Electrical stimulation (incl TENS, IFC, NMES, E-Stim) Flashcards
pacemakers/ defibrillators unstable arrthymias carotid sinus thrombophlebitis low back or abdominals during pregnancy
cardiac disease poor sensation poor mentation malignancy areas with skin irritation/ open wounds
TENS high rate settings
Acute pain 50-80 pulse duration 100-150pps high frequency no muscle contraction Gate control theory "you get used to it" sensory effect
TENS low rate settings
chronic pain 150-300 pulse duration 2-10 pps low freq muslce contraction endogenous opiod system-stimulate endorphins to bind with opiate receptors (inhibitory) incr use may lead to DOMS
IFC acute setting
freq: 100-150Hz
Intensity: to sensory comfort
time: 15-20 mins (or 24hrs at home)
IFC chronic settings
low setting freq: 2-10Hz Intensity: to visible muscle contraction Time: 15-20 mins in clinic 20-30 mins at home
IFC edema/swelling settings
freq: 20-50 Hz
intensity: to visible muscle contraction “muscle pumping”
time: 15-20 mins
IFC goals
pain control
decr swelling
incr ROM
longer lasting effects vs TENS
TENS goals
pain control
modulation (altered pain signal pathway to CNS)
<30pps: separate twitch contraction
35-50pps: smooth tetanic contraction
50-80pps: incr strengthening, rapid fatigue, poss more comfy
NMES pulse duration
small muscles: 125- 200 (shorter duration)
larger muscles: 200-350 (longer duration)
NMES on:off
- to incr stength= 1:5 then 1:4 then 1:3 (6-10 sec ON/ 30-50 sec OFF)
- to decr edema or spasm= 1:1 (2-5 sec ON/OFF)
NMES ramp time
1-4 seconds
NMES amplitude (intensity)
weak muslce= 10% muscle contraction
strong muscle= 50% muslce contraction
NMES time
10-20 mins or 10-20 contractions
NMES pt edu
pt contracts when ON and relaxes when OFF
Soreness and fatigue expected
early use after sx, immobilization, or muscle weakness pathology can accelerate strength gains