Elbow, wrists, and hand Flashcards
-Complex joint, with 3 sets of articulations.
-Capitulum / prox. Radius, trochlea / prox. Ulna, prox. Radioulnar joint.
-Is capsulated, annular ligament, bursa
-Lateral aspect forearm; wrist/finger extensors, supinator (radial nerve)
-Medial aspect forearm; wrist/finger flexors, pronator (median/ulnar nerve)
elbow blood and nerve supply
-Brachial artery – bifurcates into the ulnar and radial artery at cubital tunnel
-Ulnar nerve crosses elbow posteriorly at cubital tunnel
A 42-year-old plumber with right elbow pain presents to the clinic. The pain had been present off and on for years, but is now getting worse and causing him to drop objects. There is no history of injury or trauma. The symptoms worsen when the patient engages in lifting activities with the elbow and wrist in extension
lateral epicondylitis
-Overuse / repetitive use injury
-Very common
-Pain is localized to lateral humeral epicondyle, at tendinous insertion of wrist extensors (ECRB).
-Pain is reproduced with wrist extension against resistance and palpation.
-“Tennis Elbow”
-Activity modification
-Unloader brace/band- compresses muscle -> takes load off the tenson and puts on the muscle
-Physical Therapy
-Steroid injection
-PRP injection
-Surgical release
medial epicondylitis
-Mechanism: Overuse / trauma to area
-Often seen in throwing sports (“Pitchers elbow” & “Golfer’s elbow”)
-Less common
-Pain is localized to medial humeral epicondyle. (Medial Common Flexor Tendon)
-Reproduced by action, palpation
-Activity modification
-Physical Therapy
-Steroid injection
A PA student has been experiencing swelling and pain in his right elbow for a couple of weeks. He admits to studying excessively with his elbows resting on the table and now complains of a large mass overlying the posterior aspect of his elbow
olecranon bursitis
-May be large edema at olecranon, usually non-tender, not “infected”—aspirate clear, Treatment includes aspiration (send for C+S if at all suspicious of septic bursitis)
-Compression with ACE wrap
-Steroid injection
-Activity modification.
-ABX if infected. Possible surgical I&D
non septic vs septic elbow
A 40 year old account executive was horseback riding when she was thrown from her horse and landed on her right arm. She has immediate onset of pain, swelling and bruising around her elbow. She has also been complaining of increased stiffness.
radial head fracture
-MC elbow fracture in adults
-Fall on outstretched hand
-Type I: difficult to identify
-Type II: <30% of radial head
-Type III: comminuted
-Type IV: complex
-Pain & stiffness with forearm supination & pronation
olecranon fracture
-Mechanism: Fall on flexed elbow
-Sx: Pain, swelling, unable to extend elbow
-Nondisplaced: Reduction, long arm splint with elbow in 90 deg flexion
-Displaced: Surgical with tension band, plate & screw or IM screw
-Complications: Ulnar Neuropathy
cubital tunnel syndrome
-Ulnar nerve trapped at elbow, +paresthesia, +tinnel sign, +froments sign
-In severe cases patient will have a “claw hand”
-Night splint
-Activity modification
-Surgical release (Ulnar nerve decompression and possible anterior transposition)
-Articulations include:
-Distal radioulnar joint
-Radiocarpal joint
-Midcarpal joint
-Carpometacarpal joint
-1st carpal - metacarpal joint (thumb basal joint) is the trapezio-metacarpal joint.
-Thumb basal joint M/C site of arthritis in the hand. Repetitive motion injury.
-Thumb basal joint is a “saddle joint”
-Lunate – Kienbock’s Dx. (AVN)
-Scaphoid (Navicular)- most important (and fx’ed) bone in wrist, in constant motion, a lot of ligament attachment, precarious blood supply
wrist (dont need to know)
-Ligaments of the wrist are numerous. They are critical in articulation stabilization.
-Consider ligamentous damage with chronic pain and negative X-ray
-Radius and Ulnar
-scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum, pisiform
-trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, hamate
dorsal tunnel (dont know this)
-6 dorsal tunnels transport extensor tendons to the hand
-Each tunnel has its own tendon compartment.
-Tunnel 1- abductor pollicis longus, extensor pollicis brevis.
-Tunnel 2- extensor carpi radialis longus, extensor carpi radialis brevis.
-Tunnel 3 -extensor pollicis longus
-Tunnel 4 - extensor digitorum communis, extensor indicis
-Tunnel 5 - extensor digiti minimi
-Tunnel 6 - extensor carpi ulnaris
A 32-year-old female presents with a chief complaint of right wrist pain. The pain is located to the radial aspect of the wrist and is worse when she lifts her newborn or if the wrist is forced into ulnar deviation.