Electric Mobility Flashcards
CV Standard Battery System dimension
960 x 687 x 302 mm
CV Standard Battery System weight
295 kg/pack
CV Standard Battery System energy content
35 kWh
CV Standard Battery System voltage range
280 - 400V (350 nominal)
Cell type
Prismatic NMC
Vehicle Interface Box weight
42 kg
Vehicle Interface Box Supply Voltage
Vehicle Interface Box System Voltage
Life Cycle Process steps
Innovation + market and competition - p - c - draft - market e - customer c - customer s - longlife s
Innovation + market and competition - prepare - concept - draft - market entry - customer contact - customer satisfaction - longlife study
plan - do - check - act
Kano Model obj
analyzing customer requirements
Kano Model axes
customer satisfaction and degree of fulfilment
Kano model lines
features that delight
Kano model lines
performance characteristics
Kano model lines
fundamental requirements
Kano model - min range
kano model - min charging
8 hours
Elements of the Overall Concept
c - p - w - s - d t - p- r - p - r - m
costs - package - weight - safety - development time - performance - reusability - producibility - recycling - maintainability
Product Specification (PS) - by
customer’s fundamental and material technical requirements of the
product under development
____ Specification
System Specification (SS) - to
functional specification for cross-component systems. Can be a bridge between the requirements of the product and the requirements of the components. It is an internal document.
____ Specification
functional specification for in-house and third party developments. It is an
interdisciplinary document which includes the technical and non-technical requirements for all relevant subprojects of the components under development.
___ Specification
Functional specification iterative agreement
customer s re - f s (supplier) - n p (agreed specification) - implementation - verification of the results - approval of the customer
customer specify requirements - functional specification (supplier) - negotiate proposals (agreed specification) - implementation - verification of the results - approval of the customer
Contactor-fuse pairing (target) - to ensure safe disconnection of the HV battery
fuse opens before the contactor
Fundamental functional representation
- _ sample aim
Functional sample, conditionally driveable with limitations
* Voltage range, dimension, vibration/impact
resistance and appearance
X sample description
Design focus on functional or
geometric/haptic issues
_ sample hardware
Executable on a-sample hardware, includes at least the basic functionalities
_ sample software
Functional validation on a broad basis under
driving conditions
_ sample aim
Sufficient operational reliability of hardware and software for initial testing on the test bench and in vehicle, construction does not ensure production standard in all points
_ sample description
suitable for use in vehicle
_ sample hardware
All key functions done
_ sample software
Production-quality overall testing
_ sample aim
B sample
C samples
D sample
documentation and full speed
Structural shape and specification correspond to series production requirements, no technical limitations approved, unrestricted use in vehicle ensured
_ sample description
No changes to design-relevant components
_ sample hardware
Functions done and their overall scope
fully specified but can still exhibit errors (not suitable for customers). No further inclusion of additional functions. Production-quality status.
_ sample software
Ensure production needs are
_ sample aim
Samples for first article
inspection must be marked
_ sample hardware
Operational without restrictions (production standard)
_ sample description
…. and can be evaluated. All quality requirements are consistently assured.
All functions verified error-free
_ sample software
Design-to-cost levels (0-5 + R)
I, E, E, C, Pre-r f, I, R
Idea, Estimated, Evaluated, Confirmed, Pre-requisites fulfilled, Implemented, Rejected
Design-to-cost can be used for quotes to customer
L3 - confirmed
Design-to-cost visible in BOM
L5 - Implemented
Bill of Material
Product Development Process
PDP - milestone trails
H - S - Q - T - L - P p - P - P - F
HW - SW - Quality - Testing - Logistics - Production planning - Prototyping - Purchasing - Finance
Production trials
…is intended to rapidly and successfully integrate product changes (as many as necessary & as few as possible) into development and the production process without delay, thereby contributing to reducing time and costs
Change management
The freeze divides the respective sample phases into 1. “Development” and 2. “Procurement, Construction & Testing”.
During the construction of a sample (x) the next sample (y) is being developed in parallel!
Normal process
Once the respective sample has been frozen changes become subject to approval and must be released . change management is always necessary here! For each change following a freeze the corresponding
sample phase starts again
➢Development changes can be done only in A- and BSample phase. C and D-Sample is only for optimization of series production process
process with product changes
The person responsible for components is responsible for the development of a
component in terms of engineering, costs and meeting deadlines. He is responsible
for fulfilling the requirements of the component specification and the time schedule, as central documents.
Person Responsible for Components
Person Responsible for Components