Elbow Flashcards
Radiocapitellar Line
Line running along the radius and radial head should pass through the capitellum. If not, the radial head is dislocated
This is ALWAYS true on a lateral elbow x-ray
This line can be affected by radiographic positioning
of proximal 1/3 ulna with dislocation of the radial head
The radiocapitellar line is not straight
Monteggia #
Anterior Humeral Line
Line down the anterior cortex of the humerus should have 1/3 of the capitellum anterior of it.
If less than 1/3, chances are high of a posteriorly displaced supracondylar #
This line is not useful in very young children when there is only partial ossification of the capitellum
Fat Pads
ANTERIOR FAT PAD: always visible
- only indicative of a # if displaced away from the humerus
POSTERIOR FAT PAD: always abnormal if visible
Displacement of fat pads requires the arm put into a collar and cuff until orthopaedic assessment
supracondylar #
most common elbow # in 4-8yo
can cause vascular damage, nerve damage, malunion or deformity
Elbow Ossification
C - capitellum - 1 year R - radial head - 3 years I - internal epicondyle - 5 years T - trochlea - 7 years O - olecranon - 9 years L - lateral epicondyle - 11 years
The trochlea always ossifies after the internal epicondyle.
If you see trochlea but no internal epicondyle, it could be an avulsed internal epicondyle
AP Elbow Positioning
- Elbow abducted, extended and in supination (palm to ceiling)
- centre between humeral epicondyles
- include distal humerus and proximal radius & ulna
- 55kVp 4mAs
Lateral Elbow Positioning
- Elbow abducted and flexed 90 degree
- Humeral epicondyles are superimposed
- Thumb points to the ceiling
- Centre over humeral epicondyles
- Include distal humerus and proximal radius & ulna
- wrist, elbow and shoulder all in the same plane
55kVp 5mAs
AP Radius and Ulna Positioning
- affected arm abducted, extended and in supination on detector (dorsum of hand on detector)
- humeral epicondyles are equidistant from detector
- centre midshaft
- collimate to include lateral skin margins, elbow joint and proximal carpal bones
- 55kVp 3mAs
Lateral Radius and Ulna Positioning
- affected arm is abducted and flexed 90 deg at elbow. Ulnar aspect of wrist in contact with detector, hand is perpendicular to detector.
- hand, elbow and shoulder should be in the same plane
- centre midshaft
- collimate to include elbow and proximal row of carpals, lateral skin margins
- 57kVp 3mAs