Elastic Beanstalk (EB) Flashcards
Which kind of EB environment uses an ELB?
Web Environment
- Elastic Beanstalk environments:
- Web environment
- Load balanced Environment
- ELB → ASG → Instances
- Single instance Environment
- Public IP → ASG → Instace (1)
- Load balanced Environment
- Worker environment
- SQS → ASG → Instances
- Web environment
Which kind of EB environment uses an auto scaling group?
- All of them
- Both (Worker E. and Web E.)
The 2 kinds of Elastic Beanstalk environments
Web Environments & Worker Environments
Which EB web environment type requires a public IP address?
Single-Instance Environment
Which EB web environment type is best designed to easily scale?
Load Balanced Environment
The 2 types of EB Web environments
Single-Instance Environment & Load Balanced Environment
Which 2 deployment policies support a single instance environment?
Immutable (ɪmˈjutəbəl)
All at once
The 4 types of deployment policies available for Elastic Beanstalk
All at once, Rolling, Rolling with additional batch, Immutable
How would you recover from a failed, all at once, deployment? What do you have to do to rollback manually?
Re-deploy the old version again to all instances
This EB deployment policy takes all instances out of service while the deployment processes
All at once deployment
How would you handle a failed Rolling with additional batch deployment?
One answer
Perform an additional rolling update to roll back changes
This EB deployment policy creates then replaces your instances in small groups ensuring application capacity is never reduced
Rolling with additional batch
Which of the deployment methods have a manual roll back process?
1- All at once
2- Rolling with additional batch
3- Rolling
- If you want to roll back an Immutable deployment you need to terminate new instances
- If you want to roll back a Blue/Green deployment you need to swap URL
Which deployment method do perform a DNS change during deployment?
Blue/Green is when deployments swap environments and it ocurrs at the DNS level
By default what kind of updates does EB perform?
Immutable Is consider an In-Place deployment because you have a route 53 and an environment and inside that environment you have an ELB and some instances, That means the deployment happens within your environment when you swap the traffic at the Load Balancer
With Blue / Green, There is a change at the DNS level (Route 53), in that moment you have two environments
With blue/green deployment where must your database be stored?
Outside of your EB environment
What is the name of the hidden folder in your EB project that stores configuration files?
What are some common things you would set with EB configuration files?
Linux / Windows Server Configuration
EB Option Settings
IAM User Passwords
Custom Resources
Linux / Windows Server Configuration
EB Option Settings
Custom Resources
What are some of the keys would you find in an environment manifest file?
There are only six elements in the answer.
- Platform: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) (PlatformArn: …:us-east-2::platform/Java 8 running…)
- SolutionStack: The full name of the solution stack used to create the environment (64bit Amazon…)
- OptionSettings: Configuration option settings to apply to the environment (InstanceType: t2.micro)
- Tags: Up to 47 tags
- EnvironmentTier: The type of environment to create (Name: Worker)
- EnvironmentName: The name of the environment to create
Where do you need to store your environment manifest (env.yml) file?
In the root of your EB project
This special file is stored in the root of an EB project folder and contains important information about the projects environment
Environment Manifest (env.yml)
What are some common Server Configurations you can customize with EB configuration files?
AWS Accounts
Container Commands
Container Commands
What is the EB CLI command to initialize a new EB project directory?
eb create
eb deploy
eb init
eb open
eb init
What is the EB CLI command for viewing the health status (ˈstætəs) of your environment?
eb health
eb monitor
eb create
eb status
eb status
What are some (2) benefits of using a custom image for EB?
Cheaper than the default AMI
Improved provisioning time for new instances
More secure than the default AMI
Allows you to install a lot of additional software
Allows you to install a lot of additional software
Improved provisioning time for new instances
How does Immutable work?
It creates the same amount of servers, and switches all at once to new servers, removing old servers
What does deployment policy require an ELB? (There are 4 deployment policies)
Rolling deployment polices require an ELB
Rolling cannot be used with Single-Instance Web Environments because it doesn’t have an ELB
What is Elastic Beanstalk?
What are its 3 key features?
- It’s a service for deploying and scaling web applications and services without thinking about the infrastructure
- Type of environments (Web and Worker)
- Deployment methods (All at once, Rolling…)
- Rollback process (Manual, Terminate new, swap URL)