = Eqd
electrostatic potential energy (J) = electric field strength (N C^-1 or V m^-1) x size of charge (C) x distance (m)
Principle of Conservation of Energy
Ek = 1/2 mv^2 = ΔEp = Eqd
I = Q / t
current (A) = charge (C) / time (s)
V = ΔE / q
voltage (V) = change in potential energy (J) / charge (C)
Ohm’s Law
voltage (V) = current (A) x resistance (Ω)
Resistance in Series
R total = R1 + R2 + R3 + …
Total Current
I total = V supply / R total
Resistance in Parallel Circuits
1 / R total = 1 / R1 + 1 / R2 + 1 / R3 + …
P = ΔE / t
power (W) = energy (J) / time (s)
P = V I
power (W) = voltage (V) x current (A)
Mass on an Electron
9.11 x 10^-31 kg
force on the wire (N) = magnetic field strength (T) x current (A) x length of current-carrying wire that crosses magnetic field lines (m)
F = Bqv
lorentz force on the particle (N) = magnetic field strength (T) x velocity (m s^-1) x charge (C)
V = BvL
the induced voltage in wire crossing magnetic field lines (V) = magnetic field strength (T) x velocity of wire (m s^-1) x length of wire that crosses magnetic field lines (m)