elastic beanstalk Flashcards
What is Elastic Beanstalk?
Elastic Beanstalk is the quickest and easiest way to deploy and scale web applications.
What programming languages are supported by Elastic Beanstalk?
Elastic Beanstalk supports Java, PHP, Python, Ruby, Go, .NET, and Node.js.
What are the benefits of using Elastic Beanstalk?
Elastic Beanstalk provisions AWS resources for you, performs sysadmin tasks, and allows you to manage EC2 instances or take full administrative control.
What are the Elastic Beanstalk deployment types?
The Elastic Beanstalk deployment types include: All at Once, Rolling, Rolling with Additional Batch, Immutable, and Traffic Splitting.
What is the All at Once deployment type?
The All at Once deployment type involves a service interruption where everything goes down. Rolling back requires a further All at Once Update.
What is the Rolling deployment type?
The Rolling deployment type involves reduced capacity during deployment. Rolling back requires a further rolling update.
What is the Rolling with Additional Batch deployment type?
The Rolling with Additional Batch deployment type maintains full capacity. Rolling back requires a further Rolling Update.
What is the Immutable deployment type?
The Immutable deployment type maintains full capacity. To roll back, delete the new instances. It is the preferred option for mission-critical production systems.
What is the Traffic Splitting deployment type?
The Traffic Splitting deployment type performs an Immutable deployment and then splits the traffic between the old and new deployment, enabling canary testing.
What are the two options for deploying RDS when working with Elastic Beanstalk?
The two options for deploying RDS when working with Elastic Beanstalk are: inside Beanstalk and outside Beanstalk.
What is the inside Beanstalk option for deploying RDS?
Inside Beanstalk, it is quick and easy to add a database. However, the database is also terminated when you terminate the Elastic Beanstalk stack. This option is suitable for development and testing only.
What is the outside Beanstalk option for deploying RDS?
Outside Beanstalk, deleting the stack doesn’t impact the database. Additional configuration is required, such as security group and connection information. This option is suitable for production environments and offers more flexibility.
What are the two options for deploying RDS when working with Elastic Beanstalk?
The two options for deploying RDS when working with Elastic Beanstalk are: inside Beanstalk and outside Beanstalk.
What is the inside Beanstalk option for deploying RDS?
Inside Beanstalk, it is quick and easy to add a database. However, the database is also terminated when you terminate the Elastic Beanstalk stack. This option is suitable for development and testing only.
What is the outside Beanstalk option for deploying RDS?
Outside Beanstalk, deleting the stack doesn’t impact the database. Additional configuration is required, such as security group and connection information. This option is suitable for production environments and offers more flexibility.
What is the Windows Web Application Migration Assistant for Elastic Beanstalk?
The Windows Web Application Migration Assistant for Elastic Beanstalk, formerly named the .NET Migration Assistant, is an open-source, interactive PowerShell utility that migrates .NET applications from on-premises Windows servers to Elastic Beanstalk.
What are the customization options for Elastic Beanstalk environments in Amazon Linux 1?
In Amazon Linux 1, customization options include using the .ebextensions folder. This folder should be located at the top-level directory of your application source code bundle. Files within this folder must have a .config extension (e.g., myhealth checkurl.config).
What are the customization options for Elastic Beanstalk environments in Amazon Linux 2?
In Amazon Linux 2, customization options include using the BUILDFILE, PROCFILE, and PLATFORM HOOKS. The BUILDFILE is created in the root directory of the application source and contains commands that exit upon completion (e.g., shell scripts). The PROCFILE is used for defining long-running processes, such as custom commands to start the application. PLATFORM HOOKS are custom scripts or executables that run at various stages, such as during EC2 instance provisioning. Examples include platform/hooks/prebuild, platform/hooks/predeploy, and platform/hooks/postdeploy.