Elective Orthopaedic Flashcards
list 11 reasons for elective surgical intervention
Severe unmanageable arthritic joint pain Night pain severely affecting ability to sleep Major functional limitations Quality of life Progressive deformity Trauma or injury Fractures i.e.NOF Avascular necrosis- (NOF) Birth defects and growth disorders Severe joint infection Cancer in or near a joint
What is included in pre op management
Pre-admission clinic or pre-op joint class MDT approach Education on joint replacement surgery Discuss expectations post surgery
Discuss possible limitations post surgery
- Hip precautions
- Driving
Roles of AH intervention
Discuss D/C date`
Deep breathing and circulation exercises
Discuss TEDs and; SCUDs
Trial walking aids + stairs
Educate and practice WB status
Strengthening exercises – start pre op
Falls prevention
THJR/HA post op day 1
Check WB status - PWB or WBAT - aim to get out of bed (frame or crutches) and mobilise
- Review hip precautions
- Chest Physio, circulation exercises
- ROM exercises hip/knee/ankle unaffected leg
- Bed exercises operated leg AAROM • Static quads
- Hip and Knee flexion
- Hip abduction, extension
THJR/HA day 2,3 - discharge
Continue chest physio, circulation exercises as indicated, bed exercises
Mobilise: progress mobility distance
Standing exercises (hip flexion, abduction, adduction not past midline, extension) and supported mini squat/STS
Stairs +/- car transfers
D/C: independent bed mobility, mobility, stairs
post surgical hip precautions
posterior or lateral approach
- no flexion past 90 degrees
- no crossing legs/adduction past midline
no twisting or IR
post surgical hip precautions
anterior approach
no extension
no ER
no adduction past midline
Hip dislocations
uncommon - 6-7%
More common with posterior/lateral approach, females, prev. surgery
Greatest risk in first few months
Popping sound, severe pain
Change in leg length, internal rotation of hip
Inability to weight bear 58-70%riskofreoccurrence
Mgmt of hip dislocations include
closed reductin
- hip abduction brace
- hip spica
further surgery
- revision - head and lineat exchange
- insertion of constrained component
TKJR post op day 1 parameters
Check WB status PWB or WBAT Aim to get out of bed (frame or crutches) and mobilize
Chest Physio, circulation exercises
ROM exercises hip/knee/ankle good leg
Bed exercises operated leg PROM/AAROM Static quads IRQ SLR Knee flexion and extension (+overpressure) Knee flexion while SOEOB
May use CPM for knee ROM - to 60 degrees
Day 1 – PROM/AAROM flex/ext knee ex
Sit out in chair
Ice packs or cryocuff/iceman
TKJR post op day 2
Continue with bed exercises, chest physio, circulation exercises
Progress knee ROM exercises, aim 90* and SLR by day 4 or pre-D/C
Mobilize with crutches or walker PWB/FWB
If doing well, start IRQ in sitting, flexion in
Promote extension in bed, flexion in sitting
TKJR post op day 3-4
Continue as per previous days
Aim 90* flexion and SLR pre D/C
Progress mobility
D/C usually around day 4
F/U with knee class or OPD if available
Independent with mobility and; stairs
indications for TSJR
hard to control pain, particularly if affecting sleep/ADLS
∗ Glenoid cartilage degeneration
∗ Preferred over hemi for OA/inflammatory arthritis
∗ Posterior humeral head subluxation
∗ Contraindicated if:
insufficient glenoid bone stock
deltoid dysfunction
active infection
rotator cuff arthroplasty
irreparable rotator cuff
brachial plexus palsy
reverse TSJR indications
∗ CTA (cuff tear arthropathy)
∗ Rotator cuff insufficiency
∗ Pseudoparalysis
∗ Antero-superior escape
∗ 3/4pt fractures
∗ Failed arthroplasty
∗ RA
reverse TSJR are appropriate for
∗ Low functional demand
∗ >70yr of age
∗ Must have sufficient glenoid bone stock
∗ Must have a working deltoid muscle
∗ Must have an intact axillary nerve
TSJR post op
Chest Physio, circulation exercises
Mobilize out of bed day 1
Shoulder Immobiliser sling until Week 6
No WB through shoulder, no lifting
Exercises: elbow, wrist, hand + grip, c-spine
PROM: flexion to 90, external rotation to 0
∗ Passive or active-assisted motion only during early rehab
∗ limiting factor in early rehab is risk of injury to the subscapularis tendon repair
∗ pendulum exercises, scapula setting/positioning
∗ Progress to ER isometrics
∗ Limit passive external rotation
∗ risk of tear and pull-off of subscapularis tendon from
anterior humerus
∗ tear leads to anterior shoulder instability (most common form of instability after TSA)
∗ IR eccentric and isometric
9 safe D/C guidelines for all patients
Adequate support and assistance in place
Equipment required at home
Walking aid issued
Mobilizing independently
Safe on stairs
Joint range aim achieved
Obs stable, wound healing, no infection
Catheter out
Pain managed appropriately
Compare elective vs trauma orthopaedic surgery, elective surgery is for what
planned joint replacements TKJR THJR TSJR ligamentous reconstruction elective spinal surgery paediatric corrective surgeries
these can have pre - operative management prior to surgery
compare elective vs trauma orthopaedic surgery, orthopaedic trauma includes what
#NOFs spinal fractures fracture and dislocation management: such as OR Ex-fix, cast/splint wound, tendon/ligament management
what patient details are needed
demographics - age, where they live
a diagnosis - including cause, complaint, surgery/treatment, dates
eg. Elective R) THR 02/05/15
check OP notes
What to include in a S/E
Patient's feelings present Hx past orthopaedic Hx medical history social hx meds
When looking at treatment, list all the fundamentals
accurate and concise treatment and document joint mobilisation swelling management pain management WB status walking aids exercises fitting of orthoses
when looking at your plan/further managment, list all the fundamentals that need to be accounted for
short term goals (in patient) ongoing reassessment progression of treatment frequency/progression of treatment s discharge criteria equipment home programs referrals - outpatient services