Elbow and Wrist pathology Flashcards
lateral epicondylitis
Chronic degenerative condition due to
overuse injury to common extensor
muscles; often from racquet sports or
medial epicondylitis
Chronic degenerative condition due to
overuse injury to flexor tendons;
baseball pitching, golf club swinging
lateral epicondylitis presentation
Ages 30–50 years; pain over lateral
epicondyle of humerus mainly with
gripping activities; poor mechanics or
faulty equipment; +ve special tests
medial epicondylitis presentation
Pain over medial epicondyle, including
forearm and wrist, mainly with gripping
and excessive pronation activities; +ve
special tests
lateral epicondylitis treatment
RICE; NSAIDs; cryotherapy; thermotherapy;
TENS; increase strength, flexibility, and
endurance of wrist extensors; may use strap
medial epicondylitis treatment
RICE; NSAIDs; cryotherapy; thermotherapy;
TENS; increase strength, flexibility, and
endurance of wrist flexors; may use strap
colles fracture
Fx of distal radius due to FOOSH or blow to palmar side of wrist; fragment often displaced in the dorsal and posterior direction, can lead to “dinner fork”
smiths fracture
Fx of distal radius due to fall on the back of flexed hand or blow to dorsal side of wrist; fragment often displaced in the palmar and anterior direction, can lead
to “garden spade” deformity
colles fracture presentation
Wrist pain, swelling, and deformity; limited
ROM; tenderness over distal radius Complications: complex regional pain; decreased grip strength; loss of ROM;
CTS, extensor pollicis longus tendon tear X-ray used for diagnosis
smiths fracture presentation
Wrist pain, swelling, and deformity; limited
ROM; tenderness over distal radius Complications: complex regional pain syndrome, CTS, malunion X-ray used for diagnosis
colles fracture treatment
NSAIDs; closed or open reduction; external
or internal nail fixations; casting; splints; edema reduction; isometrics; PROM, AROM, and AAROM; stretching; modalities
(hot pack, paraffin wax, cryotherapy, TENS); increase strength, endurance, and
smiths fracture treatment
NSAIDs; closed reduction; casting; splints; edema reduction; isometrics; PROM,
AROM, and AAROM; stretching; modalities (hot pack, paraffin wax, cryotherapy, TENS); increase strength, endurance, and coordination