El Robo Del Siglo Flashcards
Ni Reparó
No noticed
Ojos brotados
Sprouted eyes
Sacudir (la cabeza)
To shake (the head)
Self absorbed
Ni siquiera
Not even
Peleamos por ese puesto
We fight for that position
Corrio un riesgo
Took a risk
según a michael dispuestas
According to michael, they are ready (willing)
Un atraco
A hold up (robbery)
Nunca se ha oído hablar
Never heard (one) talk
Unas joyas
Some jewels
Qué pena que no seas honrado
Too bad he was not honest.
Sus hojuelas
His flakes
Sus hojuelas
His flakes
Enviar y Entregarlas
Send and Deliver them
Se va a preguntar por qué ?
She’s going to ask herself why?
No valían gran cosa
Not worth much
Las habrías aceptado
You would accept them
Si No hubiésemos esculcado
If we would not have searched
De ninguna manera
By no means
A menos
At lease/unless
Ella se levantó y subió las escaleras.
She rose up and climbed the stairs.
Deshacerme de ellos despues
To rid myself from them after.
Me costaría
It will cost me
Hay que actuar con naturalidad
(We) One has to act naturally.
to bury someone in the ground
when one is cremated
el féretro / ataúd
to not stop snoring
No para de roncar
he will not flourish if he continues like that
No florecerá si sigue así (sub. prosperará)
to sprout up, to shoot up (burried then ‘return’ up).