ElasticBeanstalk Flashcards
_____ _____ is a service for deploying and scaling web apps developed in many popular languages: java, .net, PHP, Node.js, python, ruby, go, docker on to widely used app server platforms like apache, tomcat, nginx, passenger, and IIS.
elastic beanstalk
You upload the code, and ________ will handle deployment, capcacity provisioning, load balancing, auto scaling, and application health.
you retain full control of the underlying AWS resources powering your app and you pay only for the AWS resources required to stire and run your apps ie: ec2 and s3.
T or F
Beanstalk is the fastest and simplest way to deploy your app in AWS
T or F
Beanstalk auto scales your app up and down
T or F
With beanstalk, you can select the EC2 isntace type that is optimal for your app.
T or F
With Breanstalk, you cna retin full administrative control over the resources powering your app, or have EB do it for you.
T or F
managed platform updates feature automatically applies updates for your OS, Java, PHP, Node.js, etc.
T or F
bealstanlk allows you to monitor and manage app health via a dashboard
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beanstalk is integrated with cloudtrail and cloudforamtion for performance and data metrics
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Beanstalk is integrated with cloudwatch and x-ray for performance and data metrics.
T or F
Beanstalk suppprts several options for processing deployments:
All at once
rolling with additional batch
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All at once deployment updates deploys the new version to all instances simultaneously
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All at once deployments none of your instances are out of service while the deployment takes place.
All of your instances are out of service when the deployment takes place
T or F
All at once deployments - you iwll experience an outage while the deployment is taking place - not ideal for missions critical prod systems.
T or F
All at once deployments….if the update fails, you need to roll back the changes by re-deploying the original version to all your instances.
Rolling deployment policy…
- Deploys the new version in batches
T or F
Rolling deployment policy…
- each batch of instances is taken our of service while the dpeloyment takes place.
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Rolling deployment policy…
your environment capacity will be reduces by the number of instances in a batch while the deployment takes place.
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Rolling deployment policy…
is ideal for performance sensitive systems.
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Is not idea for performance sensitive systems.
Rolling deployment policy…
IF the update fails, you need to perform an additional rolling update to roll back the changes.
T or F
Rolling with additional batch policy
Launces additional batch of instances.
T or F
Rolling with additional batch policy
Deploys the pervious version in batches
T or F
Deploys the new version in batches.
Rolling with additional batch policy
maintains full capacity during the deployment process.
T or F
Rolling with additional batch policy
If the update fails, you need to perform an additional rolling update to roll back the changes.
T or F
Immutable deployment policy
deploys the new version to a fresh group of instances in their own ASG
T or F
Immutable deployment policy
when the new instances pass their health checks, they are moved to your existing ASG; and finally, the old isntances are terminated
T or F
Immutable deployment policy
maintains full capacity during deployment process
T or F
Immutable deployment policy
the impact of a failed update is far less, and the rollback process requires only terminating the new ASG
T or F
Immutable deployment policy
Preferred option for mission critical prod systems
T or F
T or F
Advanced Elastic Beanstalk
You can customize your EB env using EB config files.
ie: you can define packages to isntall, create Linux users and groups, run shell commands, specify services to enable or configure your LB,. These files are written in YAML or JSON format. they can have a filename of your choice but must have a config extension and be saved inside a folder called .ebextensions.
Advanced Elastic Beanstalk
Location of Concifg files
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The .ebextensions folder must be included in the top-level directory of your app source code bundle. This means that the config files can be placed under source control along with the rest of your app code.
Advanced Beanstalk
T or F
- You can customize your EB env by adding config files
- the files are writtin in YAML, JSON, and C++
- Files have a .txt extension
- The .config files are saved to the .ebextensions folder
- Your .ebextentions folder must be located in the top level directory of your app source code bundle.
T, F, F, T, T
The files are written in YAML, and JSON
File have a .config extension
RDS and Beanstalk
T or F
- EB supports 3 ways of integrating an RDS DB with your beanstalk environment.
- You can launch the RDS instance from withing the EB console, which means the RDS instance is created within your EB env. A good option for dev and test.
- However, this may not be ideal if your DB is tied to the lifecycle of your app env. If you terminate the env, the DB instance will be terminated too.
F, T, T
-EB supports 2 ways of integrating an RDS DB with your beanstalk environment.
RDS and EB
T or F
- For the prod env, the preferred option is to decouple the RDS instance from your EBS env. ie: launch it outside of EB directly from the RDS section of the console.
- This option gives you a lot more flexibility, allows you to connect multiple env. to the same DB, provides a wider choice of DB types, and allows you to tear down your app env. without affecting the DB instance.
T, T
T or F
- To allow the EC2 instances in your EB env. to connect to an ourside DB, there are 2 additional config steps required:
1. An additional SG must be added to your env’s ASG.
2. You’ll need to provide connection string config info to your app services (endpoint, PW) using EB env. properties.
T, T
Beanstalk supports deployment of docker containers
t or f