Electricity Flashcards
Alternating current
Current what flows in one direction, then reverses flow. 60-cycle most common
Heat setting; the strength of electricity; is responsible for deposition and penetration
Is created when there is enough amperage and voltage
Arc blow
Encountered during DC welding when the arc flares side to side. Caused by the current travellings in the same direction for a period of time.
How to minimize/eliminate arc blow
Change position of ground clamp, use different angle or inclination, weld toward a tack or weld, and use lower settings
Arc voltage
VOLTAGE output of the machine during welding. It’s the force that maintains the ARC between the electrode and workpiece
Buzz box
Describes AC transformer welding machine because of the typical buzzing sound made when welding
System of conductors that is designed to complete the path of a current.
Magnetic link between the primary and secondary Coils of a welding transformer
Made of insulated copper wire and is designed to have a certain number of turns.
Is a material/substance that is capable of transmitting “conducting” electricity. Most metals are good conductors as they offer little resistance
Constant current
Type of direct current that maintains a steady current over time
Constant voltage
a power supply mode that maintains continuous voltage output, regardless of the load.
Current flow
Movement of electrons in an electrical current. Is measured in amperes. “How many amps are currently going through”
Is one complete rotation of the sine wave pattern.
One way electrical valve. Allows current to flow though in one direction only. Used to change AC to DC
Direct current
Current that flows in one direction and has either positive or negative. Current flows from negative to positive
Duty cycle
NEMA - max output over a ten minute time period. 60% duty cycle = 6 minutes of weld time out of ten minutes.
Negatively charged partials that move through a conductor when current is flowing. “Negative to positive”
Speed at which alternating current changes it’s direction of flow. “How fast it’s going”
Machine used to “generate” electricity
Ability of a conductor to transfer current onto a neighboring body. “Charging phone pad”
Any material that does not allow current to flow through it.
Device that changes from DC to AC; increases the frequency
Line transformer
Another term to describe an AC transformer welding machine
Magnetic field
Created when current is forced to flow through a coil that is wrapped around an iron core.
Open circuit voltage
No current flowing through until an arc is struck.
Devices that changes from AC to DC. Current flows in one direction only
a switch that is operated by electricity to open and close circuits
Property of an electrical conductor to restrict the flow of a current. Turns electrical energy into heat.
Reverse polarity
Electrode positive
Straight polarity
Electrode negative
Secondary coil
A coil of wire in a transformer that receives an induced current from a primary coil
Device that breaks or completes an electrical circuit
Electrical pressure of force that causes current flow in a conductor; is called electromotive force; responsible for starting, maintaining an arc, fluidity and puddle flow
Starting the arc
Needs 50 - 100 volts to initate an arc
Arc voltage must be present in order to:
maintain an arc
Puddle fluidity and flow
Arc voltage affects the width of the welding bead and fluidity or “wetness” of a puddle.
Volt-amp curve
A graph that shows the curve of what
Welding machine
Power sorce
Dirct current electrode negative
Straight polarity
Dirct current electrode positive
Reverse polarity
Single phase power
Supply residential and small businesses. Current will change every 120 times per second
Three phase power
Supplies larger commercial and industrial facilities. Sine waves peak and reverse resulting in fewer gaps in flow
Three phase advantages
Constant power, smaller equipment, and more efficient. is the most common method used by electrical grids worldwide to transfer power.
AC transformers
Takes electricity from the power grid and converts it into a welding current. Converts high voltage, low amperage to low voltage, high amperage. “Step down”.
AC transformer advantages
Low cost, low maintenance, low operating cost, quiet, and no arc blow
Ac transformer disadvantages
Not portable, no choice of polarity, limited electrode selection
AC-DC transformer rectifiers
AC transformers with an added rectifier. Flows AC to DC only.
AC-DC transformer rectifiers
Full selection of electrodes, choice of polarity, few moving parts
AC-DC transformer rectifier disadvantages
More costly, arc blow is a factor, not portable, requires clean/cool environment
Generator and alternator
Generators and alternators convert mechanical energy into electrical energy. Generator productes DC, alternator produces AC
AC alternator advantages
No arc blow, maybe portable, higher duty cycle
AC alternator disadvantages
High cost, high maintenance, noisier and narrow electrode selection
DC generator/ alternator advantages
Choice of polarity, smoother arc, maybe portable, full choice of electrodes
DC generator/ alternator disadvantages
High cost, high maintenance, noisier and arc blow is a factor
a device that “inverts” direct current (DC) to alternating current (AC)
Inverter advantages
Small and lightweight, low input requirements, maybe cc or cv
Inverter disadvantages
Noise, requires clean/cool environment, high cost, arc blow is a factor
Welding machine installation and maintenance
Blow internal components with high volume, low pressure air as per manufacturer