Elbow , Wrist Hand Exam Flashcards
What is classical presentation for lateral epicondylitis?
- Aggravated by resisted wrist extension (pt feels pain with wrist extension)
- Pain over lateral epicondyle
Tennis elbow is overuse of ….?
Extensor tendons
Golfers elbow is overuse of …?
Common flexor tendons
Classic presentation of medial epicondylitis?
- Pain with resisted wrist FLEXION
2. With or without grip weakness
Medial epicondylitis could affect what nerve?
Ulnar nerve
This commonly results after trauma from leaning on elbow ….
Olecranon bursitis
Tinel sign can be used to test for 3 things. What are they?
Medial epicondylitis
Olecranon bursitis
Carpal tunnel
What is the most common compression neuropathy ? What nerve is involved?
Carpal tunnel
Median N.
Flick sign would be associated with?
Carpal tunnel
DeQuervains Tenosynovitis is inflammation of?
Tendon and synovial sheath covering:
Extensor pollicis brevis
Abductor pollicis longus
Positive Finkelstein test is indicative of ?
De quervains tenosynovitis
What joints are involved in RA?
Wrists, MCP, PIP joints
Which condition presents with symmetric joint pain, swelling or stiffness?
Rheumatoid arthritis
Osteoarthtritis involves which joint?
Felty syndrome manifestations (3)?
Severe RA
Swan neck deformity and boutonnie deformity is observed in pts with?