Election Flashcards
Quote from St Aug about original sin
every person is ‘seminally present in the loans of adam’
Definition of double predestination
God chooses those who will go to heaven and those that will be go hell
What is the church teaching?
God elects some to heaven and people send themselves to hell
Bible quote about predestination
‘For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son’ Romans 8:29
Why does Calvin believe in predestination
God must have control as he is all powerful
What are the arguments against limited election?
1) Doesn’t coincide with a loving God (Hick)
2) Inconsistencies in the Bible like the Parable of the Sheep and the goats
3) Why would people strive to live a moral life?
What does Karl Barth say about the trinity?
‘The doctrine of the trinity fundamentally distinguishes the Christian faith from any other religious tradition’
How can Redemptoris Missio link to unlimited election?
Jesus is offered to everyone as it talks of the duty of missionary
What does Karl Barth say of Christ being the way into heaven?
‘no condemnation, literally none, for those who are in Christ Jesus’
Bible quote to support unlimited election
John 14:6- ‘I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the father except through me’
What does Aquinas add to unlimited election?
He said that an act of faith was necessary for salvation
What are the criticisms of unlimited election?
1) If Jesus is the universal elector, how comes not everyone knows him?
2) Does this take away from the omnipotence of God?
What is the emphasis on for universalism?
the omni-benevolence of God
What teaching is universalism based on?
the teaching of compassion
Who could possibly support universalism?
Joseph Fletcher creator of situation ethics who narrowed down Jesus’ teachings to love